问题标签 [pre-increment]

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c++ - 如果我在同一个语句中使用前置增量和后置增量会发生什么?


那个有趣的陈述实际上发生了什么?后增量应该在语句完成后增加 x 的值。那么对于该语句,第一个 x的值保持为 5。在预增量的情况下,第二个 x的值应该是 6 或 7(不确定)。

为什么它给z的值是0?是5 - 5还是6 - 6?请解释。

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c - 一元操作有时是自杀性的。用 C 代码搞砸


我的问题是为什么i是:392?根据我的输出应该是336。(因为6 * 7 * 8 = 336


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c - Pre vs post increment operator profiling results

I was profiling the pre vs post increment operator in C (out of curiosity, not for micro-optimization purposes!), and I got some surprising results. I expected the post increment operator to be slower, but all of my tests show that it's (non-trivially) faster. I've even looked at the assembly code generated by using the -S flag in gcc, and post has one extra instruction (as expected). Can anyone explain this? I'm using gcc 4.8.1 on Arch Linux.

Here is my code.

EDIT: There is an integer overflow error in my code. It doesn't effect the question, but you should note the actual number of iterations is different from the argument passed in.



Here are the results:

I also wrote a timing script a while ago. Running that gave the same results:

The output is mostly self explanatory, but the idea is that it runs both programs 10 times (by default) and calculates the mean and standard deviation of the results in milliseconds.

I've included the assembly code generated by gcc for post.c and pre.c on pastebin, since I didn't want to clutter this post with things that might be unnecessary.

Sorry for bringing this debate up again, but these numbers just seem strange to me.

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post-increment - 程序的输出((困惑))



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java - Java:前置、后置运算符优先级

我对 Java 中的运算符优先级有两个类似的问题。


根据Oracle 教程
后缀 (expr++, expr--) 运算符的优先级高于前缀 (++expr, --expr)


但是 Java 似乎忽略了 PRE/POST 排序并将它们放在一个级别上。所以真正的顺序:

是什么导致答案为 (10 * 12 * 12) = 1440。






步骤 1-4 应与上述相同。所以,在第 4 步之后,我们有类似的东西:


然后我想:好的,a = 2+3应该a是这样5。但答案只是4



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c++ - c++中的运算符优先级和运算符关联性规则


我期待它是61。究竟是a += a + ++a;做什么的?

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c++ - simple c++ loop prefix postfix operator

So I am working on a book, and I understand how these things work, but I am seeking a more concrete explanation of why this prints 6 and 8. Please help me.


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c++ - 前置增量和后置增量


一次迭代后“产品”是否变为 25?

并且“商”是否在一次迭代后变为 5/6?

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c# - C# 中的增量运算符魔术

为什么此代码的输出给出值 100。请帮助我理解这种行为。

我在 C 和 C# 编译器中运行了相同的代码。在 C 编译器中给出值 200 在 C# 编译器中给出值 100。


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c - 为什么 if 语句中的表达式 a==--a true?

为什么第二个 if 语句为真?

输出为:真 1 真 2
