问题标签 [text-rendering]
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html - HTML 表格中的垂直(旋转)文本
是否有(便携式)方法将 HTML 表格单元格中的文本旋转 90°?
c# - 使用 asp.net 和 C# 在 Web 应用程序中呈现分页文本
嗨,我有一个大的 html 格式的文本。我想在页面中显示文本(如在 MS Word 中)。有没有办法做到这一点?
c++ - C++ D3DX 字体和转换(需要 d3d9 和 d3d10 解决方案)
是否有更好的免费字体渲染器围绕该 id 花费我的时间来允许这样的事情。我看到很多人出于各种原因抱怨 d3dx 字体界面,但从来没有链接到更好的支持 unicode 的渲染器...?
c++ - 在 direct3d 应用程序中呈现格式化文本
我需要渲染一些格式化的文本(颜色、不同的字体大小、下划线、粗体等),但是我不知道该怎么做。D3DXFont 只允许一次呈现单个字体/大小/粗细/颜色/等的文本,我看不到一种实用的方法来“组合”对 ID3DXFont::DrawText 的多次调用来做这些事情......
我环顾四周,似乎没有任何现有的库可以做这些事情,但我不知道如何实现这样的文本渲染器,我什至找不到任何关于这样的文本渲染如何工作的文档,仅渲染简单的固定宽度的 ASCII 位图字体,这可能是一种完全不同的方法,仅适用于渲染 Unicode 不重要的简单文本块。
如果没有能够执行此操作的 direct3d 字体渲染器,是否有任何其他渲染器(例如,用于在普通窗口中渲染富文本),并将这些渲染器渲染到 RAM 中的纹理,然后将其上传到视频卡以渲染到后台缓冲区产生合理的性能?
c++ - Hardware accelerated Unicode text rendering
I want to write a hardware accelerated text renderer using Free Type 2 to load the fonts, find the correct glyphs and their sizes etc.
My plan to do this is to have a large texture containing glyphs (for a given font,size,etc) in video memory, and a table for each texture defining information about the contents of the texture in system memory.
I can then use the table to build a vertex buffer to render the text.
The problem I'm facing is the construction of the texture, it is not practical to create a texture for every glyph in Unicode, there just too many. For Ascii in the past I just built the texture in an image editor and then filled out the table as needed myself in advance, however for this I will need some kind of dynamic system that will get the glyphs needed, but also efficently cache them to avoid repeated uploads of the same glyph to vram...(some sort of least commonly used system I guess)
Another problem is not all glyphs are the same size, I could split the texture up into a grid big enough for the largest glyphs (which I need some way to accurately work out) which makes fitting the glyphs onto the texture easy and replacing them with new glyphs (based on the least commonly used or something), however that leaves a lot of wasted space, but i'm not sure how to more efficiently pack them without running into problems with fragmentation as glyphs are swaped in and out...
Also I assume updating the texture could stall the graphics hardware if the texture is still being used for some previous text, is this a correct assumption and how can I avoid it if its the case?
android - 在 OpenGL ES 中绘制文本
我目前正在为 Android 平台开发一个小型 OpenGL 游戏,我想知道是否有一种简单的方法可以在渲染帧的顶部渲染文本(比如带有玩家分数的 HUD 等)。文本也需要使用自定义字体。
python - 使用 PIL 进行字体裁剪
此图像是使用 PIL 创建的。看看这张图片中的 g 和 y 是如何被截断的?我怎样才能防止这种情况?
我尝试了几种不同的字体,但它总是被剪裁。令人惊讶的是,谷歌搜索“PIL 字体剪辑”返回的有用点击很少......我在 Ubuntu 9.10 上使用 python 2.6.4 和 PIL 1.1.6
performance - 如何为 GUI 进行 OpenGL 实时文本渲染?
我正在实现一个基于 OpenGL 的 GUI。我遇到了每个 GUI 都会遇到的问题——文本渲染。我知道在 OpenGL 中呈现文本的几种方法,但是,我想知道哪种方法最适合 GUI。
通常在 GUI 中我们有两种类型的文本——静态的和实时的。静态很容易——我们可以将一个 TTF 渲染到一个纹理上然后忘记它。更让我困扰的是“实时”文本——想象一下控制台,或者多人游戏中的实时聊天。
- 没有特殊情况 - 每次文本更改时渲染和加载纹理,请记住仅在实际出现新文本时重新渲染它,并尝试将较大的文本分成小部分(如每个聊天行)。然而,这仍然会让我们陷入困境,比如一直在变化的分数线,或者呈现“每个字符”的介绍文本(在某些科幻游戏中看到的打字机风格)
- 四字符 - 这似乎也是一个流行的解决方案,您使用 ASCII 表准备纹理并渲染纹理四字符。但是,我严重怀疑这种解决方案的效率。如何加快速度的提示也将受到欢迎。
- 混合解决方案——但是我不知道如何干净地实现它
因此问题是——如何有效地在 OpenGL 中渲染文本?
如果这有帮助,我正在使用 STL/Boost-heavy C++ 进行编码,并针对 GForce 6 及更高版本的显卡。
cross-browser - Is there any difference in major browsers' rendering across operating systems?
I have long believed that the only difference as far as the rendering of major browsers on different platforms is concerned is operating systems' underlying font-rendering technology, everything else relying upon the same libraries included with the browser.
As far as my research takes me, this is something that front-end developers either believe or don't. It seems we can chose either. I'm in a bad spot because I've always believed there was no difference, and now I am being told that before I publish any piece of front-end-impacting work I must carry out thorough testing on Mac as well as Windows.
To be clear, I am aware of the differences in text rendering (Tom Phiney covers the issue in depth here: http://www.thomasphinney.com/2009/12/browser-choice-vs-font-rendering/). The grey area I cannot find any documentation on is whether or not there are any either disparities.
Are there any authoritative articles of a technical bent giving a definitive answer either way?