问题标签 [carla]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
python - 在 ROS 中发布函数中计算的值
我正在为自动驾驶系统开发 ROS。我在函数中定义并计算了一个值“优先级”,如下所示:
现在,我想通过我定义的发布者发布 ROS 中的值。我创建了一个新主题并使用了“std_msgs.msg”包中的“Float32”类型,因为“优先级”是一个浮点值。我对发布者的尝试如下:
在上面的代码中 - 我正在创建这个主题 - /carla/{role_name}/camera/rgb/view/priority - 并且想将“优先级”的值发布到这个主题 - 但是,我无法弄清楚想办法做到这一点,我仍然坚持如何通过仅使用 msg 包中的 Float32 类型来发送关于我的主题的优先级值。任何建议都会非常有帮助。
unreal-engine4 - CARLA - 创建自定义语义标签不起作用
- 我创建了两个新文件夹,ChevronSign 和 YellowLine
- 然后我将标签添加
- 然后我编辑
最后在in 中定义了一个颜色代码LibCarla/source/carla/image
- 我更改了默认标签的颜色并检查颜色是否会改变。它没。
- 我尝试使用 重建 carla
make CarlaUE4Editor
- 所以我检查了我的系统中是否还有其他
文件并将它们全部自定义为第一个。我找到了其中的 3 个。 在此处输入图像描述
然后我make CarlaUE4Editor
unreal-engine4 - 我在哪里可以找到 CommonTireConfig 或者我应该如何添加它?
在为 carla 装配车辆时,我在 UnrealEngine4 中找不到 CommonTireConfig。我应该怎么办?
actor - 将传感器倒置
cam_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(z=-0.3),carla.Rotation(yaw=0))
python - 如何将 PLY 文件转换为 PNG 图像?卡拉模拟器
你知道如何将 PLY 文件转换为 png 图像吗?
我有来自 CARLA 模拟器中激光雷达传感器的参考数据。参考数据以.ply
文件格式保存,其中包含每个点的 x,y,z 坐标。现在我需要将该数据转换为图像。KITTI 数据集做到了。这是来自 KITTI
的 .png 格式的激光雷达图像的16 位 png 文件。
3d-modelling - 如何在 CARLA 中将自导入的道具添加到地图中
我是 CARLA 的新手,我正在使用 GitHub 下载的 CARLA 版本。
将道具的 3D 模型添加到目录Import
opencv - Unreal simulated data (CARLA) to generate depth map using OpenCV
I'm working with a couple of RGB cameras (+depth cameras) in CARLA simulator (Unreal Engine environment). The cameras are attached to a vehicle (the position is relative to the car) at [0.5,-1,1.8]
and [0.5, 1, 1.8]
(left and right respectively, Unreal coordinate system). While the first camera is considered fixed during the simulation, the second camera position is perturbed by Gaussian noise in both position and rotation.
The cameras are horizontally displaced like a common stereo setup. Intuitively, the relative position of the second camera is [0+n_x, 2+n_y, 0+n_z]
where n_x
, n_y
, n_z
is the Gaussian noise in the three direction. Changing the coordinates to the OpenCV ones, the resulting relative position is [2+n_y, -n_z, n_x]
(the minus sign on n_z
come from the fact that the axis are inverted).
Basically, I run the following code to get the relative position in OpenCV:
Since OpenCV expect a translation vector and not the coordinates with respect to the first camera, this vector is multiplied by -1
. Other than the position, also a rotation perturbation is applied in the three angles, roll, pitch and yaw by mean of gaussian noise computed separately. The values of the noise for the position and rotation are stored for every frame.
What I would like to compute, is the disparity map using OpenCV. I know that I have a depth camera, but I use it just as a ground truth.
After all this introduction, here are the questions:
- Is the formulation of the translation above correct, or am I missing something swtiching from a coordinate system to another?
- How should I manage the rotation? I'm really confused here. I haven't understood if I need to transform the angles or not (I suppose that at least the yaw value should be inverted due the opposite direction of the two axis in the two coordinate system).
- What should I pass to the
function? The relative position defined byt
and the relative rotationR
are fine?
Thank you everyone in advance.
EDIT (additional information):
- Unreal's transform order:
Scale -> Rotation -> Translation
Regarding the rotation, the order is roll->pitch->yaw
tensorflow - 安装张量流的问题
当我使用 pip install tensorflow 命令时,会出现错误:-''' 错误:pip 的依赖解析器当前未考虑所有已安装的软件包。此行为是以下依赖冲突的根源。tf-nightly 2.6.0.dev20210601 需要 gast==0.4.0,但你有 gast 0.3.3,这是不兼容的。tf-nightly 2.6.0.dev20210601 需要 h5py~=3.1.0,但你有不兼容的 h5py 2.10.0。tf-nightly 2.6.0.dev20210601 需要 numpy~=1.19.2,但你有 numpy 1.18.5 这是不兼容的。'''
git - 试图克隆一个 git repo 它卡在克隆到
我正在使用 Windows 10 Ver 10.0.19042 Build 19042
, GIT Ver 2.32
尝试使用 git bash 执行以下命令
git clone --depth=1 -b carla https://github.com/CarlaUnreal/UnrealEngine.git .
来克隆carla项目时,它会一直显示消息cloning into '.'
- 将 HTTPS 替换为 HTTP
- 我已经为 Windows 安装了 Open SSH
另外,请注意,我已经使用该命令从 git 复制了其他 repos git clone <git_repo>
我想毫无问题地克隆 repo 有任何帮助吗?