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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
sms - RingCentral 主要公司号码短信“电话号码不属于分机”错误
列为我们的主要公司号码,但它不会发出。Phone number doesn't belong to extension
根据下面的错误说。我用于运行 API 调用的 RC 帐户没有分配电话线/号码。
ringcentral - How to List RingCentral Greetings?
Is there a way to get a list of greetings? I got a "Method Not Allowed" response trying to call this endpoint. Is this another one of those endpoints where you need to be registered in the Beta program?
GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/greeting
I want to use these ids to update greetings using the POST
POST /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/greeting/{greetingId}
ringcentral - 如何使用 RingCentral 访问另一个分机的问候语?
我无法将一个扩展的自定义问候语引用到另一个扩展。是通过 Update Greeting API设置自定义问候语(包括HoldMusic
POST /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/{extensionId}/greeting/{greetingId}
webhooks - Webhook not firing consistently for RingCentral Glip posts
I have successfully created a Glip bot in the sandbox and registered the corresponding webhooks, following the instructions found here: https://ringcentral-api-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/glip_bots/
When testing in the sandbox, I only get a webhook payload about 50% of the time when the bot is spoken to in a conversation. I would expect to get one every time, since the bot has a subscription for posts, and is a member of that group. Additionally, if the subscription wasn't working at all, I would expect to get it 0% of the time. Literally the same text will trigger it once, but not the second time.
I determined that there was nothing wrong with the endpoint by using Postman to simulate webhooks. Every time I created a simulation, the bot became aware of the post and responded accordingly. So it isn't the endpoint. It would appear that RingCentral Glip is not calling the endpoint every time it should.
It could potentially be a sandbox issue but I don't see any documentation that supports that theory. The specific event that's not firing every time is "/restapi/v1.0/glip/posts". As I continue to investigate I thought I'd reach out to see if anyone else experienced this issue, or has suggestions on how to debug.
fax - 如何在不发送到真实传真机的情况下测试 RingCentral Fax API?
是否可以在不向真实传真机发送传真的情况下使用 RingCentral Fax API 测试发送传真?
phone-call - RingCentral RingOut 麻烦
我遇到了一些 RingOut API 问题。一切正常,但大约一周前突然有一位用户声称 RingOut 功能已损坏,据我所知,她是正确的。对于我的生活,我无法弄清楚问题是什么。下面是我的请求的样子。在轮询调用后,当我知道事实并非如此时,api 错误声称一两条线路正忙。对此的任何想法或方向将不胜感激
api - RingCentral 传真 API 中缺少传真“from”和“callerId”参数
我一直在尝试使用 RingCentral API 发送传真,但无法指定From
shell - 使用 Curl 下拉通话记录数据
我想使用 shell 脚本和 curl 从 RingCentral 中提取呼叫数据。然后我会将其放入 ELK 中,以使用 Kibana 构建仪表板。但是,我不知道我在用 API 做什么。有没有人可以让我开始或一些示例代码来做到这一点?
我目前正在努力使用 curl 进行身份验证以获取令牌。目前,我不断收到不受支持的授权类型。我在 Sandbox 和“仅服务器无 UI”中设置了应用程序。
我已经使用 bash shell 从 Centos 7 机器上运行了它。
api - 如何在 RingCentral 沙箱中为 Outbound Fax API 创建第二个传真用户扩展?
我正在使用 RingCentral 开发人员沙箱帐户,并想创建第二个传真扩展。我正在使用以下 API: