问题标签 [stochastic-process]
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r - 马尔可夫过程(使用 R 编程)
考虑 5 个状态{1,2,3,4,5} 上的马尔可夫过程 Xt 以及相关的速率矩阵
如何生成 R 代码来估计这个过程从状态 4 开始到达状态 5 的概率?</p>
testing - 如何检查人工神经网络结果不是偶然的
我完全理解 ANN 背后的理论(在这种情况下,使用反向传播进行前馈)。随着网络的学习,权重会相应调整以给出正确的结果。但是,由于涉及随机元素,即使用随机权重来初始化网络,我如何检查所产生的结果不仅仅是偶然/纯巧合?
random - The plots of co-variance functions should start from 0-shift
The following was my question given by my teacher,
- Generate a sequence of N = 1000 independent observations of random variable with distribution: (c) Exponential with parameter λ = 1 , by inversion method.
- Present graphically obtained sequences(except for those generated in point e) i.e. e.g. (a) i. plot in the coordinates (no. obs., value of the obs) ii. plot in the coordinates (obs no n, obs. no n + i) for i = 1, 2, 3. iii. plot so called covariance function for some values. i.e. and averages:
I have written the following code,
He has commented,
The plots of co-variance functions should start from 0-shift. Note that for larger than 0 shifts you are estimating co-variance between independent observations which is zero, while for 0 shift you are estimating variance of observation which is large. Thus the contrast between these two cases is a clear indication that the observations are uncorrelated.
What did I do wrong?
How can I correct my code?
stochastic-process - 错误:找不到对象
我是 R 新手,我正在模拟一个实验来应用一些理论结果。实验是这样的:在拉里仓库,顾客的数量是泊松分布的,参数为lambda
为什么 R 说对象k_sold
matlab - matlab仿真错误
我对 Matlab 完全陌生。我正在尝试模拟 Wiener 和 Poisson 的组合过程。
plot - GnuPlot 数据的可变列索引
我编写了一个程序,它生成 N 条布朗运动轨迹,增量为 I~N(0,dt)。我正在测试它们的条件 W(1)>=1 && W(2)>=2。当然,作为输出,我将时间点数据保存在文件“Wiener_data.dat”中。现在满足条件 1 的点保存在“Wiener_data_pts1.dat”中,条件 2 保存在“Wiener_data_pts2.dat”中。我将满足这两个条件的轨迹索引保存在单独的文件“Wiener_data_index.dat”中。
我想要做的是:像这样在 GnuPlot 中绘制轨迹: N=1000 Trajectories
python - 使用 Ornstein Uhlenbeck 模型计算毫秒数据时,dt 应该等于多少?
ornstein uhlenbeck 是以下 SDE:
dx_{t}=\theta (\mu -x_{t})\,dt+\sigma \,dW_{t}
通常 dt 以年为单位,但这是必要的吗?