问题标签 [uislider]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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jquery - JQuery UI滑块问题

我有上面的代码,但它不是指向 5 和 20,范围也从 0-24 更改为 0-100 .. 请帮我解决这个问题...而不是 5 和 20 .. 我的价值来自数据库……


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iphone - UISlider 多点触控滞后

我正在开发一个游戏,它有一个基于 UISliders 的组件。玩家必须一次从左向右滑动一个,有时一次滑动两个。问题在于双幻灯片。当一次滑动两个 UISlider 时,滑块会滞后于玩家的触摸,并且经常在游戏中造成明显的滞后(这在 iPhone 3GS 上进行了测试)。我假设这是由于操作系统试图识别多点触控手势,但我不确定。

我的问题是我能做些什么来缓解滞后?这一定是可能的,因为那里有最多使用 5 个手指而没有太多延迟的绘图应用程序,所以 2 个应该是小菜一碟。

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jquery - 用于时间的 JQuery UI 滑块

嗨,我需要实现一个 24 小时时间范围的滑块。我喜欢为此使用 jquery ui 滑块。我写了下面的代码

我喜欢的范围是 01:00----01:59

我如何给出冒号(:) 而不是 dot(.) 。范围也超过了 59 像 05:85 。请帮我创建一个时间滑块

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iphone - How to customize iPhone UISlider control at runtime - where do I place the color update code?

I have added a UISlider control to an iPhone View-based application and have wired up a text field that gets the values from the slider. To fit with the user interface colors in the application I need to change the color of the slider.

With a little googling I was able to find 2 samples which do this (http://blog.hill-it.be/post/2009/03/23/Pimp-My-UISlider and http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/UICatalog/index.html) but I'm stuck because I'm not sure where I should be calling the code from.

I have a method which should return a custom UISlider object, but how do I override the one that I created through interface builder that lives in my sliderViewController.m and sliderViewController.h?

With .NET I'd normally have some code generated by the WinForms editor which I would then be able to override by creating a new object and assigning to the existing reference.

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iphone - 在 1 轴上拖动 UIImageView/UIView 而无需 view.center 跳转到触摸位置(从视图上的任何位置拖动以在 x 轴上移动)

当设备被锁定时,我正在创建一个可拖动的 UIImageView,就像 iPhone/iPod Touch 的“滑动解锁”滑块一样。

我可以使用以下命令使视图沿 x 轴平滑移动:float newCenter = touchPoint.x;

但这并没有考虑到触摸从中心的偏移量。它只是将视图的中心点移动到接触点。我试图通过从 UIImageView 的 x 轴上的任意点拖动视图来移动视图。

下面,我尝试在TouchesMoved中计算 newCenter,但它不能顺利滑动。



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iphone - UISlider,知道 thumbImage 位置

有没有办法在 ThumbImage 上显示 Slider 值?
我正在考虑获取 ThumbImage 的 X 位置,然后相应地移动 UILabel。

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jquery - Onchange event using selecttouislider

I am referring to


and having hard time retrieving the selected value on the slider. Initially I was having a dropdown which had an onchange event associated with it.. and worked like a charm by calling

but now requirement changed to a slider

it throws me this.val() is not a function.

I also tried to use

but using the ui argument also I could not retrieve the selected value... it just returns me the selected index.

the dropdown looks lke this

It would be excellent if I could just be able to trigger the onchange event of the select box but looks like when using the slider, the value of the dropdown changes but it does not trigger the event.

Any help is really appreciated!


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iphone - 如何制作垂直 UISlider?

如何制作垂直 UISlider?我在其中一个应用程序中看到它并试图复制它。但是好像很难,有人知道怎么做吗?

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objective-c - 如何将 UISlider 垂直放置?


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ios - 更改 iPhone UISlider 栏图像

UISlider在我的应用程序中使用 a 但我想为它使用自定义的“外观”。我已将拇指更改为我自己的图像,但有没有办法也更改栏?我有一个我想使用的条形图像,但看不到如何执行此操作。
