问题标签 [white-box-testing]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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testing - 多条件覆盖测试



我是只为“条件 A”生成真值表,还是也为条件 B 生成真值表?


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testing - 白盒测试的缺点?



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white-box-testing - WBT 捕获的错误,但 BBT 捕获的错误,反之亦然


对于 WBT 会有 null else 语句,但是你会用 BBT 而不是 WBT 捕捉到什么?

顺便说一句,这个问题只是基于我自己的个人研究 - 我没有从中获得免费分数!!!!


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white-box - Questions on WhiteBox testing, ON-Units, Condition-Coverage

I am reading a book where I am getting stuck at few white box testing concepts. The article in the below link is taken exactly from the book. http://testdesigners.com/testingstyles/ControlFlowTesting.html

1. 'ON-Units' terminology is introduced first in the 'Decision Coverage' article without describing what it is. The article continues to use this term later which is hard without knowing what is the meaning of ON-Unit.

Questions - Is 'ON-Unit' a path that a decision takes or traverses ? How do one 'invoke' On units ?

2. In the example under 'Condition Coverage' DO K=0 TO 50 WHILE (J+K < QUEST)

The article goes to explain - "If one is using decision testing, the criterion can be satisfied by letting the loop run from K = 0 to 51, without ever exploring the circumstance where the WHILE clause becomes false"

Questions -

By the definition of decision coverage, the test cases should explore both the true and false branch of decisions at least once. In other words, K = 0 to 50 is not material because the While (J+K < Quest) is True branch and (J+K < QUEST) is false branch. Why does the article mention under decision coverage - Not exploring the While clause being false?

Also in the first part of the line in decision coverage, decision criterion is satisfied by letting the loop run from K = 0 to K = 51 that is just the true branch, decision criteria is not met alone by having a test case for True branch, why does the article say that this along is sufficient to meet the decision criteria?

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unit-testing - 单元测试应该是黑盒测试还是白盒测试?








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testing - 单链表的测试用例

一般来说,链表问题有哪些好的测试用例?例如一个函数的测试用例,它发现并消除重复并返回指向第一个节点的指针。一些核心案例可能是:函数使用 c# 或 Java 而不是 c、c++。假设所有正整数作为列表的节点。

  • 无效的
  • 空列表
  • 带循环的链表
  • 列出所有重复项
  • 一个节点或 2 个节点的列表(2 个重复)
  • 没有重复
  • 该列表可能会遇到整数溢出,以防内存不足(取决于 32 位机器,64 位机器)
  • 安全测试、语言自动化、内存问题、性能和压力


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unit-testing - 白盒/黑盒测试:静态还是动态?





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design-patterns - Design patterns on programming to make white-box testing easier?

I am wondering whether there are some design patterns on programming to make programs easier for white-box testing. I am not talking about Unit Test, but higher level testing, such as white-box based functional testing, system testing or some boundary testing.

For example:

  1. For GUI based program, we can reserve a hidden switch to read inputs from a text file instead of GUI.

  2. For some HTTP based C/S application, providing a parameter to disable the gzip option during package transmit which make it easier to use Fiddler to change the HTTP package.

Any other patterns or principles?

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872 浏览

unit-testing - 什么是 ON 单元?

软件测试的艺术包含对“ ON -units”的几个引用。这是测试用例设计部分的示例:


  • 没有决定的程序。
  • 具有多个入口点的程序或子例程/方法。仅当在特定入口点输入程序时,才可能执行给定的语句。
  • ON单位内的语句。遍历每个分支方向不一定会导致执行所有ON单元。

我以前没见过ON -unit 这个词,我在谷歌上找不到定义。什么是ON单元?

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c++ - Visual Studio 2010 单元测试


