问题标签 [backlog]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
java - 套接字积压行为
如果 Serversocket 在其积压中充满了请求并且正在执行长时间运行的工作,那么套接字行为将是什么。当我尝试这个时,从 Windows telnet 可以,它可以连接。但是从unix它得到“连接被拒绝”。我的应用程序是用java编写的并在IBM jvm上运行。顺便说一句,我们的应用程序没有响应来自 unix 的 telnet。不响应意味着它正在写“tyring ...”并挂起,而不是拒绝或连接。任何人都可以为这种行为辩护吗?谢谢你。
tfs - TFS 2012 中积压迭代的 sprints 子节点是什么?
我不确定这是否适合堆栈溢出,但我们最近升级到 TFS 2012 并注意到您的迭代(冲刺)必须是积压迭代的子级。虽然该工具在这种方法中是僵化的,但我试图了解是否有特定的敏捷 [Scrum] 流程理由来坚持这一点,或者工具问题是否存在,为什么我不能让积压和冲刺在两个不同的父母之下?
rally - Rally 中的分层积压
有没有办法更改 Rally 积压以显示带有子故事的故事列表作为层次结构?现在我们的待办事项只显示史诗级别的故事更有意义,但它充满了非常细化的故事,因此很难在史诗级别进行优先级排序。其他人有这个问题/解决方案吗?
email - 为什么我的邮件停留在 Mandrill 的“积压”中?
在前一个小时,我们达到了每小时发送电子邮件的最大限制,这并不奇怪,因为我们知道每小时发送的限制。但是,一个小时过去后,我认为其余的电子邮件将自动发送。它没有那样工作。现在我每小时有超过 800 封要发送,而我在这个小时内发送了 0 封,同时,我看到前一小时有 139 封电子邮件积压。你能帮我怎么发送这些吗?
c - C - socket programmation: test listen backlog
I'm trying to test the listen backlog limits. I am collecting informations about this for some days, I know the backlog number provide to listen() is just a hint. But now I'm trying to create a server and a client (using TCP) to test the limit of the backlog.
On my server I use connect(), bind() and listen() and then sleep() for a long time. On my client I use a loop which create the fdsock and use connect().
The server isn't accepting anything so I think that the connections goes to the backlog queue but the programm never stop, even after having crated more than 1000 sockfd.
Is there a way to test the backlog queue maximum limit ?
Thanks by advance.
And here is the code for my client:
I set the backlog length to 1 then I let the server sleep for a long time so I can try to launch some clients but even if I launch hundreds clients they're never rejects.
iteration - 在 TFS 2012 中删除“此团队的积压迭代”指定需要帮助
我有一个简单的问题 - 我在 TFS 2012 Web 访问中设置子迭代时错误地选择了“该团队的积压迭代”名称(右键单击迭代管理页面)。我找不到任何方法来删除它。我可以将其移至不同的迭代(我不想这样做),但我无法弄清楚如何完全将其完全删除。我确实有管理员权限。这是我可以在 Visual Studio 中删除的东西吗?
c++ - 什么是 Web 服务中的“积压”?
我注意到,在 gSoap(C++ webservices 实现)中,如果我将积压工作改进得如此之高,我将不会在客户端出现错误,例如:
在此指令中为我的 gSoap 服务器设置了积压:
谁能向我解释为什么如果我增加积压,Web 服务调用失败的风险会降低?
project-management - In JIRA, is the burndown chart ignored when associating a new workflow and new statuses in your project?
I've introduced a new workflow that I'm using for my project, and everything looks so good so far. There was one unintended effect,though.
When I applied everything and the new statuses were applied to current issues, the burndown chart showed everything as if they had been removed from "Resolved". It trended back upward, as if the things that were done become not done.
Now, if I act on the issues and use one of the transitions, it burns down properly (the statuses have been mapped to the "Complete" state in the transitions). This makes me wonder: does the association that happens in a new workflow disregard the burndown chart? Which properties should I address to ensure that everything previously marked as Complete remains so and is reflected in the burndown chart?
tfs - 将燃尽图连同积压工作和任务从一个工作区移到另一个工作区
tfs - 最近升级到 TFS 2013,我的产品所有者讨厌它
因此,我们最近从 TFS 2010 SP1 升级到 TFS 2013 Update 3,而我的产品所有者根本不喜欢它。这是因为添加了稀疏化逻辑(我认为在更新 2 中)。现在他们的积压优先级都搞砸了,他们将数十亿的巨大数字作为优先级。
更复杂的是,有多个产品负责人,所以如果产品负责人 A 优先考虑某事,然后产品负责人 B 优先考虑某事,那么积压的项目会重新排序,然后就会出现混乱。
我在想也许答案是使用 Features 工作项,然后 po 可以按照他们想要的顺序映射他们关心的工作项,但我不相信这是正确的答案。