问题标签 [pde]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
c++ - 在 C/C++ 中求解非线性反抛物线偏微分方程的软件包
在区间-\inf < y < \inf, 0<=q<=1
和边界条件下f(1,y) = g(y)
用数值求解这个方程的最佳 C/C++ 包是什么?
java - 如何将 Ivy 的依赖项添加到 Eclipse PDE 目标平台?
我可以将外部 OSGi 包添加到我的 PDE 项目中,并且可以让它们显示在目标平台中(尽管我需要在添加新包后执行重新加载),我使用“lib”目录来执行此操作每个项目。
随着我的项目变得越来越复杂,我需要一些 Spring 捆绑包,并且我希望 Ivy(Ivy DE 插件)为我管理依赖项。这很好地找到了所有需要添加到类路径中的包。
问题是我还需要将它们添加到目标平台,我找不到让目标平台查看 Ivy 依赖项的方法。
一种可能的解决方法是将 Ivy 依赖项复制到我的 lib 目录中。我对 Ivy 很陌生,看不到将依赖项复制到本地目录的方法(这样做似乎违背了 Ivy 的观点)。我还考虑将 Ivy 缓存添加到目标平台(一个疯狂的想法),但由于缓存的目录结构,Eclipse 无法找到所有包。
eclipse - 如何阻止 p2 导演解决我们插件之一的可选依赖项?
我们有一个 PDE 构建,创建了一个大型 p2 存储库。我们在 PDE 构建期间跳过 p2 导向器,以在特定功能(已构建的子功能)上调用 p2.director。
python - Python 迭代循环图值
我正在尝试使用有限差分法在 python 中进行迭代计算。我从中找到了有限差分法:
代码计算的值是正确的。问题是它只显示最终值。我想要的是提取 x 方向上任何点的值,以便我可以绘制它们,以及提取任何时间点的值,例如计算中途点的值。这是进行迭代计算的正确方法吗?代码如下所示:
我已经根据 danodonovan 对以下问题的回答修改了我的代码:
eclipse - PDE Build 到 CBI(通用构建基础架构)的迁移
由于 Eclipse CBI(通用构建基础设施)正在出现,我们希望从现有的 PDE 构建系统(基于 ANT)迁移到它。
我们是否需要为每个插件创建 POM.xml 文件,可以自动生成吗?
我们还能使用现有的 ANT 脚本吗?
如何创建目标平台,它只是 Maven 存储库吗?
math - Numerical Solution for a specified parameter in NDSolve (Mathematica)
I am working on a solution to solve a Partial Differential Equation, Fick's Second Law of Diffusion to be exact. I was able to produce a 3D Plot using the NDSolve and Plot3D functions. Code used:
Instead of a graphical representation, I would like to find numerical points of the graph at t = 900. I would like to know how to put in t = 900 into NDSolve (or other functions) so as to generate detailed numerical points of the solution.
c - 如何在一维热方程中放置边界条件?
我正在尝试解决一维热方程的问题,其中 u[x,t] 是一维条形中的能量密度,在时间 t=0 中,所有能量都集中在 x=0 点。我想找到给定时间的解决方案,例如 t= 64、128,256 等。
java - can't find main class in contribution to eclipse development for junit
I am new to eclipse plugin development and just encounter a strange issue when practicing in the article "Contribution to Eclipse" Chapter 7. The issue says "Can't find the Main class" and then hanging forever when I right click "Run Test" in the example class org.eclipse.contribution.junit.SampleTest. I did check that the class is already there. What I tried to find the problem are,
I create another hello word plugin project and it can be run successfully. Hence I don't think it is the Eclipse Environment issue like can't locate the main class.
I debug into the eclipse workbench, and the error occurred when step into class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVMRunner below fragment
IProcess process = DebugPlugin,newProcess(launch, p, renderProcessLabel(cmdLine), getDefaultProcessMap());
I am not sure what's going wrong. My develop environment is windows xp sp3, eclipse 2.1 and jre4. I know this environment is too old nowadays, but I'd like to setup it to keep the same as the article to reduce any other impacts.
If you faced this kind of issue or have any solutions, I will not feel alone and will be happy if you can share any ideas...