我已经完成了 C 和嵌入式系统的工作,但那是 20 年前可怕的事情!自 1999 年以来,我一直是一名 Java 程序员。突然,有人要求我估算一个涉及 C 和嵌入式系统 MSP430 处理器的简单项目。

涉及什么?我发现 Eclipse 有一个调试插件,这对我来说可能是个好消息。

显然,如果不知道项目的复杂性,就无法估计任何事情。让我们假设,为了争论,这是一个“你好,世界!” 一种东西。创建环境、连接调试器、学习编译、上传和调试等对我来说会有什么开销?

除此之外,我的粗略估计是,所有的开发都将是我第一周的 Java 开发时间乘以 5。也许是 10 倍。这是准确的吗?有很多专业知识,自定义库等吗?



1 回答 1


The TI MSP430 is an extremely simple device. From a development standpoint, you have a couple options:

  1. Use an IDE such as IAR Embedded Workbench or TI Code Composer Studio (Eclipse-based).
  2. Use command-line tools (msp-gcc).

The User's Guide for the specific MSP430 device will be your friend. Anything that is device-specific will be found in the chip's Datasheet. TI has an abundance of drivers freely available on their website to get you started. They may not be the most efficient methods for performing a certain task, but they can be used as stepping stones to getting your application going. You can find these software examples here.

You'll need a good understanding of the MSP430 peripherals before you can really start getting your hands dirty - how do I configure the clock system? how do I communicate UART (serial)? how do I toggle GPIO?

于 2014-03-07T21:28:34.593 回答