问题标签 [glyph]

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3130 浏览

listview - How to set the header sort glyph in a .NET ListView?

How do I set the column which has the header sort glyph, and its direction, in a .NET 2.0 WinForms ListView?


The listview is .net is not a managed control, it is a very thin wrapper around the Win32 ListView common control. It's not even a very good wrapper - it doesn't expose all the features of the real listview.

The Win32 listview common control supports drawing itself with themes. One of the themed elements is the header sort arrow. Windows Explorer's listview common control knows how to draw one of its columns with that theme element.

  • does the Win32 listview support specifying which column has what sort order?
  • does the Win32 header control that the listview internally uses support specifying which column has what sort order?
  • does the win32 header control support custom drawing, so I can draw the header sort glyph myself?
  • does the win32 listview control support custom header drawing, so I can draw the header sort glyph myself?
  • does the .NET ListView control support custom header drawing, so I can draw the header sort glyph myself?
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1394 浏览

iphone - 在 iPhone 上渲染某些字符字形

我目前正在使用 iPhone SDK 创建一个使用印度语脚本的应用程序。但是,iPhone 在渲染许多印度语脚本中的某些字形时存在问题。例如:


当您在 Mac(或 Windows)上键入时,计算机会自动将这三个字符呈现为一个字形(प्र - 但是在 Unicode 中它仍然表示为三个字符)。因为 iPhone 不支持 AAT(Apple 高级排版)或高级 OpenType 功能,它会将字符呈现为三个单独的字符,这在许多情况下变得不可读。我认为应该有一种在 Objective-C 中进行硬编码的方法,以确保每次三个字符出现在 UILabel 中时,它们应该从 Arial Unicode MS(内置)字体呈现某个字形。我不介意使用未记录的 API 来完成此操作。

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77921 浏览

unicode - 有没有看起来像“钥匙”图标的 Unicode 字形?

Unicode 有一百万个类似图标的字形,但它们并不总是很容易搜索,因为我并不总是知道它们长什么样。

有没有看起来像“钥匙”的 Unicode 字形?或者在数据库圈中是否有一个符号用来表示“主键”,它Unicode 格式的?

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419 浏览

.net - Detecting glyphs occurrences in any fonts

I'm writing a small .NET application that can produce SWF files, and I need to support Unicode fonts. I don't know the things on it and font rendering well, so I understand that I've made some blunders while writing my application: many fonts installed on my Windows don't support Unicode characters so I can see hollow squares only instead of the glyphs. My supposition is using of proper font substitution while rendering the SWF files that could contain embedded glyphs. First of all, I must determine whether a glyph is present in the necessary font. I've found a partial solution of such test here, though it doesn't seem to be the thing I want to achieve because the sample operates for Unicode ranges only. But I've paid attention on Windows' Charmap application: it can hide missing glyphs. I tried to explore how charmap does the check with Dependency Walker to analyze its import table, but I didn't find anything instead of some GDI++ font functions. I don't know what to do and I'm very confused. :(

Please suggest the direction I should look in for. It could be a WinAPI or .NET 2.0 (not even .NET 3.0) suggestion. Thanks.

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424 浏览

sifr - sIFR 仅显示我的 swf 中字形的第一个字体样式,似乎无法调用其他字体样式

我已经上传了我的 .swf,其中嵌入了粗体、正常和斜体字形。然后我转到我的 sifr-config.js 文件以使用 CSS 设置文本样式。除 font-style:italic 外的所有属性;和字体粗细:粗体;是有效的。

事实上,当我尝试使用这些属性时,Flash 文本根本不会出现。

但是,如果我回到我的 Flash 文件并将第一个字形从“普通”更改为“粗体”或“斜体”然后重新导出,它会将 Flash 文本显示为我刚刚将第一个字形更改为的任何样式.

这是我的 CSS 所有属性,除了 font-weigh 和 font-style 工作:


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1203 浏览

windows - Windows:从其他字体获取替换字符的字形轮廓

我需要将字体渲染到 3d 游戏世界中,因此我使用 GetGlyphOutline 轮廓函数来获取要渲染到纹理的字形形状。但是,我希望能够处理给定字体中不存在字符的情况(亚洲其他国际文本通常是这种情况)。Windows 文本渲染将自动替换具有所需字符的字体。但 GetGlyphOutline 不会。如何检测这种情况,并获取替换字形的轮廓?Mac OS X Core Text 具有为给定字体和字符串获取匹配替换字体的功能 - Windows 上有类似的东西吗?

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2029 浏览

android - Where exactly in the Android OS is text renderred?

Let me first state what I am trying to achieve:

To create a patch for the Android OS to enable it to display Arabic/Hebrew correctly. Both of these languages are Right-to-Left (RTL) and their script involves connected letters/glyphs (unlike Latin alphabets which have discrete letters).


The Arabic word for "car" is:


The discrete letters look like this:

س ي ا ر ة

As you can see, each letter connects to each other letter in different ways depending on what precedes it & what follows it. Ok, enough with the language lessons :) My question is:

What binary/class in android do I need to hijack to enable this functionality?

Another way to put it is; if you wanted every instance "x" to be displayed as "y", system-wide, what binary/class would you need to meddle with?

The source code is browsable at GitHub: http://github.com/android/

I think it might be somewhere under the C/C++ platform_system_core, or thier custom JVM platfom_dalvik.

Just to be clear, the font is not an issue since you can drop Arabic/Hebrew fonts as fall-back fonts and they would display, albeit in discrete form.

Your help would be much appreciated :)

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1150 浏览

c# - 在 Silverlight 中为字形加载字体

是否可以在 Silverlight 中为 Glyphs 对象在运行时加载字体。我已经尝试了各种

- 我已经在运行时将 fonturi 设置为 web 位置 - 不高兴 -
我通过将源设置为流来尝试与 textblock 等相同的方法,但 Glyphs 不支持这一点。
- 我一直在谷歌上搜索它,但似乎唯一的方法是在你的 SL 项目中将字体标记为资源 - 这意味着每次需要新字体时都要重建 xap - 或者知道你需要的字体列表设计时间。

所以问题真的是......有谁知道如何在 Silverlight 中真正为 Glyphs 动态加载字体?

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5080 浏览

unicode - 用于表示组合字符的 unicode 字形是什么?

我的应用程序需要显示“孤立”组合字符。我想使用与“官方” unicode 图表相同的格式,使用虚线圆圈占位符。参见,例如:

快速浏览图表,我想出了 U+25CC "DOTTED CIRCLE"。看起来不错,但是关于这个角色的注释是:

请注意,此字符的参考字形故意大于用于指示本标准中组合字符的虚线圆形字形;例如,参见 0300

这说明(我认为) U+25CC 不是正确的字符。(或者,如果是的话,也许只是一个措辞不佳的注释。)

那么:如果“组合变音符号”上使用的虚线圆圈不是U + 25CC,那么那个小鼻屎的正确代码是什么?


  • 从 PDF 复制文本并检查它,但在 PDF 中禁用了副本。
  • 在 Gmail 中通过电子邮件将其发送给自己,然后以 HTML 格式查看附件,但其中的附件被转换为 U+0024(“美元符号”)。这意味着要么转换失败,要么他们只是在 PDF 中玩一些字体渲染游戏。

[澄清]我意识到 U+25CC 看起来不错(假设一个字体支持它),但听起来规范说这是错误的字符。许多 unicode 字符具有相似的字形,但从语义上讲是不同的字符。大多数字体的“拉丁大写字母 A”(U+0041)和“希腊大写字母 Alpha”(U+0391)看起来相同,但它们具有不同的语义含义且不可互换。

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cocoa - NSTextView 中位置屏幕上的位置

我想在 NSTextView 中获取一个点的屏幕位置(NSPoint),这应该很简单,但结果总是有点偏离,X 是完美的,但 Y 似乎有所不同。

我已经尝试了以下代码的一些变体,但无法得到我想要的结果,是 NSClipView 搞砸了吗?


