问题标签 [itween]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - iTween 不使用刚体

iTween 适用于 2017.2.0f3 及以下版本,但当我更新到 2017.2.0f3 统一版本时,出现问题。

我的对象有一个刚体并且运动学已关闭。代码工作正常,但没有运动学,它不会。我不明白为什么?iTween 版本 2.0.7

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c# - 为什么 onupdate 不在 iTween 上运行?




我创建了一个临时函数来检查上述代码是否正常工作。(("onupdate", "test");)





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c# - How do I make the iTween plugin work with Unity 2018?

I got iTween from the asset store to Unity 2018. iTween included sample code and sample scenes of the content where the cube object moves left and right. And this worked fine.

I made a new project, made a cube object with the same structure as the sample, attached the sample code. That is this code.


Both the object name and the code are the same as the sample project This implementation did not work for some reason and the object did not move left and right.

Does this require something to be done not only in the code but also in scene settings and camera settings?

In the manual, especially iTween calls are not written as required, and there was no need to set up.

Is it a problem unique to Unity 2018?

Please help me.

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c# - Unity UI 元素使用 iTween 移动动画

我使用 iTween 为每个主菜单元素提供动画。但是动画并没有按照期望的想法播放,正在运行一些不同的东西,所以我对此感到困惑以寻求解决方案。

我想玩游戏标题,使用 iTween 移动动画将动画从 1200 单位移动到 0 单位。但是像这样,我得到了一个结果 - 它在 -540 单位停止: 在此处输入图像描述

这种代码,我为 UI 图像移动动画编写的:

我知道 iTween 与 Transform 组件和 UI 元素一起使用 RectTransform 但我需要为解决方案做什么?

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c# - Unity - 将 Quaternion.LookAt 转换为 eulerangles?

好的,我尝试仅在 1 个轴上使用 iTween RotateTo 旋转对象,所以我有以下内容:

我已经尝试了允许旋转到某个位置的 iTween 函数,但是我得到的结果是对象根据目标的位置向上或向下倾斜。我只想要y轴。

隔离这个轴,但是我需要this.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles.x+90用指向目标的方向替换。我试过Quaternion.LookAt了,但 iTween 抛出了一个类型错误。

如何转换 Quaternion.LookAt为欧拉?

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unity3d - 销毁对象并在 Canvas 中间实例化它





