问题标签 [collada]

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c++ - 链接:致命错误 LNK1104:无法打开文件“libcollada14dom21.lib”


链接:致命错误 LNK1104:无法打开文件“libcollada14dom21.lib”

我不知道为什么,libcollada14dom21.lib 在 VSDIR/VC/lib 中。

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441 浏览

c++ - Collada 使用 libxml2 加载

我想用 libxml2 加载 collada。我得到 COLLOADA 节点,好的,然后我尝试获取子标签 - 失败,子标签名称是“文本”。为什么?如何获取 COLLADA 节点的子节点?


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c++ - 如果我有一个顶点数组,我如何以适合循环并绘制三角形条带的方式对它们进行排序?

我开始学习如何读取 Collada 文件 (.dae) 中的数据。我已经到了拥有特定网格顶点的地步。现在,我只是在调用 glBegin 和 glEnd 之间循环它们,我注意到并不是所有的脸都被渲染了。我认为这可能是因为顶点的顺序不正确,无法形成有效的三角形带。我意识到也许这个问题应该针对搅拌机 .dae 出口商,因为这就是我正在使用的。



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animation - Collada and Skeletal Animation

I am attempting to implement a skeletal animation setup within a game engine I am currently coding for my practicum at school. The engine is coded in c++ and directx 10 using a right handed system.

Currently I am using collada for importing and loading meshes (I know it's not the best solution available). The setup I am using uses quaternions for rotations which I convert to matrices just before passing the data off to the gpu for gpu skinning. I am using softimage for building test meshes to test various aspects of the animation code.

The issue I am having is when it comes to the rotation values. I am using D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll to convert the rotation values over from euler angles to quaternions. Problem with this is that currently the animations are on the wrong axis. what should be a rotation around the y-axis is a rotation around the x-axis. For it to animation properly, I have to swap the x and y values and negate the y value. This is on just a simple extruded box with branches. For each animated bone I am currently calculating it's local transformation matrix (rotation matrix multiplied by translation matrix) which I then multiply parent matrix by the current local matrix to get the final transformed matrix relative to it's parent.

Is there some secret to handling collada rotations properly? everything I have checked shows the values are correct before multiplying each bone by the parent. Swapping the order of the matrix multiplications hasn't made any noticeable improvement. Any help is greatly appreciated, in the mean time I will work on other sections of the engine as I have spent too much time currently running in circles.

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1652 浏览

opengl-es - How integrated is Collada to OpenGL ES

All over where I read about the Collada file format I see some hint as to how integrated Collada is to OpenGL ES - or the other way. How integrated is it really? I suspect not, but are there functions that directly work with Collada files? - or even parts of Collada files? Or do I need to create my own parser from the ground up?

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iphone - Collada 几何和动画文件加载

我正在考虑为几何和动画编写 Collada 加载器。有人可以从高层次描述如何做到这一点吗?如果它需要比几个周末更长的时间,我可能会改变策略,所以我试图了解这涉及到什么。我试图阅读 Collada 动画规范,但一旦开始谈论不同的动画频道,我就不明白了。

我没有使用任何游戏引擎。我直接与 OpenGL 交互。

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java - 如何在 Java 中解析高级 XML 文件

我看过很多关于如何在 Java 中读取 XML 文件的示例。但它们只显示简单的 XML 文件。例如,他们展示了如何从 XML 文件中提取名字和姓氏。但是我需要从 collada XML 文件中提取数据。像这样:

这只是 collada 文件的一小部分。这里我需要提取visual_scene的id,然后是instance_geometry的url,最后是instance_material的target。当然我需要提取更多,但我不明白如何真正使用它,这是一个开始的地方。


似乎网络上的大多数示例都与此类似:http ://www.easywayserver.com/blog/java-how-to-read-xml-file/

当我想提取更深层次的标签或找到关于阅读/解析 XML 文件的好教程时,我需要帮助来弄清楚该怎么做。

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580 浏览

3d - 在 Google Sketchup 中显式突出边缘

如何在 Google Sketchup 中明确突出显示边缘?


这基本上是用于导出到 Collada 的时候,因为它有一个标签,但我想它对于所有格式都是一样的。

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812 浏览

java - Collada and Jogl

I am creating WWJ (World Wind Java SDK) based application. I want to import Collada objects and was looking for library that would parse and render Collada objets. I found Xith3d, java game 3d engine, which is able to render collada objects, but as i was looking in the code it is almost impossible to use it in existing application.

Can anyone point me where to look. Is there any library/engine which can be used just to load Collada model and use it in existing Jogl applicaiton.

Thank you.

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apache-flex - flex + papervision 中的交互式(添加侦听器)DAE 模型

我有一个 DAE 模型,它被解析为几个部分。我可以单独处理它们,例如更改它们的材质或颜色,但我在将点击或悬停监听器添加到孩子上时遇到问题。



