问题标签 [plotly]

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plot - 仅在绘图中围绕 z 轴旋转

我正在尝试进行交互式3D 绘图,它很棒,但我发现 3D 旋转绘图有点烦人,因为默认情况下旋转围绕所有 x、y 和 z 轴(类似于谷歌地图)。

是否可以仅围绕 z 轴旋转并向上和向下平移相机视图

所以基本上现在轮换在李群术语中是 SO(3)。我希望至少有一个使用 SO(2)*R 的选项。

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r - Errors when exporting plots to Plot.ly

I have this data (sample of the first 20 rows):

  • Codering variable value
  • 1 Z1 Week.0 0
  • 2 Z2 Week.0 0
  • 3 Z3 Week.0 0
  • 4 Z4 Week.0 0
  • 5 Z5 Week.0 0
  • 6 Z6 Week.0 0
  • 7 Z7 Week.0 0
  • 8 Z8 Week.0 0
  • 9 Z9 Week.0 0
  • 10 Z101 Week.0 NA
  • 11 Z102 Week.0 NA
  • 12 Z1 Week.1 0
  • 13 Z2 Week.1 0
  • 14 Z3 Week.1 0
  • 15 Z4 Week.1 0
  • 16 Z5 Week.1 0
  • 17 Z6 Week.1 0
  • 18 Z7 Week.1 0
  • 19 Z8 Week.1 0

and I plot it using:

The graph displays just fine:

enter image description here

Yet when I want to export this to Plot.ly I get the following errors:

And I have searched for these errors, yet the explanation thoroughly confuses me. "The missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed." is supposed to occur if you use logical termms as IF/ELSE/TRUE/FALSE and such in your process, which I don't at all! Even when checking for any NA's in the value of the graph I get:

and the 'longer object length is not multiple of shorter object length' is supposed to pop up when you have objects of different lengths, but I'm only using 1 object with 3 rows that have exactly the same length.. The value of the graph does give me a NULL when I ask for those rows, but that is supposed to happen..

All in all, I'm very confused and don't know how to correctly handle these errors, could someone elaborate?

Thanks for your time.

EDIT: I have tried to export a different graph to Plot.ly using a random sample of 1:100 and that worked just fine, I'm pretty sure the error is in my data, I just can't figure out how to fix it.

EDIT2: In response to @Gregor:

And the tail:

I am not at all surprised by these, there are quite some NA's in the dataset but they shouldn't prove to be an issue, since I have used a similar (bigger) dataset before.

And I also have the .csv file for you to use if you wish: https://www.mediafire.com/?jij1vlp14a29ntt

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r - 用 R 巧妙地安装

我想在 R 中安装 plotly 包,来自 github



但仍然有同样的问题,我不知道在 url 和端口值中输入什么,我在 Githup 和 plotly 上有两个帐户


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python - 如何创建两个 y 轴流式传输

我按照情节示例使用我的 DHT22 传感器成功创建了流式温度图。传感器还提供了我想绘制的湿度。

有可能吗?以下代码是我正在尝试的,但引发了异常:plotly.exceptions.PlotlyAccountError: Uh oh, an error occured on the server.没有数据被绘制到图表中(见下文)。


我修复了代码,不再抛出错误。但是仍然没有数据被绘制到图表上。我得到的只是轴: 只有轴图

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python - 可以情节地返回帐户的现有数字列表吗?


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r - Plotly 与 R ggplot 隐私

我正在用 ggplot 绘制图表,使用 plotly。如何在 plotly 上将情节设为私有而不是公开?我的代码如下所示:

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r - 使用 Plotly 和 R 的悬停模式

与 R 和 ggplot2 一起使用 plotly 时,有没有办法对悬停模式进行编码?



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r - Plotly 中具有背景颜色的构面

我正在尝试绘制迷你图的小倍数图,以便每个迷你图的背景根据变量(var4)进行着色。我可以用 R 中的 ggplot 做到这一点,但它不能很好地转换为 Plotly。

我考虑过可能在 Plotly 中做一个“直方图”,上面覆盖着我的迷你图,但我也不太清楚。


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python - Plotly 杀死了我的 python 安装

我只是尝试使用 pip 安装 Plotly。我正在从 Anaconda 运行 python,现在每当我尝试运行任何 python 时,我都会收到以下错误,我不知道如何修复它。我在 Windows 7 64 位、Python3、4 上运行

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facet - Plotly Facets 无法正确翻译

我发现使用 Plotly 和 R,当我处理情节时,它们通常不能正确地从 R 转换为 Plotly。

例如,我在 R 中绘制的图表如下所示:


当我将它发送到 plotly 时,它看起来像这样:


