问题标签 [scala-cats]

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scala - 如何使用 Scalaz 或 Cats 重构抛出异常的函数





是否有意义 ?那样实施会更好doCheck吗?


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scala - 为什么我对来自猫的 Monoid 有编译错误





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scala - scala:按类型联合参数化

我需要一个类型 Union 来强制限制类型,所以按照这里的答案,我将我的 Union 定义为:

现在,我如何创建由这种类型联合参数化的列表或类?有可能这样做吗?我在 repl 中尝试了以下语法,但没有任何运气:


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scala - Lift values on Applicative

This question is based on the scala cats library, but I guess could apply to scalaz or general functional programming.

I'm trying the cats exercises and I thought of the following functionality with Applicative: Is there a function with the following signature and if so, what's it's name?

That is, if I have a function lying around that takes two Applicative instances and produces a third as result (f), I want to apply it to 2 values x and y without having to wrap it in an Applicative myself with pure. I can easily implement it myself like:

but it looked like something that might exist already and I couldn't find anything. (pureMap sounded like a reasonable name).

An example would be, if I already had a function in a validation library like:

, then I would want to use it like:

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scala - 在猫 XorT 中组合不同的“容器”



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scala - Scala 猫中用于递归算术表达式的免费单子

我正在尝试使用Scala 猫库并遵循教程文档来定义一个简单的算术表达式评估器。

目标是以模块化的方式定义 DSL,结合整数值和可以单独定义的加法。


前面的代码可以编译,因为我为 Add case 注释了“apply”的定义。我最初认为解决方案是注释的代码,但编译器返回:

你知道我需要在代码中更改什么来以模块化方式定义 DSL 和解释器吗?

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scala - Kleisli 示例需要显式类型和 FlatMap[Option]?

我正在玩基本的Kleisli 示例


  • 为什么我需要明确指定类型 [Option,String,Int]?示例代码省略了它们,我猜它一定也以这种方式工作......
  • 评估cc("5")我真的需要FlatMap[Option]手动给出还是我缺少一个隐式导入?



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scala - Using abstract types with type classes in Scala

I want to use an abstract type Value constrained to belong to the type class Show from cats.

My first attempt would be something like:

But the compiler doesn't find the implicit parameter Show[Value].

I know that I can define the previous example as:

However, I wanted to know if it is possible to use abstract types instead of type parameters.

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intellij-idea - 带有种类投影仪插件的 IntelliJ 上的猫

我正在探索 IntelliJ 中的 Cats,但尽管 IntelliJ Scala 插件支持Kind Projector 插件,但 IntelliJ 无法识别插件的类型 lambda 表示法 ( λ)。启用此功能有诀窍吗?在运行代码检查后,我没有看到 Kind Projector 列出,尽管 Kind Projector 检查选项可用并在首选项中启用。我的 IntelliJ 版本是 2016.2.2,Scala 插件版本是 2016.2.1。

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scala - 猫的约定:在哪里声明类型类实例

假设你有一些类A,并且你想TA. 实例声明应该放在哪里?就我个人而言,我会将它放在 class 的伴随对象中A。例如,如果我要为 Monoid 声明一个实例,我会这样写:
