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pointers - cgo pointer value changed

I made bindings to a C api (bullet physics engine) using cgo, some functions make use of data pointers. The idea is that I can attach a pointer to an object and retrieve it later when the physics engine invokes a callback. My problem is that when i get the value back, it change and I didn't do it. It seems that no source code is explicitelly changing the value.

CollisionObject: source, header, The go codes that interracts with that class

heres how i send the values, the reconversion to *int and int is fine, the correct numbers are printed:

But when I get it back from a raytest the value changed:

the pointer value itself didnt change, i can look up and see that there was a pointer pointing to this location, but the value its pointing at is different.

Now i'm wondering if maybe go didn't clean the value (garbage collected) since it wouldn't be used anymore and replaced this memory location with something else.

example output (with junk values removed):

ANY pointer (hehe) is appreciated :)

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java - Libgdx 子弹 getRayFromWorld() 坏了



无济于事。检查 libgdx github 我不明白发生了什么变化。有任何想法吗?

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unity3d - 碰撞后如何销毁物品

我正在创建一个 fps 游戏,我已经创建了枪、子弹和敌人。现在我想让我的敌人在与子弹碰撞后被摧毁。我的敌人是一个名为 Fire 并标记为 Enemy 的游戏对象,我的子弹名为“Cube 1(Clone)”并标记为“Cube 1(Clone)”。我为此制作了一个脚本:


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opengl - 如何将子弹物理应用于绘制的 Opengl 3d 形状

我只是想知道是否有办法将子弹物理应用于opengl绘制的对象(使用glVertex3f或带有glVertexAttribPointer的三角形网格创建)。我目前正在使用 jogl 和 jbullet 将物理应用到我的 3D 对象。具体来说,如果我为 3d 对象的三角形网格形状提供顶点缓冲区。我需要 Bullet 基于三角形网格形状创建一个 CollisionShape,并将物理应用到它,同时将物理应用到绘制的 opengl 对象。目前,物理碰撞形状可能会移动(在子弹中),但绘制的 opengl 形状不会。

否则,我是否可以创建一个碰撞形状,在每个模拟步骤后应用物理后获取碰撞形状的顶点,然后根据顶点的位置绘制对象。我已经查看了子弹的 Hello world 示例,但它仅帮助我将物理应用于 opengl 对象的位置(基于 z、y、x 轴_而不是酷的东西,例如立方体的一角击中平面开始滚动和旋转。

如果有人能给我一些可以做到这一点的代码或演示,那就太好了。或者给我一些关于如何完成这项工作的提示。我已经看过这个关于子弹的教程:http ://www.raywenderlich.com/53077/bullet-physics-tutorial-getting-started 。但我似乎找不到关于如何将子弹应用于 opengl 对象的信息。

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3d - Libgdx - Bullet Physics 第三人称相机,随着时间的推移,物体变得更小或远离相机

我尝试了一个非常简单的第三人称相机,使用自由落体(在重力作用下)子弹球。在 render() 中,我尝试将相机位置设置为略高于球体,并根据球体的运动方向设置相机的外观。

球体最初在很短的时间内渲染正常,但后来它逐渐(大约 5 秒后)变小,或者可能远离相机或观察到球体大小的波动。




任何人都可以帮助我吗.. 我需要一个用于 libgdx 3d 的第三人称相机


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java - Libgdx blender bullet 模型、对象的最大尺寸


1) 可以在 libgdx 中加载的模型的最大尺寸(从混合器导出到 fbx 到 g3dj)是否有任何限制。2)子弹物理可以处理的对象的最大尺寸是否有任何限制。



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libgdx - Moving 3D charracter - I don't want any physics, expected of collisions, and gravity

I am working on a game. I constructed my player as here: (I am using a gravity on my world)


Then, in render method I am moving it:


That's nice! The moving now works good, when I am moving at the flat ground. Whenever there is an object before me, it is not as expected. Because my player shape is biger than object shape (which is 2.5f, 2.5f, 2.5f), it kind of falls on it. So I would like to set the rotation to be still the same, so the object will not be rotating (so it will not "fall" on the object before). And so I tried to do it, and I failed. Because there are functions like rotate, and I want to something like setRotation . And so, there is a setToRotation, but you can not pass there a Quaternion.

I need help. I tried to use a btKinematicCharacterController but it was bad. The ghostObject every time falled through object, but the objects got a collision from him.

and so I want to create a player movment, like in games like Wow, minecraft, and so on.

I looked at the btKinematicCharacterController again. The reason why my ghostobject falled through the ground was. Generally, I don't know the reason: D probably I was using another broadphase for ghost, that for world. This line fixes it: characterController.setUseGhostSweepTest(false); and I am getting another problem, when I am walking on my ground (a lot of objects), the character is getting to lesser Y position. I don't know why. Here is my construction:


How to fix this?

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opengl - 如何在 Bullet Physics 中旋转对象

在这里,我在 Bullet 中遇到了对象旋转问题。我想要实现的是同时围绕全局 x,y,z 轴旋转对象。(这里全局意味着轴x,y,z在旋转过程中不会改变)我有下面的代码

但它不像我预期的那样工作。顺便说一句,下面的代码每次围绕 x、y、z 轴之一旋转对象效果很好。


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bullet - 子弹物理,强制物体停止

我正在编写一个程序,试图通过对其状态的离散测量来模拟对象的行为。我正在使用 jBullet 进行模拟。问题是测量可能是错误的。例如,如果对我的对象施加力 X 使其移动,然后是使对象停止的力(也就是有人将对象推到墙上)。撞击报告的施加力可能与 -X 略有不同,结果是轻微的加速度被留下来覆盖漂移。

有没有办法在 Bullet 中编写以下代码?

似乎我可以使用 getLinearVelocity / setLinearVelocity 更改对象的速度,但不能更改它们的加速度。


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collision-detection - 子弹物理质心和奇怪的物体反应



这是一个显示发生了什么的视频: https ://www.sendspace.com/file/78tncr


这就是我添加bolwing pin的方式:
