问题标签 [set-theory]

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optimization - 最佳匹配评级对的最佳方式是什么?

让我们说我有一个男人和女人的名单。每个男人 (x) 给每个女人打分,每个女人 (y) 给每个男人打分,等级为 0-9。








我正在寻找一种将所有 x 和 y 配对以最大化总收视率的算法。

在这种情况下,最佳配对将是 x2:y3 = 9+9 = 18, x1:y2 = 5+8 = 13, x3:y1 = 5+9 = 14。总评分为 45。至少我认为是肉眼可见的。

我认为它是最大独立集问题的简化版本,而不是 NP-hard 优化问题。

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javascript - 在 javascript 数组中执行集合计算

我有 2 个数组可以说:



有没有一种聪明的方法可以做到这一点,还是我必须用循环和 ifs 交叉检查每个数组成员?我不能使用外部库(如 math.js 或 w/e)。


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javascript - 笛卡尔积的逆



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java - 如何在Java中找到多个集合的所有交集的列表?


我想要一组的全方位比较,即 2^n 组数:

在 Java 中执行此操作的最佳方法是什么?

例如,如果我只使用 5 套。我希望能够填充5 圈维恩图的所有重叠部分。



本质上,我要问的是如何应用与集合并集相结合的powerset 算法。

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algorithm - 如何将一组集合减少到一个没有元素是另一个子集的集合?


给定一组集合 S,找出并删除 S 的任何元素,这些元素是 S 的其他元素的子集。


1 <= |S| <= C^K

1 <= |S i | <= ķ

2 <= C <= 10

10 <= K <= 500


S i是 [0, K) 的子集

min(|S i |) >= log C (|S|)

我目前的方法是通过我所说的“NatSet”将每个集合保持在 S 中,这只是一个bool[K]. 然后我按 |S i |对 S 进行排序 并进行 O(|S|^2) 搜索以查找作为其他元素子集的元素。不幸的是,这对于我的目标值 C=6 和 K=16*9 来说太慢了。

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sql - T-SQL - 仅当连接行满足条件列表时才在表中查找不同的值




和表 B:

表 B 通过ID和与表 A 相关联AID。我想构建一个具有以下过滤器的查询: Position = 1 AND Value = 4并且Position = 3 AND Value = 5它为我提供了一个不同 ID 的列表,A.ID从中 stasify所有给定的标准。

我的意思是,如果我通过 INNER JOIN 将两个表连接在一起,我只希望拥有A.ID = 12.




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algorithm - 确定集合 {1,2,3,…,n} 的所有连续子集。子集应至少有 2 个元素

我需要划分一个S={1, 2, 3, … , n}由连续数字组成的集合,使得每个子集至少有 2 个元素(规则 1)并且它由连续数字组成(规则 2)。


  1. 每个子集至少有两个元素。

  2. 所有子集的所有元素都是连续的。

  3. S 的所有元素都包含在分区中。


我没有在这里写下来,但是对于 n = 11 有 55 个子集组合,对于 n = 12 有 89 个子集组合。

我需要编写一个列出 n 的所有可能子集组的 Visual Basic 代码。几天来我一直在思考解决方案,但似乎问题的解决方案超出了我的能力范围。所需的嵌套循环的数量随着 n 的增加而增加,我无法弄清楚如何随着数量的增加对嵌套循环进行编程。任何帮助将不胜感激。

经过一番研究,我发现这是“所有部分 > 1 的 n 组合”的问题,并且可能组合的总数是斐波那契数(n 的 Fn-1)。

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mapping - 如何将一组与一组完全匹配




S有 n 个集合,每个子集的大小未知。在这个例子中n = 4

现在我有了另一组大小为 n 的X,它被初始化为:





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dictionary - 与地图的复杂交叉点

我有两张相同 K、V 类型的地图,这样



所以整体 Map 结构是








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networking - Calculate optimal path through changing network?

Apologies if this question is not suited for this forum. The question extends beyond my knowledge of mathematics and programming, it is quite hard to get my head around it let alone put it in to words.

I am looking for a similar established problem from which I can construct an acceptable solution. The problem is as follows.

From a hands on perspective the problem appears similar to the traveling salesman problem, a set of interconnected nodes (network) with an associated quantifiable cost for moving from one to another. The major difference is the realization between any two paths potentially changes the cost of all subsequent steps, removes possible paths or in some cases removes nodes completely from the network.

I want to, in a reasonable amount of time, find a path or small collection of paths which is close to the best starting from any node, best being defined as the path which produces the lowest value from the equation [cost / total nodes travelled].

The obvious answer would be to permutate over all paths however this is not realistic possible given the potential number of nodes and the nature of the networks.

For those wondering about the real world problem it goes as follows.

I have sets with a cardinality of 8, each item in the set has a value of 0-15. These sets are grouped in groups of 8. They have been grouped so that between all 8 sets a minimal amount of possible values 0-15 is used (typically the group of 8 sets will use between 6-8 of the possible 0-15 numbers with a few outliers each way).

Each of these groups has a transformation table which allows me to replace the real value in a set with a reference to the value, these transformation tables are 16 entries long.

This creates the opportunity to represent multiple sets with the same pattern of variance with a single set and allow the transformation tables to realize their real respective values.

[ 7, 7, 9, 9] [ 4, 4, 5, 5]


[ 1, 1, 2, 2] with respective transformations (1=7, 2=9) (1=4, 2=5).

Of course as sets in a group get transformed they eat up entries in the transformation table reducing the ability for further transformations to occur. In the network problem the cost is associated with the number of additional entries I need to realize a transformation and the removal is when a transformation is no longer possible.

Additional factors to consider...

  • if a value(s) in a both sets can be represented using an existing transformation entry (they need to correspond to the same entry in the table (7=value in set 1, 7=value in set 2) then the cost of those value(s) is free.
  • entries in the transformation table that extend beyond the total individual numbers used in a group of sets can be used as wild cards (basically the transformation table can reference the same value multiple times as long as their remains enough entries to create at least one reference for all values).
  • Each possible original value must be referenced in the transformation table at least once (obviously we need to be able to reference it to reproduce the original set).

I am aware computational complexity theory and the fact that I am seeking an approximation or heuristic solution. Ideally from my knowledge of the cost between nodes and knowledge of possible connections I would like to create a small subset of paths from which I can test and take the best.