我的答案很简单……这个问题在任意坐标系中都很难,所以将其更改为使问题变得简单的东西。xna 中的 Matrix 类有一个 CreateLookAt 函数,可用于在所有顶点上创建有用的变换。
下面的例子没有优化,只是为了理解解决方案而写的。异常及其对应的 if 语句都可以删除,以及一些向量转换。
public static bool CheckColision(Vector3 t1a, Vector3 t1b, Vector3 t1c, Vector3 t2a, Vector3 t2b, Vector3 t2c)
{//rotates each edge of the first triangle to the Z axis and checks the second triangle against it then repeats with the second one against the first, and lastly checks to see if all points of the second triangle are on the same side as the first
if(! CheckColisionLookAt(t1a, t1b, t1c, t2a, t2b, t2c))
return false;
if (!CheckColisionLookAt(t1b, t1c, t1a, t2a, t2b, t2c))
return false;
if (!CheckColisionLookAt(t1c, t1a, t1b, t2a, t2b, t2c))
return false;
if (!CheckColisionLookAt(t2a, t2b, t2c, t1a, t1b, t1c))
return false;
if (!CheckColisionLookAt(t2b, t2c, t2a, t1a, t1b, t1c))
return false;
if (!CheckColisionLookAt(t2c, t2a, t2b, t1a, t1b, t1c))
return false;
return CheckColisionAllOnOneSide(t1a, t1b, t1c, t2a, t2b, t2c);
public static bool CheckColisionAllOnOneSide(Vector3 t1a, Vector3 t1b, Vector3 t1c, Vector3 t2a, Vector3 t2b, Vector3 t2c)
{//simply performs a transformation to check if all points on one triangle are on the same side of the other triangle
Matrix m = Matrix.CreateLookAt(t1a, t1b, t1c - t1a);
t2a = Vector3.Transform(t2a, m);
t2b = Vector3.Transform(t2b, m);
t2c = Vector3.Transform(t2c, m);
if (t2a.X < 0 && t2b.X < 0 && t2c.X < 0)
return false;
if (0 < t2a.X && 0 < t2b.X && 0 < t2c.X)
return false;
return true;
public static bool CheckColisionLookAt(Vector3 t1a, Vector3 t1b, Vector3 t1c, Vector3 t2a, Vector3 t2b, Vector3 t2c)
{//performs a transformation and checks if all points of the one triangle are under the other triangle after the transformation
Matrix m = Matrix.CreateLookAt(t1a, t1b, t1c - t1a);
t1a = Vector3.Transform(t1a, m);// (0, 0, 0)
if ( ZERRO < Math.Abs(t1a.X)|| ZERRO < Math.Abs(t1a.Y) || ZERRO < Math.Abs(t1a.Z))
throw new Exception();
t1b = Vector3.Transform(t1b, m);// (0, 0, maxZ)
if (ZERRO < Math.Abs(t1a.X) || ZERRO < Math.Abs(t1a.Y))
throw new Exception();
t1c = Vector3.Transform(t1c, m);// (0, maxY, someZ)
if (ZERRO < Math.Abs(t1a.X))
throw new Exception();
t2a = Vector3.Transform(t2a, m);
t2b = Vector3.Transform(t2b, m);
t2c = Vector3.Transform(t2c, m);
if (t2a.Y < 0 && t2b.Y < 0 && t2c.Y < 0)
return false;
return true;