问题标签 [regression]

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git - Git 到 CVS:我如何_regress_?

因为我完全疯了(好吧,有更好的理由,但我不能谈论它们),将 Git 存储库移植到 CVS 的最佳方法是什么?我没有使用任何我认为会阻碍操作的特定于 Git 的功能,而且我知道作者是如何映射的。


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java - Java ODRPACK(或类似)库

我正在使用 ORDPACK 的 Java 实现(就像 SciPy 所做的那样)或其他考虑 X 和 Y 中的错误的类似回归算法。

我已经浏览了 nist javanumerics 站点的任何内容,但是没有一个是相关的。

至少我需要一个可以对 X 和 Y 误差进行线性回归的库。


问候, Inci

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java - 多重回归

为了组合同一个变量的 3 个不同的估计量,我需要在 Java 中实现一个多元回归方法(因此有 3 个自变量和 1 个因变量)。我正在寻找一种简单的方法(就像多元回归方法一样简单)。从我所做的搜索来看,我认为最小二乘法可能应该是一种适当的方法,但我想知道您是否建议任何其他方法。此外,我无法找到有关在多变量上下文中实现最小二乘法的任何好的文档,所以如果您能指出我可以使用的任何好的信息/来源,我将不胜感激。

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datetime - 线性回归系数随时间的演变

我想观察线性回归系数随时间的演变。更准确地说,让我们有一个 2 年的时间框架,其中线性回归将始终使用范围为 1 年的数据集。在第一次回归之后,我们进一步移动一周(即我们添加了新的一周,但也从开头减去了一周)并且只要到达最终日期就再次进行回归:总共将有 52 次回归。

我的问题是数据集中有一些假期,我们不能像人们容易建议的那样简单地添加 7 天。我想要一些包装函数,可以对来自不同包的许多其他函数执行上述操作,例如forecast.lm()来自forecast包或任何可以想到的函数:在每种情况下的目标都是找到线性回归参数的演变一周一周。

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r - Quantile regression and p-values

I am applying guantile regression for my data-set (using R). It is easy to produce the nice scatterplot-image with different quantile regression lines (taus <- c(0.05,0.25,0.75,0.95)).

Problem occurs when I want to produce p-values (in order to see statistical significance of each regression line) for each one of these quantiles. For median quantile (tau=0.5) this is not problematic, but when it comes to for example tau=0.25, I get following error message:

What could be the reason for this?

Also: Is it recommendable to mention p-values and coefficients regarding the results of quantile regression model or could it be enough to show just the plot-picture and discuss the results based on that picture?

Best regards, frustrated person

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r - 广义 R 平方 (Naglekerkes R^2)

有人知道如何使用 R 计算用于 GLM 的 Naglekerkes 广义 R 平方吗?将它用于计数数据回归是否有意义?


广义 R^2


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r - 厨师距离情节如何摆脱传说



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statistics - 当变量与 SAS 中 proc 逻辑中的截距高度相关时,这意味着什么?

我从我的一份 proc 逻辑报告中发现,某个变量与截距高度相关。我该如何解释它?我应该改变什么来修改这种相关性?


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r - Is there an implementation of loess in R with more than 3 parametric predictors or a trick to a similar effect?

Calling all experts on local regression and/or R!

I have run into a limitation of the standard loess function in R and hope you have some advice. The current implementation supports only 1-4 predictors. Let me set out our application scenario to show why this can easily become a problem as soon as we want to employ globally fit parametric covariables.

Essentially, we have a spatial distortion s(x,y) overlaid over a number of measurements z:

These measurements z can be grouped by the same underlying undistorted measurement value v for each group g. The group membership g_i is known for each measurement, but the underlying undistorted measurement values v_g for the groups are not known and should be determined by (global, not local) regression.

We need to estimate the two-dimensional spatial trend s(x,y), which we then want to remove. In our application, say there are 20 groups of at least 35 measurements each, in the most simple scenario. The measurements are randomly placed. Taking the first group as reference, there are thus 19 unknown offsets.

The below code for toy data (with a spatial trend in one dimension x) works for two or three offset groups.

Unfortunately, the loess call fails for four or more offset groups with the error message

I tried overriding the restriction and got

How easy would that be to do? I cannot find a definition of d2MAX anywhere, and it seems this might be hardcoded -- the error is apparently triggered by line #1359 in loessf.f

Alternatively, does anyone know of an implementation of local regression with global (parametric) offset groups that could be applied here?

Or is there a better way of dealing with this? I tried lme with correlation structures but that seems to be much, much slower.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

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r - 如何发布(摆动)回归公式?


我该如何编织s1$call?我的意思是我不想在我的 pdf 文档中出现类似 `dynlm(formula=dep~indep1+indep2+indep3)´ 的内容。与这种函数调用风格相比,我更喜欢教科书风格。另外,我想(手动?)在模型中添加拦截和错误项(因为它实际上就在那里)。

请注意,我outreg在 google 上发现(现在似乎有点过于沉重),乍一看并不完全符合我的需求。

编辑:尝试发布示例输出,实际上我很乐意,但我不知道如何使用 SO 编辑器做得更好:


(使用http://texify.com :)

img]http://www.texify.com/img/%5CLARGE%5C%21%5Cmbox%7Bdep%7D%20%3D%20%5Calpha%20%2B%20%5Cbeta_1%20%5Ccdot%20%5Cmbox %7Bindep1%7D%20%2B%20%5Cbeta_2%20%5Ccdot%20%5Cmbox%7Bindep2%7D%20%2B%20%5Cepsilon.gif[/img