I have long believed that the only difference as far as the rendering of major browsers on different platforms is concerned is operating systems' underlying font-rendering technology, everything else relying upon the same libraries included with the browser.

As far as my research takes me, this is something that front-end developers either believe or don't. It seems we can chose either. I'm in a bad spot because I've always believed there was no difference, and now I am being told that before I publish any piece of front-end-impacting work I must carry out thorough testing on Mac as well as Windows.

To be clear, I am aware of the differences in text rendering (Tom Phiney covers the issue in depth here: http://www.thomasphinney.com/2009/12/browser-choice-vs-font-rendering/). The grey area I cannot find any documentation on is whether or not there are any either disparities.

Are there any authoritative articles of a technical bent giving a definitive answer either way?


3 回答 3


Though I'm not aware of any specific differences for browsers between operating systems (they are usually fixed pretty quickly after being found), you can check any specific site using BrowserShots.

于 2010-01-26T16:03:36.950 回答


所以这并不是一个真正公平的问题,因为这就像在不同系统如何渲染图形的背景下尝试比较粉笔和奶酪。不要忘记,在 Windows 的情况下,有更广泛的图形驱动程序,原因很简单,Windows 今天拥有很大的市场份额(我希望 Linux 占有更大的份额,我是 Linux 粉丝)。

以 Linux 为例,出于竞争原因,并非所有视频图形制造商都会开放其图形驱动程序以使其在 Linux 的 X 接口下工作。尽管到今天为止,由于用于与图形硬件通信的库不同,X 下的图形非常出色且流畅,但是您仍然无法将图形输出与 Windows 的图形输出进行比较,因为底层硬件驱动程序本质上是非常不同的. 图形非常成熟并且越来越坚固。

您可以尝试将真实字体复制到 Linux(但这在版权问题和 EULA 方面值得商榷),以查看字体渲染是否更好……这可能违反版权等……

以 wxWidgets 为例,它努力使图形在 Linux 和 Windows 或 QT 工具包中保持一致,这正是使其可移植性和外观相同的本质。Mono 是另一个例子,它上面的 WinForms 非常成熟,与 .NET winforms 的 Windows 等价物几乎相同。



于 2010-01-26T16:11:09.267 回答


于 2010-01-26T16:09:34.033 回答