问题标签 [drake]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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drake - 德雷克可视化工具未连接到谷歌云上的显示


这是 Ubuntu 18.04 gcloud 实例,安装了最新的 drake 源代码。

abhi@drake-instance:~/drake$ bazel-bin/tools/drake_visualizer qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: 无法连接到显示器 无法连接到任何 X 显示器。

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python - 在 ForceElement 的子类上调用 super().__init__() 导致未定义构造函数


但是得到以下错误就行了ForceElement.__init__(self, front_wheel.model_instance())

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drake - Drake Rigid_body_tree calculating the jacobian question

I am currently trying to calculate the jacobian of a kuka arm using the "rigid_body_tree.cc" file for the equation: Tau = J^T*F, where Tau is the 7 joint torques of the kuka arm, F is the cartesian forces and torques at the end-effector, and J^T is the jacobian transposed.

There exists a function in drake called transformPointsJacobian which takes in a cache, points, from_body_or_frame_ind, to_body_or_frame_ind, and in_terms_of_qdot.

The function first calculates the geometric Jacobian which outputs a 6x7 matrix (kuka has 7 joints)

Then, it takes that matrix and uses it to determine a 3x7 jacobian which is calculated below:

J.template block<kSpaceDimension, 1>(row_start, *it) = Jv.col(col);

J.template block<kSpaceDimension, 1>(row_start, *it).noalias() += Jomega.col(col).cross(points_base.col(i));

This shrinks down the 6x7 geometric jacobian into a 3x7 jacobian where the first 3 rows were calculated by Jv + Jw*Transformation.

This code definitely works, but I don't seem to understand why this step works. Also, since I will need the torques in the cartesian end-effector space, I will need the full 6x7 jacobian.

In order to get the last 3 rows of the jacobian, how can I use the output of the geometric jacobian so that it will be valid in the equation, Tau = J^T*F?


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drake - 使用 Python 序列化 Drake 对象

有什么方法可以使用 pickle 或其他方式序列化和反序列化对象(例如 pydrake.trajectories.PiecewisePolynomial、Expression ...)?


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drake - DRAKE_RESOURCE_ROOT 在 Drake Docker 中未设置



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segmentation-fault - Segmentation fault (core dumped) by the programming solver

This piece of example code: ''' import numpy as np import pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram as mp from pydrake.solvers.ipopt import IpoptSolver def foo(x): return np.sign(x)

''' returns the error: Segmentation fault (core dumped), when I run it under termial opened by the jupyter notebook, provided by the course: http://underactuated.csail.mit.edu/Spring2019/install_drake_docker.html. (while the code itself already proved right here,https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/issues/12410)

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c++ - 如何使用 InverseKinematics 解决 MultibodyPlant 上的 IK?

我试图使用 InverseKinematics 来解决 MultibodyPlant 的 IK。我试图为其添加一些位置约束,然后执行求解器。


我不确定我是否正确使用了 InverseKinematics。有人对此有解决方案吗?或者也许其他方法来为 RigidbodyTree 做 IK?

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docker - 首次通过 Docker 启动可视化工具时出现 Drake libGL 错误

我正在运行全新安装的 Ubuntu 18.04。我将我的 NVIDIA 驱动程序降级为 390.129(尽管说明仅提到在安装 Drake 时支持 CUDA,但我没有这样做)。

我已经使用此处的说明安装了 Docker 并构建了 Drake (不支持 NVIDIA)。docker build --file setup/ubuntu/docker/bionic/Dockerfile --tag drake .工作并docker run --interactive --tty drake bash开始没有任何问题。

当我尝试使用 GUI 启动 Drake 时xhost +local:root; docker run --env=DISPLAY --env=QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --interactive --ipc=host --privileged --tty --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw drake; xhost -local:root;,我收到此错误:

知道问题是什么吗?我是否也必须在容器中安装我的 NVIDIA 驱动程序?谢谢。

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jupyter-notebook - RuntimeError: 你不应该在 `Formula` 上调用 `__bool__` / `__nonzero__`,


from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve import numpy as np

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drake - 网格_不_支持接近度:在 DRAKE

当我尝试将 URDF 机器人模型导入 drake 时,出现此错误“[console] [warning] Meshes is not supported forproximity:”。我无法弄清楚这个错误背后的原因,或者为什么 drake 无法加载完整的 URDF 模型。