问题标签 [oculusgo]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - Unity for OculusGo:通过触摸板沿 z 轴移动对象


现在,我想使用 oculus go 的触摸板沿 z 轴制作选定的对象。但是我不知道该怎么做。这是我用来附加到父级的功能:




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virtual - 如何在 Oculus Go 上预览 Unreal Engine 4 项目

两天前我开始了 UE4 和 Oculus Go 的开发。我看到了人们能够立即将设备连接到 UE4 的 youtube 视频。

我遵循了完整的文档。打开开发者模式,安装 Android SDK,启用插件和文档中的每一个小步骤。

现在,当我通过 USB 连接 Oculus go 时,它会显示在 Launch 选项中,名称为“ Pacific(something) ”,我在上面部署了启动 VR 项目,但没有任何动静。如何在 Oculus 上控制它?

第二件事,无论我做什么,VR 预览都是灰色的。

UE4 版本 - 4.20.3

机器 - Windows(i5、8GB)


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aframe - 无法在 Oculus Go 上控制 VR 中的相机位置

我正在使用 aframe 为 Oculus Go 创建体验。我有一个简单的“世界”,我可以使用 Oculus Go 控制器在它周围移动。但是,我似乎无法在任何时候设置初始相机位置或重置相机位置。最初的问题意味着我的观点总是贴近地面。





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oculus - 已安装 Oculus Go 移动 SDK,缺少 VrSamples

我安装了 Oculus Go Mobile SDK,并想使用 VrSamples 中的示例项目来开始了解开发。但是,似乎与初学者最相关的一个,并且在我看到的所有教程/文档中都被引用,不包括在内。即从https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/package/oculus-mobile-sdk/安装 Oculus Go Mobile SDK 后,在 VrSamples 中我只看到以下项目:


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aframe - AframeVR Aframe Oculus Go 从 altspace vr 应用程序复制控制器功能

我想在 Altspace VR Oculus Go 应用中复制控制器功能。

如何使 Oculus Go 控制器触发为单击,同时按下触控板触发弧形传送,触摸触摸板上的左或右触发右转或左转,按下触控板触控板触发向后移动,点击后退按钮会触发一个菜单,其中包含在 Oculus 浏览器中退出 webvr 模式的选项。


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android - multiple videos on OculusGo, Android - app is crashing

[EDITED] I'm preparing an application for OculusGo = Android In the scene there's 4 characters represented by video clips. Video size between 10mb - 30 mb each.

All video are with the shader GoogleVR/Unlit/TransparentOverlay The videos were encoded to WebM/ VP9/ keep alpha with Adobe encoder. The videos further transcoded in unity to Android, VP8 (again).

The videos loaded from a resources folder at the begining of the scene, and then when it's time to play them VideoPlayer.Play() is called from each one of them and finally they all play together. (Start one after another and continue together).

The issue is: My app is crashing when the third video is supposed to play. It doesn't crash when I "prepare" the video, but only on "VideoPlayer.Play()"

Here's my current code:

This is the errors I get from logcat (using command: logcat |grep -i unity)

ActivityManager: Force removing ActivityRecord

Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9

Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!

InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel

Please help, I've been trying for two weeks to get these videos to run simultaneously.

Also I read about using different thread here: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/113096/how-to-not-freeze-the-main-thread-in-unity and about videos playing simultaneously here: Unity App freezes when loading Multiple Videos on same Scene

I ran logcat (not unity one), and this is what I got right after video preparation has ended:

Screenshot from terminal

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chromium - VR 到 VR 过渡期间的自定义加载屏幕?(Oculus GO | Oculus 浏览器 | A-Frame | Three.js)

在 VR 到 VR 的过渡期间,我们是否可以控制浏览器的加载屏幕?我目前正在使用 oculus go(oculus 浏览器)进行开发。默认加载屏幕是一个带有微调器的空白空间,在过渡期间拥有自定义内容会很好。

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unity3d - 使用 Unity 构建的 Oculus Go VR 应用程序中的 Web 浏览器

我目前正在尝试找到一种在 VR 应用程序中使用 Web 浏览器的方法。基本上,目标是在面板中打开类似https://stackoverflow.com的页面,并使其可通过 oculus go 控制器滚动。

我已经对插件进行了一些研究以实现这样效果,但它们似乎都不适用于 oculus go。

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unity3d - Oculus Go APK 上的 360 度视频故障

我已经向 Gear VR 发布了相同的 Unity 360 视频应用程序,它在 Oculus Go 上运行良好并且习惯了。但是,最近在 Oculus Go 上通过 VideoPlayer 加载新场景或播放视频文件时出现了此故障。有谁知道删除这个甚至是什么的方法?它没有出现在 Unity 编辑器中,并且似乎已本地化到 Oculus Go。


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three.js - How to respond differently to ray casting? (VR)

How can I respond differently depends on the type of element?

The first thing that comes to my mind is to check the type of the mesh, but it will not work with complex objects like button (Plane + Text + Hitbox).

For example:

If Button then change the color of the text

If Sphere then scale it two times