问题标签 [hough-transform]
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artificial-intelligence - 使用霍夫变换生成用于检测曲线段的直方图数组
我基本上了解使用霍夫变换检测抛物线背后的理论(即y = a(x - x_c)+ y_c)。
但是,我想自己在 MatLab 中实现它,这样我就可以看到它工作了(我不想使用预先编写的代码来为我做这件事)。有人可以通过给我一些伪代码来帮助我吗?即它不必是 MatLab 语法等。我将使用像 Canny 边缘检测器这样的边缘检测器来为 HT 提供输入。
任何帮助都是极好的 :)。谢谢你。
image-processing - 地平线检测
image-processing - 如何使用OpenCV在图像上找到一个点与另一个点的坐标
今天我在C语言中使用OpenCV编写了一个使用霍夫变换检测圆圈的程序。程序输入3张图像,每张图像包含一个固定的小圆圈和一个可变位置的大圆圈。然后程序识别两个圆圈并标记两个圆圈的中心。现在我想做的是,在输出图像中,大圆中心的 (x,y) 坐标应该相对于固定的小圆的中心显示。这是'circle.cpp'的代码
请建议我应该在代码中进行哪些更改以显示所需的 (x,y) 坐标。非常感谢 :)
c++ - cvHoughLines2 内存泄漏
OpenCV 方法 HoughLines2 是否存在从现在开始(版本未修复的内存泄漏,或者我的这部分代码有问题?
algorithm - 使用 Hough 变换进行椭圆检测
使用霍夫变换,如何检测和获取二维空间中椭圆的 (x0,y0) 和“a”和“b”坐标?
这是 ellipse01.bmp:
image-processing - Algorithm to detect corners of paper sheet in photo
What is the best way to detect the corners of an invoice/receipt/sheet-of-paper in a photo? This is to be used for subsequent perspective correction, before OCR.
My current approach has been:
RGB > Gray > Canny Edge Detection with thresholding > Dilate(1) > Remove small objects(6) > clear boarder objects > pick larges blog based on Convex Area. > [corner detection - Not implemented]
I can't help but think there must be a more robust 'intelligent'/statistical approach to handle this type of segmentation. I don't have a lot of training examples, but I could probably get 100 images together.
Broader context:
I'm using matlab to prototype, and planning to implement the system in OpenCV and Tesserect-OCR. This is the first of a number of image processing problems I need to solve for this specific application. So I'm looking to roll my own solution and re-familiarize myself with image processing algorithms.
Here are some sample image that I'd like the algorithm to handle: If you'd like to take up the challenge the large images are at http://madteckhead.com/tmp
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
In the best case this gives:
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
However it fails easily on other cases:
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
(source: madteckhead.com)
Thanks in advance for all the great ideas! I love SO!
EDIT: Hough Transform Progress
Q: What algorithm would cluster the hough lines to find corners? Following advice from answers I was able to use the Hough Transform, pick lines, and filter them. My current approach is rather crude. I've made the assumption the invoice will always be less than 15deg out of alignment with the image. I end up with reasonable results for lines if this is the case (see below). But am not entirely sure of a suitable algorithm to cluster the lines (or vote) to extrapolate for the corners. The Hough lines are not continuous. And in the noisy images, there can be parallel lines so some form or distance from line origin metrics are required. Any ideas?
(source: madteckhead.com)
matlab - MATLAB中的霍夫变换
使用 (rho; theta) 格式和 theta,从 -45° 到 90° 以 45° 为步长。以及如何在 MATLAB 中显示累加器数组。
image - OpenCV:使用霍夫变换的抛物线检测
我想检测图像中的抛物线类型:y^2 = 4a*x [大小:512 X 512]。我准备了一个累加器数组 acc[size: 512 X 512 X 512]。我准备了一个与该图像相对应的 MATRIX。我使用了霍夫变换。我是这样做的:
1) acc[512][512][512] 占用大量内存。它需要大量计算。如何减小数组大小从而最小化计算?2) acc(i,j,k) 的最大值输入并不总是给出预期的输出。有时第二个或第三个最大值,甚至第 10 个最大值给出预期的输出。我需要大约。'a'、'x1'、'y1' 的值(不是精确值)。
matlab - 使用霍夫变换计算相似度
我可以使用霍夫矩阵在 MATLAB 中计算两个二值图像的相似度吗?
[H,T,R] = hough(bw)
image - 使用 OpenCV 进行水平线检测
我一直在尝试使用 OpenCV 来完成这项工作。OpenCV 中的霍夫变换实现似乎对这项工作很有用,但我找不到任何参数组合可以让它干净地找到垂直和水平线。我尝试了有无边缘检测。没运气。如果有人做过类似的事情,我有兴趣知道如何做。
在此处查看我在 OpenCV 中使用 HoughP 进行实验前后的图像。这是我能做的最好的,http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3787481/Untitled%201.png
我知道这个问题是可以解决的,因为我有 Nuance 和 ABBYY OCR 工具,它们都可以可靠地提取水平和垂直线并返回线的边界框。