问题标签 [operation]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 如何在C#中同时从同一个文件中读取和写入

我想将数据写入文件并读取它以在 C# 中同时显示。这个怎么做 ?

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algorithm - 算法分析

假设一台机器的吞吐量为 70 ops/s。假设我们有一个时间复杂度为 T(n) = 2n^2 + 120的算法

确定机器对于大小为n = 8的输入执行所述算法需要多少小时。


T(n) = 2n^2 + 120

T(8) = 2(8)^2 + 120 = 248 * 70 * 1000


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c++ - 错误:“)”标记之前的预期主表达式|



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web-services - soapaction in WSDL using CXF

I am developing webservice using CXF. I use HTTP binding so according to http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:operation soapaction is mandatory for this type of transport.

The problem is that I want to deploy the same application for test and production server. I would like to do it without rebuilding application or keeping external WSDL files, which will add one more thing on maintenance list.

I had the same problem with location, but that one was trivial to solve. I used publishedEndpointUrl in endpoint configuration to set proper value. The value is retrieved during initialization of application from external property file, which I placed on classpath tomcat/common/classes .

I would like to achieve the same functionality for soapaction. The value for this attribute should be not relative URI. So for test it should be:

and for production

any idea how to achieve this?

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239 浏览

r - 如何在 R 中定义一个数据框,其中包含对另一个数据框的两列进行数学运算的结果?

我有一个包含以下列名称和 19 行的数据框

该类是data.frame。问题是如何为原始参考中的所有行创建一个新的数据框,其中包含第 1 列和第 2 列的 log 2 比率,然后是 3 和 4,然后是 5 和 6,依此类推?

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434 浏览

binary - 二进制减法:2 的补码和进位

我想用二进制表示的数字 1010 1101 减去 1。我写出 1 的两个 s 补码:1111 1111,然后与第一个数字相加:

按位加法,带进位,得到 1 1010 1100:由于进位,我最终得到 1 位。这是如何在二进制加法中处理的?



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objective-c - 如何使用 OSAtomicxxx 方法实现循环效果

我们想使用任何一种 OSAtomic* 方法来实现循环效果,例如,从 MAX_INT 开始计数,每次递减 1,一旦达到 0 再返回 MAX_INT。有没有办法做到这一点?

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java - 为什么这两个乘法运算会给出不同的结果?


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c# - 字节操作 c#





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javascript - JS中的数学运算


返回 224.12 美元

这是错误的,它需要支付 665.30 美元 = [ LA * r^Yr * R ] / [ r ^Yr - 1]


30 年抵押贷款 100,000 美元,利率 7% (0.07)

0.07 / 12 = 0.00583(这是 R)

30 * 12 = 360(这是 Yr)

1 + 0.00583 = 1.00583(这是 r)

付款 = [ $100,000 * (1.00583)^360 * 0.00583 ] / [ (1.00583)^360 - 1 ]

每月付款为 665.30 美元
