玩家不会简单地从场地 (0|0) 移动到场地 (0|1)。玩家在变量中配置了固定速度(默认为每秒 1 个字段),并且他的位置将每 10 毫秒更新一次。滞后可能会导致位置更新延迟数秒。
玩家的宽度和高度与游戏中的所有其他元素完全相同。这意味着,为了从 (0|2.0001312033) 到 (1|2),您首先必须准确地到达 (0|2),这样玩家才不会与 (1|1) 上的块发生碰撞并且(1|3) 只有这样你才能真正到达 (1|2)。
问题是玩家几乎从未真正到达过如此理想的整数位置,因为该位置仅每 10 毫秒更新一次。
总结 如果自上次位置更新以来玩家移动了多个区域,他将跳过一个区域,并且几乎不可能绕过拐角,因为玩家必须处于完美的位置才能在转弯时不与任何块发生碰撞。
"use strict";
class Player {
constructor(gameField, pos) { // gameField is an object containing lots of methods and properties like the game field size and colision detection fucntions
// this._accuratePos is the floating point position
this._accuratePos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pos));
// this.pos is the integer posision
this.pos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pos));
// this.moveSpeed is the movement speed of the player
this.moveSpeed = 3;
// this.activeMoveActions will contain the currently pressed arrow keys, sorted by priority. (last pressed, highest prio)
this.activeMoveActions = []
// this.moveInterval will contain an interval responsible for updating the player position
// directionKey can be 'up', 'down', 'left' or 'right'
// newState can be true if the key is pressed down or false if it has been released.
moveAction(directionKey, newState=true) { // called when a key is pressed or released. e.g. moveAction('left', false) // left key released
if (this.activeMoveActions.includes(directionKey)) // remove the key from the activeMoveActions array
this.activeMoveActions = this.activeMoveActions.filter(current => current !== directionKey);
if (newState) // if the key was pressed down
this.activeMoveActions.unshift(directionKey); // push it to the first position of the array
if (this.activeMoveActions.length === 0) { // if no direction key is pressed
if (this.moveInterval) { // if there still is a moveInterval
clearInterval(this.moveInterval); // remove the moveInterval
return; // exit the function
let lastMoveTime = Date.now(); // store the current millisecond time in lastMoveTime
let lastAccPos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.accuratePos)); // store a copy of this.accuratePos in lastAccPos
this.moveInterval = setInterval(()=>{
let now = Date.now(); // current time in milliseconds
let timePassed = now-lastMoveTime; // time passed since the last interval iteration in milliseconds
let speed = (this.moveSpeed*1)/1000; // the movement speed in fields per millisecond
let maxDistanceMoved = timePassed*speed; // the maximum distance the player could have moved (limited by hitting a wall etc)
// TODO: check if distance moved > 1 and if so check if user palyer went through blocks
let direction = this.activeMoveActions[0]; // highest priority direction
// this.activeMoveActions[1] would contain the second highest priority direction if this.activeMoveActions.length > 1
let newAccPos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lastAccPos)); // store a copy of lastAccPos in newAccPos
// (newAccPos will not necessarily become the new player posision. only if it's a valid position.)
if (direction === 'up') { // if the player pressed the arrow up key
newAccPos.y -= maxDistanceMoved; // subtract the maxDistanceMoved from newAccPos.y
} else if (direction === 'down') {
newAccPos.y += maxDistanceMoved;
} else if (direction === 'left') {
newAccPos.x -= maxDistanceMoved;
} else if (direction === 'right') {
newAccPos.x += maxDistanceMoved;
// if it is possible to move the plyer to the new position in stored in newAccPos
if (!this.gameField.posIntersectsMoveBlockingElement(newAccPos) && this.gameField.posIsOnField(newAccPos)) {
this.accuratePos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newAccPos)); // set the new player position to a copy of the modified newAccPos
} else { // if the newly calculated position is not a possible position for the player
this.accuratePos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.pos)); // overwrite the players accurate position with a copy of the last rounded position
realityCheck(); // handle colliding items and explosions
lastMoveTime = now; // store the time recorded in the beginning of the interval function
lastAccPos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newAccPos)); // store a copy of the new position in lastAccPos
}, 10); // run this function every 10 milliseconds
set accuratePos(newAccPos) {
let newPos = { // convert to rounded position
x: Math.round(newAccPos.x),
y: Math.round(newAccPos.y)
if (this.gameField.posIsOnField(newPos)) { // if the posision is on the game field
this._accuratePos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newAccPos));
this.pos = newPos;
get accuratePos() {
return this._accuratePos;
realityCheck() {
// ignore this method, it simply checks if the current position collides with an items or an explosion