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twilio - 当没有工作人员可用时,如何确保隐藏 WebChat?




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twilio - 如何将初始 Twilio Flex WebChat 消息从“BOT”更改为更友好的名称?

我可以看到默认情况下显示给最终用户的第一条消息来自 "BOT" 。我如何将其更改为更“人性化”的东西?也许像“代理”之类的东西?




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twilio - 使用 twilio flex,创建不同环境的推荐方法是什么?开发、产品等

我意识到我可以从字面上启动一个完全不同的 twilio flex 项目,并让一个项目构成分离。但是有没有推荐的更好的方法来实现这一点?

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twilio - 为什么 Twilio Flex Worker 属性会自动更改?具体来说, Roles 属性

我注意到由于某种原因,当我在这里打开我的 Worker TaskRouter / Flex Task Assignment / Workers / 我的属性已经改变。具体来说,角色集合的更改如下所示(红色是系统更改前的值,绿色是系统更改后的值)

什么逻辑上可以改变这些值?它真的很糟糕,因为我已经根据这个值配置了 TaskRouter 任务。并且当值更改时,任务将不再被路由!

有什么东西可以自动更新这些值吗?特别是 Roles 属性?我无法想象为什么系统会觉得可以这样做,因为任务路由可能取决于这个特定的属性。


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reactjs - 如何创建 Twilio Flex UI 主题的 hml 元素

我想在我的组件中添加按钮、表单元素等,但它们看起来没有样式。如何让他们使用主题样式进行渲染?我可以使用的按钮/下拉菜单/选项卡或 css 类的任何常见组件以及如何使用?

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twilio - Twilio Flex - 转移聊天任务

我正在使用 Twilio Flex 构建一个内部支持工具。第一次部署将只处理来自 WebChat 小部件或 SMS 的聊天。我还没有找到将聊天任务转移到另一个可用代理的方法。我找到了语音的温暖转移,但没有找到聊天任务的方法。这可能吗?

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twilio - Twilio Flex Webchat - 最终用户终止聊天的能力

我正在使用 Twilio Flex 构建一个内部支持工具。第一次部署将只处理来自 WebChat 小部件或 SMS 的聊天。对于 WebChat 小部件,我找不到任何允许最终用户终止聊天的内容。这可能吗?

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twilio - 如何替换 twilio flex AgentDesktop 中的 QUEUES 内容?

我想替换 QUEUES 元素中的内容元素,或者删除它并添加一个自定义选项卡。这可能吗?




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twilio - 对于 Twilio Flex 中的语音任务,如何获取当前会议 ConferenceSid?

我可以看到,对于所有的语音交互,flex 在幕后使用它的语音 API 来创建呼叫者和工作人员之间的会议。选择并保留任务后如何获取创建的ConferenceSid?


我可以看到一个很长而且不是很漂亮的方法,即运行一个迭代每个会议的 twilio 函数,发出额外的请求来查看参与者。但这对我来说似乎很复杂。我可以在日志中看到正在打印会议友好


更新:下面的@philnash 准确地回答了这个问题。

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twilio - After creating conference in Twilio Flex using voice API, how do I add hangup button call controls for each participant?

Ive successfully been able to create a custom directory popout component on the right of flex in order to transfer to an external number. Ive used the Voice API through flex manually, and after doing so I notice that flex automatically adds most of the necessary controls to both the TaskDetailsPanel > ParticipantCanvas and TaskDetailsButtons. The only part missing is the hangup buttons, in ParticipantCanvas. How can I create them myself whil still perhaps using the controls provided by default if possible?

Also, I noticed that the mute button for participant 2 works, except it simply mutes the wrong participant, participant 1. (1 being first caller that is added to conference) I don't necessarily need the 'toggle' feature that the native flex has for warm transfer. I just the ability to mute, and remove participant(s) to start.

enter image description here

Here is the link for what its worth to the warm-transfer that was built into flex as of v1.11


I will eventually use this native transfer feature, but right now I need to transfer to external numbers only so I can roll out incrementally.

One approach I think might work is to listen for changes to voice task attributes, specifically the

How can I watch for task attribute changes and respond accordingly?

I see I can invoke 'KickParticipant' as described here.


Just need to figure out how to add UI controls which have references to each participant other than myself (since there are 3 participants technically). Hopefully this is possible within the existing TaskDetailsPanel so that I dont have to completely rewrite both TaskDetailsPanel and perhaps TaskDetailsButtons.

UPDATE: I have been able to successfully create a twilio function which kicks the participant. Ill update when I have a working version. Still need to figure out how to add kick buttons for each participant since there can be more than 1?