问题标签 [compass-geolocation]

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iphone - iPhone 4 指南针 API 读数的精确度如何?

我想开发一个使用指南针 API 的 iPhone 4 应用程序,但我需要读数至少精确到半度(例如 100.5)。

指南针 API 提供什么样的精度?

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iphone - iPhone 3D 指南针

我正在尝试为 iPhone 4 构建一个应用程序,该应用程序使用户能够“指向”硬编码的目的地,并且目的地所在的位置会出现一个点。


我将点移动 160 像素,因为屏幕宽度为 320 像素。我现在的问题是,如何扩展此代码以上下处理?这意味着如果我将手机指向桌子下方,点将不会显示.. 我必须指向(如拍照)目的地才能将其绘制在屏幕上。我已经实现了加速器。但我不知道如何结合这些组件来解决我的问题。

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filter - 具有完整数据集的卡尔曼滤波器?

我正在寻找一种方法来组合来自指南针和陀螺仪的数据,以便在事后确定态度。我将使用一个完整的数据集,其中定期记录 3D 罗盘和陀螺仪读数,但我想在后处理中恢复对姿态的估计。




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javascript - 指向 GPS 位置的方向




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compass-geolocation - 将罗盘点传递给 PHP

我使用油漆(Circle.jpg)创建了一个圆圈,现在在它周围放置了 4 个数字,分别代表北(360)东(90)西(270)和南(180)。我试图将我点击的数字传递给 PHP。无法让它工作,或者我能找到任何接近我想要做的事情。打开 HTML 链接有效,但不是我需要的。在选择周围单击时,下面的代码确实会产生一个圆圈。下面是 East(90) 的代码。我也尝试过添加 value="90",并没有什么不同。提前感谢您的帮助。

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iphone - 这是制作指南针的方法吗?

我的一个 iPhone 应用程序的一部分需要显示一个指向某个位置的指南针。它不是北方 - 它是一个位置(使用纬度和经度)。




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android - android compass seems unreliable

I have been working on a small compass app the past couple of days, and have gotten the code up and running, but it seems that the compass reading is not accurate. After calibrating both phones, my first test that i found this in what that i simply held the phone against and flat surface looked at the reading then flipped it horizontally and put it against the same flat surface (a 180* turn) and the value did not change 180* it was closer to 240*.

I then tested the reading vs a compass, at times the reading seemed to be close but at other points it was more than 50* off. I even tried to put my phone and compass on the floor to keep the compasses away from any magnetic interference with the same results (note i also keep the compass and phone apart keeping them in the same direction by lining up with edges of a book).

I then put the sample application on another phone (first was nexus S, second was Motorola droid 1). Between the two phones the difference ranges from being equal at some points but at most points being between 50 and 15 degrees off.

I have looked through the documentation and also looked through many different forum posts and I do not see anyone with the same results. There may be some small error in my code that is causing my reading to come out incorrectly, or some documented bug that I am not seeing.

Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Heres my on sensor changed code in my SensorEventListener class

And code in on create of my activity

Thanks in advance!

Edit: also tried it with the droid X with the worst results yet... When the phone is rolled around 45 degrees (rotated around z axis a computer coordinate system) the compass heading returned can change over 180 degrees, in fact the heading value goes in the opposite direction of the other phones when spun in the same direction. This is the only phone that produces this result even after calibrating in the settings. Also their is a compass live wallpaper i test against that doesnt have the same issue. So I would assume there would be something i can do in software to avoid this.

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android - 如何计算手机从静止垂直方向的运动?

我正在使用 android OS 开发一个应用程序,我需要知道如何计算设备在垂直方向上的移动。

例如,设备处于静止状态(A 点),用户将其拿在手中(B 点),现在 A 点和 B 点之间的高度发生了变化,我该如何计算呢?


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iphone - 使用磁航向获取地理方向




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ios - 带有指南针和位置的 iOS 增强现实

我正在尝试开发一个迷你“Around Me”,比如使用相机、指南针和位置。我想在我的屏幕上显示地点的图像。目前我有我的位置和我的指南针方向。我想知道如何确定要显示的位置的位置。

谢谢你的帮助 ;)