问题标签 [cinema-4d]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
python - 如何根据文件名创建文件夹和移动文件
我正在学习 Python,并且正在学习 Codeacademy 的课程,但需要尽快学习特定的脚本。
本质上,我正在寻找一种可以在 Mac 和 PC 上部署的工具,它可以执行以下操作:
- 读取源目录
- 接收来自用户的关键字列表
- 在文件名中搜索这些关键字
- 如果在文件名中找到关键字,则以该关键字为标题创建一个文件夹,并将所有带有该关键字的文件移动到目标文件夹中。
该工具将与常见的 3D 图形包 Cinema4D 一起使用。默认情况下,它将所有帧呈现到一个目录中,但将各种输出放置到自己的文件夹中时,通常更容易使用它们。
看看这个.zip 文件。它包含一些可以用作测试平台的 .tif 文件。理想情况下,此脚本可以输出名为“RGBA”“Object_01”等的单独文件夹。
在您的帮助下,我想制作这个工具供我自己以及整个 Cinema4D 社区使用(我会给你功劳)。我已经尝试过使用这个脚本,但无法移动文件。我只能创建文件夹,尽管很笨拙。
rotation - Yaw、Pitch 和 Roll 分别与 Heading、Pitch 和 Bank 是一样的吗?
我有两个不同的系统(引擎 A,引擎 B)。引擎 A(Motive Tracking Software)生成(Yaw、Pitch、Roll)和引擎 B(Cinema 4D)预期(Heading、Pitch、Bank)。
converter - 如何将 SVG 文件转换为 Cinema 4D 读取的矢量格式(如 Adobe Illustrator ai 文件)
我有 Cinema 4D、Photoshop 和 Inkscape。我在 Inkscape 中有一堆矢量图形的东西,我想将它们作为矢量引入 Cinema 4D 以制作 3D 对象。我找到了有关使用 Photoshop 创建 Adobe Illustrator*.ai
文件的教程。如果我在 Photoshop 中创建路径并保存为 ai 文件,我可以导入 Cinema 4D 并且它可以工作。我的问题是,如果我导入 Inkscape SVG 文件,它会以位图的形式出现,并且我会回溯图像以创建路径。那将是很多回溯。
我得到了 uniconvertor 并通过“sudo python setup.py install”安装了它。如果我使用命令行尝试转换,则不会发生任何事情。如果我寻求帮助“uniconvertor --help”,什么也不会发生。没有错误没有输出。Inkscape 似乎使用它,因为现在我在安装它之前没有收到错误。但它似乎真的不起作用。
所以,我的终极问题是如何将我的 Inkscape 矢量绘图并将它们作为矢量放入 Cinema 4D 以制作它们的 3D 对象(怀疑能够以某种方式在中间转换为 Adobe Illustrator ai 文件但不知道) ?
3d - 从纹理(黑白)创建网格(几何)
这是从黑/白纹理制作 3D 网格(几何)的方法吗?
源纹理是黑白贴图。背景为黑色,纹理内部有白色箭头。现在我需要用白色创建 3d 网格。任何类型的 3D 程序,3Ds max,...
python - 嵌套for循环索引超出范围
我想出了一个相当微不足道的问题,但由于我对 python 很陌生,所以我把头砸到了我的桌子上一段时间。(伤害)。虽然我认为解决这个问题更合乎逻辑......首先我不得不说我正在使用适用于 Cinema 4D 的 Python SDK,所以我不得不稍微更改以下代码。但这是我试图做和努力的事情:我正在尝试对一些多边形选择进行分组,这些选择是动态生成的(基于一些规则,不是那么重要)。以下是它的数学工作方式:这些选择基于岛屿(意味着有几个多边形连接)。然后,必须将这些选择分组并放入我可以使用的列表中。任何多边形都有自己的索引,所以这个应该很简单,但就像我之前说的,我在那里很挣扎。
主要问题很容易解释:我试图在第一个循环中访问不存在的索引,导致索引超出范围错误。我尝试先评估有效性,但没有运气。对于熟悉 Cinema 4D + Python 的人,如果有人愿意,我会提供一些原始代码。到目前为止,很糟糕。这是简化和改编的代码。
添加第二个列表后,将由 填充extend
animation - 实心球体穿透字母 L 的实心墙
python - Cinema 4D - Import xlwt location
I'm trying to read excel from Cinema4d using python. I believed this can be achieved using XLWT
. Where did I should copy and pasthe the XLWT
package in Mac? I know in Window the location is here :C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D version\library\python\packages\
. How about Mac?
javascript - 如何使用 3.JS 和 Leap Motion 进行心跳?
所以我有一个场景,其中包含从 Blender 导入的心脏 3D 模型。
我已经将它与 Leap Motion 连接起来,这样我们就可以移动和旋转心脏模型。
我希望能够使心脏变大和缩小(模拟跳动的心脏)并播放跳动的心音效果,但前提是有人与 Leap 交互。
我是 3.JS 的新手,不知道从哪里开始。
model - XNA蒙皮模型纹理模糊中的Cinema4d模型
我对 XNA 有疑问。我使用 Cinema 4D 制作模型并导出为 .fbx 格式
我应该使用其他 3D Modeller 还是我这里有问题?
javascript - Workflow: Animation project to Web Background. Is WebGL/HTML5/ Javascript a viable alternative to video background limitations. Advice needed.
As many before me, I now face the greatest challenge any web dev/designer must encounter: creating a personal portfolio. If you're a perfectionist like me, then you know how difficult it is to find satisfaction in any one idea, especially when that idea is meant as a direct reflection upon your talent, skills, and overall ability. Making a website for a client: No problem. Making a website for yourself: Battle of the Century.
My previous personal portfolio websites were always basic, in that they used many of the common elements one might find in a typical web portfolio. A little jQuery Isotopes here, a little Scroll.js there, wrap it up behind Foundations framework for responsive design. Boom. Instopresto, you've got a portfolio...one that looks and feels like everyone elses.
Now I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. A portfolio should accomplish what it is meant to do, display ones previous experience/work and encapsulate ones overall "ability" or skill level.
For this round I really wanted to go with a full width video background. The other design elements are easy to pull off. Give the site an offset menu, perhaps go with a onepage minimalistic design, or use Ajax for page/content navigation.
I keep having trouble with the video background. It's the limitations we face with HTML5 video and how it displays on mobile device. Forcing or tricking a user into having to press a play button is one extra step that kills the idea, and using an image as a fallback defeats the awesomeness of using a video in the first place.
There is an alternative though. Using Three.js and taking advantage of the technology offered in machines today via graphics rendering, let's create an animation for use as a full width background. It's cross browser compatible and works well on tablets and mobile devices.
My question is to those with heavy Javascript or python experience and those who have utilized three.js before. I typically use Cinema4D for animation as it provides a fluid and seamless workflow between itself and After Effects. I've already created a 3D element, given it animation, and created a camera to capture it all.
How can one export from Cinema4D for WebGL use and Three.js. Most tutorials/information on the web is extremely outdated. Even a viable workflow from C4D to Blender to WebGL would work for me if only someone who understands the process could explain it.
Here are a few examples that have fueled the inspiration behind this project:
http://mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/threejs/css3d/periodictable/ - Built using CSS3 for the overall functinality, this is AWESOME and really what I am going for in replicating aesthically.
http://blogs.truthlabs.com/2013/11/12/illustrator-webgl-workflow-tips/ - This tutorial is fantastic, but being based out of Blender I am in no mans land. For a simple solution, this works fine. Creating in C4D would take no time at all, its how to get it to WebGL.
Thank you for any advice and taking the time to read through this post.
-Cheers, Branden Dane