问题标签 [inline-functions]

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c - ((always_inline)) 在不同文件中实现功能时不起作用





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c - 是否有一个实际示例说明内联对 C 程序的性能有害?


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c++ - Why do C++ member functions defined in a class not produce duplicate symbols, whereas they do in C?

C Example





C Result

Compiled with clang main.c bb.c:

C++ Example





C++ Result

The above compiles fine with clang++ main.cpp b.cpp and the output to the program is:


  1. Why does the duplicate error not occur with the C++ version?

  2. Does the fact that the function void a::doit() is defined in the header file rather than a source file mean that the compiler will automatically inline the function?

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c++ - C++ 内联函数和特定于上下文的优化

我在 Scott Meyers 的 Effective C++ 书中读到:



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c - 代码编写器内联函数链接器错误

我正在使用Code Composer Studio,我需要内联一些函数。所以我把它们放在头文件中(或者放在头.inl文件引用的文件中,两种方式)并尝试构建我的项目。




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c - 将内联函数转换为宏

我有一个 1 行inline函数,它是我的代码中热点的一部分。我想看看将其更改为宏是否有益。作为一个函数写作我不必担心副作用。但是我如何为此编写一个没有副作用的宏呢?

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c - 静态内联、外部内联和普通内联函数有什么区别?

static inlinea和extern inline普通inline函数有什么区别?

我已经看到了一些模糊的解释。据我了解,static inline不仅仅是一个inline函数,它只能在某个文件中被引用,因为static关键字通常意味着。我猜也一样extern inline,这与extern变量的解释不同。任何答案将不胜感激!

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c - Should I deliberately inline functions across translation units in C99

In my question I originally asked these four questions

  1. In C99 compilers, is the behavior of inline implementation defined when it comes to inlining across translation units?
  2. If so, should it be avoided?
  3. Is there some other generally accepted way of doing this?
  4. If my inline function doesn't get inlined everywhere, would I at least get some sort of linker error?

After my OP I discovered that the first question has been discussed at length already in the following threads:

There are more threads on this topic, but these two seemed to hit the nail on the head.

So, based on these two discussions we can see that the answer to question 1 is YES. Compilers definitely have some freedom W.R.T. how they handle the inline specifier.

We also see that for this to work inline functions must be defined in a header.

Then beyond that the following options exist:

  1. The function definition in the header may have a static specifier.
  2. If the header definition does not have a static specifier, it may be declared via extern in some common header file that all C files calling the function will also #include.
  3. If methods 2 and 3 are not used, method 4 would be to declare this inline function via extern in every C file that wishes to call it.

So, now that all of that explanation is out of the way, I would like to refocus this question on my original items #2 and #3 – should I even be doing this, and if so what's the most acceptable way?

Should I be doing this - or should this be avoided as much as possible?

Consider my application – I have a one line function in a driver that is called frequently (≈ several hundred times a second), but only from 3 or 4 other places. So using inline will not contribute to code bloat – in fact the result will be negligible. Gregory Pakosz outlines when to use an inline function and when not to nicely in this answer. So therefore, the answer would be very clear if this were one function being used in one translation unit. But that's not what I am asking.

In this situation I do not need to inline this function. But should I? I will probably never notice any performance difference because I inlined just this one function. But I am trying to figure out if I should make this my general practice in all similar situations. If I inline short functions that are frequently called more aggressively I may see a performance improvement. (My runtime environment is a low power 16bit RISC MCU – that's probably an important detail.)

The reason for asking is this is because there seems to be a disagreement among programmers about this. Is it bad etiquette for some reason to inline functions across translation units (no matter how you do it), and if so, why?

Assuming I do inline functions across translation units, what's the least detestable or most acceptable way?

Putting static in a header seems to work well and may be the most portable way to do it. This was pointed out by pts in the comments and by and buzz in the answers. On the surface it seems like I am using static to facilitate using something globally – which is nuts! But I suppose I can more correctly think about it like this: every function that inlines this function will have its own static copy as if it were defined in each of the respective C files as static inline. If that understanding is correct then it seems like the behavior would always be predictable – the linker would have to give me notice if there are two functions with the same name in a translation unit.

I am not sure how I feel about declaring a functions via extern in a header. The wording in 6.7.4 is that external definition in another translation unit is “not forbidden”.

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c++ - 可变参数函数的内联

在玩优化设置时,我注意到一个有趣的现象:带有可变数量参数 ( ...) 的函数似乎从来没有被内联。(显然这种行为是特定于编译器的,但我已经在几个不同的系统上进行了测试。)


似乎总是会导致test生成的可执行文件中出现一个(可能是损坏的)符号(在 MacOS 和 Linux 上的 C 和 C++ 模式下使用 Clang 和 GCC 进行测试)。如果修改签名 oftest()以获取传递给 的纯字符串,则两个编译器都会按照您的期望printf()从向上内联该函数。-O1


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c++ - 这段代码将如何编译



  1. 一个将被内联,两个不会
  2. 一和二将被内联
  3. 一和二不会被内联(因为我们取了函数的地址)
