I am trying to create a infix to postfix converter in python for a homework assignment, I found multiple ones online that seem simple enough but none of them meet the requirements I need. I have to use the following classes:
class Token(object):
UNKNOWN = 0 # unknown
INT = 4 # integer
MINUS = 5 # minus operator
PLUS = 6 # plus operator
MUL = 7 # multiply operator
DIV = 8 # divide operator
FIRST_OP = 5 # first operator code
def getPrecedence(self):
if self is '(':
return 0
elif self is '+'or '-':
return 1
elif self is '*' or '/':
return 2
return 3
def _init_(self, value):
if type(value) == int:
self._type = Token.INT
self._type = self._makeType(value)
self._value = value
def isOperator(self):
return self._type >= Token.FIRST_OP
def _str_(self):
return str(self._value)
def getType(self):
return self._type
def getValue(self):
return self._value
def _makeType(self, ch):
if ch == '*': return Token.MUL
elif ch == '/': return Token.DIV
elif ch == '+': return Token.PLUS
elif ch == '-': return Token.MINUS
else: return Token.UNKNOWN;
I had to add the getPrecedence(): method, which returns an Integer that represents the precedence level of an operator. I also had to use the following class:
from token import Token
class Scanner(object):
EOE = ';' # end-of-expression
TAB = '\t' # tab
def __init__(self, sourceStr):
self._sourceStr = sourceStr
def hasNext(self):
return self._currentToken != None
def next(self):
if not self.hasNext():
raise Exception, "There are no more tokens"
temp = self._currentToken
return temp
def _getFirstToken(self):
self._index = 0
self._currentChar = self._sourceStr[0]
def _getNextToken(self):
if self._currentChar.isdigit():
self._currentToken = Token(self._getInteger())
elif self._currentChar == Scanner.EOE:
self._currentToken = None
self._currentToken = Token(self._currentChar)
def _nextChar(self):
if self._index >= len(self._sourceStr) - 1:
self._currentChar = Scanner.EOE
self._index += 1
self._currentChar = self._sourceStr[self._index]
def _skipWhiteSpace(self):
while self._currentChar in (' ', Scanner.TAB):
def _getInteger(self):
num = 0
while True:
num = num * 10 + int(self._currentChar)
if not self._currentChar.isdigit():
return num
I have to write a program that converts a infix expression to a postfix expression. This program should use the Token and Scanner classes (which I have included above). The program should consist of a main function that preforms the inputs and outputs, and a class named IFToPFConverter. The main function receives a input string an creates a scanner with it. The scanner is then passed as a argument to the constructor of the converter object. The converter objects convert method is then run to convert the infix expression. This method returns a list of tokens that represent the postfix string. The main function then displays this string. Here is what I have so far:
from arrayStack import ArrayStack
from token import Token
from scanner import Scanner
class IFToPFConverter(object):
def convert(self):
opStack = Stack()
postFixList = []
while self._scanner.hasNext():
currentToken = self._scanner.next()
if currentToken in '0123456789'
elif currentToken == '(':
elif currentToken == '*':
elif currentToken == '/':
elif currentToken == '+':
elif currentToken == '-':
elif currentToken == ')':
while not opStack.isEmpty():
def main():
sourceStr = raw_input("Please enter an expression:")
scanner = Scanner(sourceStr)
conversion = IFToConverter.convert(scanner)
return conversion
I don't know where to go from here, I don't even know if what I am trying to do at in my IFToPFConverter
class will work. I have seen much simpler infix to postfix converters.