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installation - 如何为应用程序 D3DX redist 安装测试模拟“干净的 PC”?

这是一个常见问题,开发人员 PC 安装了 D3DX redists 和 VC++ redists,而最终用户 PC 可能没有。如果您有一台用于安装测试的“干净的 PC”,那么在您安装的那一刻,它就不再干净了。

特别是对于 D3DX redist,有没有办法删除 redist,所以除非它的安装程序正确安装所需的 redist 版本,否则我的应用程序将无法运行?

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c++ - DirectX 11 Effects

I'm trying to learn DirectX 11 and am writing a small application using Visual Studio 2013 for Windows 7. I'm following the book "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11" and so far everything's gone okay. I've just come up to the part of the book where it shows the BoxApp example and I'm just working through the code trying to implement something similar in my app just to get a better understanding of whats going on.

I've come across an issue with the following deprecated library functions used in the example code:

Firstly just to see if I understand why these are no longer available, my understanding as to why these functions no longer exist is that the D3DX header files and libraries have been deprecated for Windows 8. Originally they were helper libraries provided in the DirectX SDK for Dx9, and then provided by the Os for Dx10 before being deprecated for Dx11.1(2)?

Now my main question is how would I go about compiling shaders and effects without the deprecated D3DX headers? I'm just a bit confused about the correct way to go about this.

To me it seems there are two options:

  1. Download the helper libraries Effects11 which'll give similar previous functionality.
  2. Use the D3DCompiler library and compile effects manually.

Like I said I'm not quite sure which the best option would be (or even if there's a better alternative option(s)). My understanding is Effects11 was introduced more for support of older Dx10 that needed to be ported to Dx11. As I've not got any Dx10 code to port I'm not too fussed about that support, I'm not too fussed about Metro app support in Windows 8 (I think thats the right term for them?) either but if the D3DCompiler path would mean support for metro apps as well then I guess that'd be desirable.

Anyway, any advice or insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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directx-11 - 从 CDXUTSDKMesh 获取 ID3DXMesh

在 DirectX 11 演示应用程序中,我使用 aCDXUTSDKMesh作为我的静态几何图形。它已加载并已显示。

我正在这个应用程序中做一些与预计算辐射转移相关的实验。这ID3DXPRTEngine将是一个非常方便的工具。不幸的是,D3DX 和 DXUT 在那里似乎不太兼容。


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d3dx - 如何在课堂上使用 Xmfloat(从 d3dx 迁移)

我正在尝试迁移到 directxmath,但是新代码给我带来了一些麻烦..


所以,我现在遇到的问题是 XMVector3Length 无法从 Vec3* 转换为 _m128





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c++ - Directx11 - DeviceContext::ClearRenderTargetView 崩溃

发生的事情是 ClearRenderTarget 不断在我的代码上崩溃,我想知道为什么。





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direct3d - 未解决的外部错误 (d3d)



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directx - 如何使用 d3d11Device 创建两个 2dTexture?

我在 d3d11 中创建两个 2dtexture,如下所示: m_device->CreateTexture2D(&D3D11Tex, NULL, &tex1); m_device->CreateTexture2D(&D3D11Tex, NULL, &tex2);

D3D11Tex.ArraySize = 1;//目前使用我读到这个值可以保持为二。

但是我们如何获得 2 个纹理。将 ArraSize 保持为 2 会给我 tex1 和 tex2 中的两个纹理吗?或者 tex1 是大小为 2 的数组。


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c++ - 未解决的外部符号错误,C++ VS15 d3dx9 库


它抱怨“ __snprintf ”、“ __sprintf ”和“ __vsnprintf ”,即使我什至没有使用它们。



如您所见,我正在使用 d3dx9.lib,这些是我的包含和库:

我使用 printf 的唯一代码:




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directx - 为什么整个世界都在翻译而不仅仅是物体?



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c++ - C++ 中的 D3D11 屏幕捕获

是否可以在 D3D11 中对 DirectX 应用程序(例如游戏)进行屏幕截图?

我可以在 DirectX 9 或 API 挂钩 (IDXGISwapChain::Present) 中轻松做到这一点,但在 DirectX 11 中是不可能的。

我初始化 D3D11 并使用游戏窗口 (FindWindow()) 创建 SwapChain,然后得到 BackBuffer,

然后 ID3D11Texture2D::GetDesc() 在 ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D() 中使用它,然后 ID3D11DeviceContext::CopyResource() 给了我一个新的 ID3D11Texture2D 资源。

当我用 D3DX11SaveTextureToFile() 之类的常用方法保存它时,我总是得到一个黑色图像。

