我更新了 OP,以便可以通过求解以下方程来解决原始问题。
integral_from_0_N of (x * f(x)) dx = constant // here , constant > 0 , N > 0
f(x) = g(j,k) * (x/k)^(j-1) * exp(-x/k) // here, k > 0 , j > 0
这里,g(j,k) = j / [ k* g1 (1+j, constant1/k) - k* g1 (1+j, constant2/k) + exp(-constant2/k) * k^(1 -j) * constant2^j - exp(-constant1/k) * k^(1-j) * constant1^j ] constant1 >= 0 , constant 2 > 0
g1( p, q) = integral_from_q_to_inf of (t^(p-1) * exp(-t)) dt
我需要找到 k 和 j 的解决方案。
Min. | s1 - k1 | + | s2- k2 |
integral_from_0_to_M of f(x) = 1
s1 = integral_from_0_to_M of x * f(x)
s2 = integral_from_0_to_M of x^2 * f(x)
M, k1 and k2 are positive numbers
f(x) is a probability density function of x with arguments of
(alpha, beta, 0, M)
f(x) = G * (x * beta)^(alpha -1) * e^(-x * beta)
G = alpha * beta / [( gamma(alpha, 0) - gamma(alpha, M) + e^(-M*beta) * beat^(1-alpha) * M^alpha]
Decision variables:
alpha > 0, beta > 0