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mobile-robot-toolkit - 手动编译 mrpt 后,我​​在构建 mrpt 文件时遇到问题

我正在尝试将每个系统与之结合,ros但在此之前我想检查它是否运行良好,所以我运行 file on CLion,但出现了这些错误。


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compatibility - About ROS_RMPT_SLAM package compiling issue

While doing catkin_make ROS_MRPT_SLAM, I got following error

I guess it's compatibility matter or something because there were missing header files and so on.

This is the ROS_PACKAGE wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/mrpt_slam

And I just followed instruction from official MRPT website.

If the developer or anyone who is familiar with mrpt toolkit sees this question, may I get some advice about these errors?

By the way, I installed mrpt toolkit using the following website's instruction: http://www.mrpt.org/MRPT_in_GNU/Linux_repositories.

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c++ - Tracing a segmentation fault in a 3rd party library: cv::ImageCodecInitializer destructor crashes

We're developing a framework, which directly uses mrpt-1.9 which in turn uses OpenCV 2.4. We were writing unit tests, which segfault when the tests exists (e.g., during cleanup) with an OpenCV error: cv::String::deallocate()

What I have tried:

running with valgrind

AFAIK this could be either us calling an MRPT function incorrectly, or a bug in MRPT itself.

running it with gdb:

I've been trying to debug it in gdb, but I can only go as far as getting the backtrace, but not which part of our code is the one responsible for it. Since it seems to happen after main exits, it is really confusing. Even worse, the class we construct (but do not actually do anything with) does not contain any MRPT classes or objects, so I am guessing this is in MRPT libraries and not our framework.

I've set a breakpoint at break cv::ImageCodecInitializer::~ImageCodecInitializer

and I got as far as:

searched for opencv-2.4 debug

The app is build with debug symbols, but the system does not appear to have opencv-2.4 with debug symbols, so I keep getting the optimized out warning.

searched for actual point of offending function

I've gone through the minified debug executable we've built in order to try and pin-point the issue, and then tried searching for the actual function:

Then I tried to find what GDB has to say about those addresses:

But I can't go anywhere from there, so I searched in GDB to find who constructs this:

Again optimized out.

searched for library which uses the offending function

The function is in libopencv_highgui.so.2.4 so I am guessing that one of MRPT libs is using it, so I went searching for which MRPT libs we're linking against which is using it, and found it:

So, I found that:

And then:

I know this is the library creating the issue, because in our project we use opencv-3.3 statically linked against it. Sadly, the repository we're using does not have debug symbols for MRPT either:

And even worse:

And this is where the journey ends.

What are my options?

  • use another version of mrpt?
  • compile mrpt with debug symbols?
  • compile opencv-2.4 with debug symbols?

Any help, hints or tips are greatly appreciated. If this question is too localized, does not conform to SO standards, please leave a comment and I will update it.

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c++ - MRPT 库 COpenGLScenePtr 未命名类型




可能是什么问题 ?有没有人帮我摆脱这个请。

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navigation - MRPT ROS 节点:rviz 中的 2D 导航目标不起作用

我最近开始使用 mrpt-ros-pkg 并使用以下命令启动文件:

一切正常,除了我无法在 rviz 上使用 2D Nav Goal 让机器人移动。我将数据发布到/move_base_simple/goal主题,但机器人没有移动。

但是,当我向 rviz 添加面板并将 Teleop 与 topic 一起使用时/cmd_vel,我可以在机器人周围导航(无需定义目标位置)

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ubuntu - 设置机器人尺寸

我正在为大学项目使用 MRPT,特别是 CHolonomicVFF 类。我制作了一个 ROS 节点,它实现了一个简单的避障功能,它似乎可以工作,但我需要一种方法来指定机器人尺寸。我检查了 CHolonomicVFF 类 wiki,但没有发现任何帮助。


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mobile-robot-toolkit - COccupancyGridMap2D 中的 insertObservation 方法正在产生扭曲的结果

insertObservation中的函数COccupancyGridMap2D接受两个参数,即CPose3DCObservation2DRangeScan值,即使这两个值都是准确的且没有噪声,网格会产生扭曲的边界。我唯一能想到的scan.aperture设置可能会产生这种效果,但这些设置在 2*PI 范围内是正确的,并且点云的其他视觉助手根本没有显示任何翘曲。下面是一个例子。

与地面实况正方形边界相比,右侧的占用网格发生了扭曲。左边的点看起来很好,并且使用相同的光圈和加载 FromVectors 设置。 图片


这是 simplePointsMap 图(红点)与 OccupanyGrid 的图像


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mobile-robot-toolkit - 如何从 Rawlog 文件中以 txt 格式进行 3d 扫描?

我是 C++ 编程的新手,我目前正在尝试使用带有 mrpt 的 kinect 和 Hokuyo 传感器。rawlog-grabber 应用程序允许我从两个传感器获取扫描,并且我可以使用 rawlog-edit 将 2D-scan (Hokuyo) 作为 txt 文件获取。但我似乎无法将 3D 扫描(kinect)作为 txt 文件获取,我不知道是否有可能:rawlog-edit 没有显示任何类型的功能。


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c++ - MRPT CDisplayWindow3D 崩溃,使用 Windows 二进制文件

我正在使用 mrpt 构建一个项目。我在 c++ 项目 Visual Studio 2015 64 位中链接 Windows 二进制文件。当我运行此代码时,创建一个窗口:








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c++ - MRPT Graph Slam 最小示例

我试图想出一种使用 MRPT 运行图形 slam 应用程序的“最小”方式。传感器数据(LaserScan / Odometry)将由类似于 ROS 的自定义中间件提供。在广泛阅读文档和源代码(MRPT 和 ROS 桥)之后,我想出了以下代码片段:
