问题标签 [personalization]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
owl - 我需要个性化本体的个体
android - Android 应用程序如何存储用户喜爱的数据以个性化动态数据
我有一个远程数据库,其中包含在有新版本数据可用时定期加载到 Android 应用程序的数据 - 即添加了新数据或编辑了现有数据。即使数据已重新加载,我也需要保留用户对数据的偏好。
例如数据是一个报价集合,没有用户注册,用户可以收藏任何他喜欢的报价。为了加快应用程序的速度,数据存储在 sqlite 数据库中。
r - 是否可以在变异函数图中添加线条/文本/次要刻度线/个性化轴?
函数。当我尝试使用传统的函数调用(即)添加任何这些时,即使变异函数的绘图窗口已打开,text("Text Here")
它也会返回错误。plot.new has not been called yet
然后运行上面的代码。这允许传统函数工作,但遗憾的是它们不在适当的位置(即 x=5 不在 x 轴上的 5 处)。
有关“欺骗” R 以正确绘图的更好方法的任何建议?任何自动将文本、轴等添加到变异函数图的函数?
mongodb - 如何对 10 个项目进行高性能选择,然后知道当前用户何时已经在 mongodb 中查看了该项目?
我想在 youtube 中实现一个功能,您可以在其中知道您看过哪些视频。
- 将播放的视频存储在本地存储中,并使用此数据更新用户界面。(如果数据还没有在 locastorage 中并且用户已经观看了很多视频,这将需要在开始时进行高数据负载)
- 将数据存储在一个表中,当然,在得到查询结果后,获取与当前用户相关的每个视频信息。在我看来,这种方式需要太多的查询。
actionscript-3 - Customizing Clothes on Character in Game User Personalization
I could use help with customization in Flash games! I am pretty new to AS3 and have a game I am building where the user can dress the character based on a few options and a color picker, then move on to a race. I cannot get the clothes that are chosen to stay, and the ones excluded leave, without all of them staying or leaving. I've tried variables, if/else conditions and switch statements, but nothing is working. I have a feeling it's a condition, but I don't know how to write it and can't find anyone in a similar boat.
I have been scouring my books (Flash CS6 Missing Manual and ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook), and I've gotten very close, but nothing works. I really could use a lot of help with this, it's a final project and the stress might be hiding the answer, but I surely don't have it.
Not sure if I did this right, I've never used this site before. Thank you in advance!
Here is a link to where the .swf file is currently uploaded for your input. http://yellownotebook.weebly.com/other-work.html Please ignore the DONE button at the beginning, I am working on that still. I need the clothes to be invisible on the start up, and the remaining unselected clothes after that to be discarded? Invisible? I still don't understand which way is best for this situation. I started reading something about Display Lists?
I'm also not sure what part of the code would be most helpful, so here it is.
As you can see, I have a lot of code commented out, I have been trying everything I can find for it to work. I also am trying to scale her down 50% after the DONE button is clicked and the game is started, but I have not figured out a way for that one either. Thank you so so much for any help!
javascript - 通过 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 实现 5 种可能的颜色?
我的电子商店有一个模块,它允许用户选择一个项目并使用可以移动的彩色文本对其进行个性化设置。文本在文本字段中输入,文本的颜色通过由 JScolor.js 交互的元素选择。选择颜色后,文本会自动更改颜色。
问题是我的物理个性化机器只支持 5 种基本颜色的打印。因此,有没有办法将调色板限制为这 5 种颜色或以其他方式/.js/html/css 实现该效果?
variables - 在 Parse Push 消息中使用变量
我真的很喜欢 Parse 推送服务并将其与我们的 CMS 集成。我想通过在推送消息中添加用户名来使通知个性化。如何在推送消息中使用存储在 Installation 类中的变量(屏幕截图中名为“voornaam”)?
windows-8 - 更改 Windows RDP 连接栏位置
我在使用 RDP 时经常浏览互联网,并且在切换选项卡时窗口顶部的连接栏位置很烦人。如何将 Windows RDP 连接栏的位置更改到窗口的任何另一侧?不是取消固定栏,缩小或沿着窗口的顶端滑动,而是移动到左/右/下的任何另一端,或者完全摆脱它。
操作系统:Windows 8.1
android - Android WebView Push 将名称分配给 DeviceID
我正在开发一个带有 WebView 和推送通知的 Android 应用程序。问题是,我正在显示的网站有一个登录名。
我想做的是:如果有人通过我的应用程序(WebView!)登录网站,我需要使用他输入的用户名并将其与 Android-Device-ID 一起放入我的 MySQL-Database 中。(但只是,如果他的密码是正确的..)
ruby-on-rails - 带有个性化的 Rails 片段缓存
缓存批次,可能在 memcached 或 CloudFront 中,将用户名保留在会话中,并使用 JavaScript 从会话中提取用户名并在客户端个性化页面。