问题标签 [postfix-operator]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 为什么 `i += i++` 在 C 中为 1 而在 C# 中为 0?

谁能解释这些未定义的行为(i = i++ + ++i,i = i++ 等……)


对于 i = 0,为什么 (i += i++) 等于 0?

但是当我在 C 中尝试相同的代码时,它给出了不同的结果:


在 C# 中,它评估++and=+运算符,首先通过tempVar为每个 fo 分配它们并对tempVars. C如何实现它?还是建筑不同?

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python - Infix to Postfix Converter Python 2.7

I am trying to create a infix to postfix converter in python for a homework assignment, I found multiple ones online that seem simple enough but none of them meet the requirements I need. I have to use the following classes:

I had to add the getPrecedence(): method, which returns an Integer that represents the precedence level of an operator. I also had to use the following class:

I have to write a program that converts a infix expression to a postfix expression. This program should use the Token and Scanner classes (which I have included above). The program should consist of a main function that preforms the inputs and outputs, and a class named IFToPFConverter. The main function receives a input string an creates a scanner with it. The scanner is then passed as a argument to the constructor of the converter object. The converter objects convert method is then run to convert the infix expression. This method returns a list of tokens that represent the postfix string. The main function then displays this string. Here is what I have so far:

I don't know where to go from here, I don't even know if what I am trying to do at in my IFToPFConverter class will work. I have seen much simpler infix to postfix converters.

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java - 编译器警告“使用了增量值(bar++)的值”——这是否意味着行为发生了变化?

当我编译以下代码时,我收到了来自编译器的警告,提示“使用了增量值 (bar++) 的值”




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c - explanation for the code snippet in C

I came across this code snippet somewhere but cannot understand how does it works:


Please explain the working of this code snippet.

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java - Java:前缀 - 后缀问题


这样做,理论上我应该得到 0 作为答案,但是,我得到了 -2。


我得到的值为 B = 5,C = 7。


  1. 我怎样才能让它不从'b'中获取'a'的值,以及
  2. 使用前缀 - 后缀,我可以在减去它们时得到 0 作为答案。
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perl - 编译顺序和后置前缀操作符

我想知道为什么以下输出7 7 6 7而不是5 6 6 7



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c++ - 为什么要避免 C++ 中的后缀运算符?


当我们有能力选择任何一个时,为什么更喜欢prefixoperator++ 而不是 operator++?postfix

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c - 如何解决后缀和前缀运算符表达式?







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c++ - C++ 运算符重载前缀/后缀

我正在学习 C++ 中的运算符重载。原始后缀 ++ 的属性是它的优先级低于赋值运算符。例如,int i=0, j=0; i=j++; cout<<i<<j将输出 01。但是当我重载后缀 ++ 时,这个属性似乎丢失了。



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c++ - 如何正确重载后缀增量运算符?

有没有办法修改此代码,以便在编译时不会收到警告?此外,这段代码是否可能导致段错误,因为它要访问以检索 main 中 x 的值的内存在操作员函数调用结束时被释放?