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windows - 如何使用 TwinCAT 3 作为 EtherCAT 主站设置 Windows 10?
我想使用带有 TwinCAT 3 的 Windows 10 作为 EtherCAT 主站:使用 PC 以太网端口连接到带有差异模块的 EK1101,并在没有 PLC 的情况下使用 IO 测试我的程序。
data-structures - 描述 EtherCAT 网络/拓扑的最佳数据结构是什么?
EtherCAT 可以有各种网络配置,因为它支持环形、星形、总线等拓扑。我想制作一个读取连接设备并显示/存储网络配置的应用程序。描述这种多样化网络的最佳数据结构是什么?树将是一个解决方案,因为我们可以轻松地描述星型拓扑,但是在环的情况下(我认为这是最常用的一种),当我将其解析为 XML 或 JSON 时会导致深度过多。有更好的方法吗?
simulation - Twincat 3 simulating robot interface
Hallo this is my first post here.
I'm currently doing my internship at a company that uses twincat 3 programs for automation in conjunction with a yaskawa robot system. The assignment I received is to expand the simulation software they currently use to simulate the plc software to also be able to simulate the yaskawa interface so they can test if changes in eithers software causes issue's in the other without having to upload the program to a PLC. I've been looking online and found a couple options but I'm curious if I missed some other options or if the options I've found will not work.
The options I'm currently considering are.
using the ethernet port on the simulation pc to connect to the Yaskawa controller. I've found a driver(https://infosys.beckhoff.com/english.php?content=../content/1033/el7031-0030/1036996875.html&id=) that will allow the user to make an ethernet port on their pc function in real time so I theorized It might be possible to then directly connect the computer to the yaskawa controller so the user would not need to upload the software but have the PC act as a PLC instead.
Use ROS to simulate the robot. there are libraries for ROS industrial to program and simulate a yaskawa robot. It would require using 2 computers or using a virtual machine as ROS is used best on an linux system. Only problem is I can't figure out if the ROS simulation can use regular yaskawa jobs and functions or if it can only the adapted ones programmed in ROS.
Use motomans simulation software motosim to simulate the yaskawa robot. Seems like an obvious solution but can't figure out if it's possible to have it communicate with twincat3 however I might have missed something.
write a twincat 3 software that emulates a yaskawa interface. I consider this a last resort if all else fails. It would require the code be updated each time something about the yaskawa software changes which is not ideal for quick testing.
I'd really appreciate any suggestions or additional information more experienced programmers might have.
twincat - TwinCat 3 远程部署到 XAR
我正在尝试将我的代码部署到带有 XAR 的设备上,但我只找到了我必须在同一个网络中的解决方案......是否可以将我的代码部署到不在我的网络中的带有 XAR 的设备上?我想在办公室尝试部署并连接到工厂中的 PLC...
plc - TwinCat 3 和 hyper-V
我正在尝试在需要开启 hyper-V 才能运行 Azure IoT Edge(使用 hyper-V)的 PC 上运行 TwinCat 3 XAR。有没有办法在 hyper-V 开启的情况下运行 XAR?有什么方法可以将内核与 hyper-v 或其他东西隔离开来?
microchip - Ethercat lan9255 在使用 ethercat 从属堆栈闪烁十六进制后挂起
我有一个使用 LAN9255 的自定义硬件。
由于我无法在 twincat 上浏览它,所以我决定使用此参考创建项目并刷新十六进制。
以前无法编译我的项目,现在。对代码稍作改动后,编译成功。并使用 jlink 指挥官刷新了生成的 hex 文件。
但是当我尝试连接到 Twincat master 的那一刻,它挂起。