问题标签 [physics]
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iphone - iPhone流体模拟
有人知道 iPhone 的流体引擎吗?我需要水和气体模拟。
actionscript-3 - Box2D中下落的物体应该由于质心而旋转?
我正在尝试在 Box2DAS3 中模拟下落的气球。重要的是,如果气球侧向撞击或以一定角度掉落,则气球会下落,以至于您将其吹起的底部会朝底部旋转。
替代文字 http://lh4.ggpht.com/_gjsCWAV_CZc/Sw7zqHahTJI/AAAAAAAAC3s/YIJka4AsM5s/s144/Untitled.jpg
xna - Farseer Physics XNA Geom“绊倒”
有时,当玩家 geom 在它们之间穿过时,他似乎会夹到瓷砖 geom 的角落并因此旋转过来。
即使将惯性矩切换为防止旋转的无穷大,当它夹住边缘时,玩家 geom 也会“跳跃”。
这是 geoms绊倒图像的屏幕截图 http://notspike.com/PrototypeG/trip.png
有什么解决办法吗?我已经尝试过 Farseer 论坛,但它似乎很不活跃
java - Java中是否有可以进行集成的方法?
c# - 三角形 - 三角形相交测试
我想知道是否有一些教程或指南来理解和实现 3D 环境中的三角形-三角形相交测试。(我不需要知道交叉路口发生的确切位置,而只需知道发生了交叉路口)
我打算按照理论上的 pdf 来实现它,但我很困在
- 计算三角形 2 的平面方程。
- 如果三角形 1 的所有点都在同一侧,则拒绝为微不足道。
- 计算三角形 1 的平面方程。
- 如果三角形 2 的所有点都在同一侧,则拒绝为微不足道。
- 计算相交线并投影到最大轴上。
- 计算每个三角形的间隔。
- 相交区间。
本指南的第 5 点。我真的不知道在问什么(所有 5,6 和 7)。XD
由于我的数学知识不高(嗯,我知道大学的几门考试给了我(我是一个原始程序员 XD)),请尽量对我简单。:D (我试图在谷歌上搜索,但大多数链接指向一些 4-5 页的公式,我真的不想知道也不懂。)
math - Collision Detection between Accelerating Spheres
I am writing a physics engine/simulator which incorporates 3D space flight, planetary/stellar gravitation, ship thrust and relativistic effects. So far, it is going very well, however, one thing that I need help with is the math of the collision detection algorithm.
The iterative simulation of movement that I am using is basically as follows:
(Note: 3D Vectors are ALL CAPS.)
What I basically need to do is to find some efficient formula that derives from (EQ.2) above for two objects (obj1, obj2) and tell if they ever collide, and if so, at what time. I need the exact time both so that I can determine if it is in this particular time increment (because acceleration will be different at different time increments) and also so that I can locate the exact position (which I know how to do, given the time)
For this engine, I am modelling all objects as spheres, all this formula/algorithm needs to do is to figure out at what points:
where .Distance is a positive scalar value. (You can also square both sides if this is easier, to avoid the square root function implicit in the .Distance calculation).
(yes, I am aware of many, many other collision detection questions, however, their solutions all seem to be very particular to their engine and assumptions, and none appear to match my conditions: 3D, spheres, and acceleration applied within the simulation increments. Let me know if I am wrong.)
Some Clarifications:
1) It is not sufficient for me to check for Intersection of the two spheres before and after the time increment. In many cases their velocities and position changes will far exceed their radii.
2) RE: efficiency, I do not need help (at this point anyway) with respect to determine likely candidates for collisions, I think that I have that covered.
Another clarification, which seems to be coming up a lot:
3) My equation (EQ.2) of incremental movement is a quadratic equation that applies both Velocity and Acceleration:
In the physics engines that I have seen, (and certainly every game engine that I ever heard of) only linear equations of incremental movement that apply only Velocity:
This is why I cannot use the commonly published solutions for collision detection found on StackOverflow, on Wikipedia and all over the Web, such as finding the intersection/closest approach of two line segments. My simulation deals with variable accelerations that are fundamental to the results, so what I need is the intersection/closest approach of two parabolic segments.
algorithm - ePic - 与物理学有什么关系?
物理和技术有什么关系?我有兴趣学习这个 3d 照片查看器ePic中遵循的算法。
artificial-intelligence - 需要帮助破译射弹运动的公式
如果有人能用基本运算符(+ - * %)和函数(sin、cos、sqrt 等)将其分解成我能理解的东西,我将不胜感激。
python - 天体动力学引擎的类或元类设计
通常 a0 是物体的质点加速度 (a0 = -mu * r/r^3);“高阶”术语可能是由于其他行星、太阳辐射压力、推力等。
我正在实现一组旨在在这种系统上工作的算法。我将从 Python 开始进行设计和原型制作,然后我将转向 C++ 或 Fortran 95。
在这种情况下,实例 S 将默认为,例如,两个加速项,我将添加我想要的其他两个项:some acceleration
; 他们返回一个向量(这里表示为一个三元组)。请注意,在我的“实现”中,我重载了+
cocos2d-iphone - 弹丸运动计算与花栗鼠动力学
我需要实现一点 Ai,它可以向刚体施加脉冲以击中目标。就像从大炮发射的炮弹一样。我正在使用 Chipmunk Dynamics 作为物理引擎。
我的数学很糟糕,我的物理也很糟糕,但我一直在阅读,在 SO 的帮助下,以及来自这个维基百科条目的以下内容,我得到了这个
Box2d 有 PTM_RATIO,但我在花栗鼠中找不到类似的东西,那么我的值如何与花栗鼠中的空间坐标对应?
我知道弧度以及它们在度数上的差异,以及如何在两者之间进行转换。但是我应该在这里使用哪个?我应该将角度 1 和角度 2 转换为度数吗?即使我这样做了,它仍然不起作用。