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eclipse-cdt - TelosB Mote with MSP430 F1161 processor and FreeRTOS With Eclipse IDE errors troubleshooting

I spent lot of my time in basic setup. I do not know why it is so complicated in making a basic program to compile with FreeRTOS If there is any expert in this field please help me to fix these errors.

I dont get an idea how to explain my situation, I am tired after long 2 day trails. I am completely new to this area. so i am giving the screenshots of my errors below.



I got some kind of warning in this part of code


I will try to express my self more brief,Few days back I started experimenting with TelosB Mote and Contiki OS, that set up was very easy and straight forward, even though I was new to this topic it took me only few minutes to set up complete Virtual System for compiling and downloading the code to hardware TelosB. I was happy to see my small application running on target hardware.

Right now, From more than 24 hours I am struggling to compile code for FreeRTOS using IAR Emmbeded Work Bench, I wasted lot of time over here and later tried to use eclipse, even it did not turn out well. Is it really possible for me to run FreeRTOS Demo on my target Hardware (TelosB Mote - Texas Instruments MSP430 micro controller ) I connect it to my PC using USB.

What I mean by Eclipse IDE is here in this link.

As far as I know I am not trying to make a new port, I am trying to compile the existing port. I also tried demo code that is given with freeRTOS

When I mean basic program, I mean demo here in case of FreeRTOS, because in the getting starting guide instructions for compiling demo for target hardware is given. TelosB datasheet

TelosB Mote

The the Problems that I faced in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE are below.

The project settings for target hardware are below


Settings for usb

the errors that I get while I try to download is shown below. enter image description here

The Connected USB Hardware that is shown in Device Manager

Detected USB Mote

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c - What am I missing with the ## operator

I have a compiler error with GCC when trying to processor some macros from some TI code that compiles ok with the TI compiler.

The Macro's in question are some variation of

and it is used in code like

and when GCC gets a hold of that it says

error: pasting "(" and "XF" does not give a valid pre-processing token

It pre-processes successfully if I remove the ## in front of Field. If I am understanding the code correctly the ## in front of field seems irrelevant because it is turned into a function call (or another macro call) that takes two parameters. So the ## is redundant, the original replacement will result in ..._FSET(Field,Val) anyway.

So what am I missing? Everything I could find on the ## pre-processor directive said it just stuck the text together. So the ## never did anything in the first place in this case.

What am I missing?

And why would GCC choke on it but the TI compiler allow it? I'm guessing the answer to that is something like "ambiguous part of the spec".



I think the problem is because there is a host of nested macros that might not be being completely resolved. What the compiler ends up with is invalid so it spits the dummy at some point in processing them all.

I've managed to make the problem worse by filling in the missing macros and it has caused some others parts to break. Such are the joys of porting code between platforms and compilers I guess.

Thanks for the help.

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radio - MSP430 和 RFM22


我有一个 TI msp-exp430g2 启动板和一个 RFM22B,我需要它们相互通信,但我不知道该怎么做。经过一段时间后,我想出了下面的代码来将数据发送到 RFM22。我有一个示波器连接到 RFM22 的 ANT 引脚,我只能看到噪声而没有输出!


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linux-kernel - make[1]: *** 没有规则来制作 `firmware/am335x-pm-firmware.bin' 需要的目标 `firmware/am335x-pm-firmware.bin.gen.o'。停止

我有一个 Ti Sitara AM335x 入门套件,我想在上面使用 USB 3G 调制解调器。我正在关注这些文件:

http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Android-USB-3G-Modem-Integration & http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/TI-Android-JB-4.1。 2-DevKit-4.0.1_DeveloperGuide#Build_Procedure

我没有通过 repo 获得资源。我用的是预包装。执行此命令后,我无法构建 android linux内核并出现此错误

我已经尝试了很多事情,包括更改pm-firmware.binpm-firmware.bin.gen.o、下载准备好的内核 uImage 并尝试继续执行步骤。


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c - TI CC2530 - 将浮点数转换为 uint8[] 以进行发送,然后在接收中转换回浮点数

我需要在一些德州仪器 CC2530 节点之间发送一些浮点数。这种架构只能发送一个 uint8 数组。
我已经尝试做的是将带有强制转换的浮点指针分配给 uint8 指针。然后我发送这些字节,当接收到它们时,它们被复制到一个 uint8 数组中。最后,我创建了另一个浮点指针,该指针设置了先前创建的数组的强制转换。
实际上,这个技巧适用于我的电脑(使用 unsigned char 而不是 uint8),但不适用于接收到的数字始终为 0 的节点。






在这种情况下,我可以看到测试在 pc 上运行良好,但在节点上却没有。怎么了?



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microcontroller - MSP430 实时时钟 (RTC_B) 不工作。无法写入日期/时间寄存器

我正在尝试使用 MSP430F5338 微控制器的 RTC_B 模块设置日期/时间寄存器。我这样做是这样的:





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ios - 如何更新蓝牙设备的periphera.name?

我正在创建一个蓝牙 LE 应用程序来跟踪德州仪器蓝牙设备。

  • 在 iPhone 的设备日志中,蓝牙设备的外设名称是“Cannon Tag”,这就是我想要的名称。
  • 在 iPad 的设备日志中,蓝牙设备的外设名称为“TI BLE Keyfob”。

我想让它读取 iPad 的 Cannon 标签。如何进行此更改?

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c - MSP430 兼容性问题

我正在使用 MSP430 Launchpad。更具体地说,我使用的是微控制器 MS430G2553。我试图编译一些为 MS430G2230 设计的代码,但问题是代码的某些部分与 MS430G2553 不匹配。这是代码



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android - 如何设置 TI SensorTag 来收集数据以供以后检索?

我正在使用TI SensorTag,我希望它能够在我的手机不在通过蓝牙 LE 连接的范围内时存储数据。目前,传感器仅在设备处于无线范围内时才传输数据。

通过访问 SensorTag 上的固件,即使手机不在范围内,它似乎也应该可以存储数据,然后在设备可用时传输数据。我正在使用 iPhone,使用他们的示例代码访问它。如果有人认为这样会更好,我也可以使用 Android 代码。

是否可以告诉固件在本地记录这些数据?如果是这样,需要通过蓝牙 LE 传输哪些命令?如果不是,是否可以修改固件以支持此功能?

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c - 我需要对我的全新技术(德州仪器的 MSP430 微处理器)进行时间估算

我已经完成了 C 和嵌入式系统的工作,但那是 20 年前可怕的事情!自 1999 年以来,我一直是一名 Java 程序员。突然,有人要求我估算一个涉及 C 和嵌入式系统 MSP430 处理器的简单项目。

涉及什么?我发现 Eclipse 有一个调试插件,这对我来说可能是个好消息。

显然,如果不知道项目的复杂性,就无法估计任何事情。让我们假设,为了争论,这是一个“你好,世界!” 一种东西。创建环境、连接调试器、学习编译、上传和调试等对我来说会有什么开销?

除此之外,我的粗略估计是,所有的开发都将是我第一周的 Java 开发时间乘以 5。也许是 10 倍。这是准确的吗?有很多专业知识,自定义库等吗?
