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python - 如何在 Anaconda 中恢复到以前的包?





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conda - 测试脚本 run_test.py 在 pyfftw 的 conda 构建中失败

我已经使用 conda build 成功构建了 fftw 和 pyfftw 的包。我现在正在尝试编写一个 run_test.py 例程来执行 pyfftw 中的测试,作为构建过程的一部分。我写了一个 run_test.py 来运行 pyfftw 中的一个测试文件:



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python - conda:GData 和 http_interface


康达安装 gdata





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python - Install a package into multiple/all conda environments?

I'm using conda to run tests against different versions of python, numpy, etc., but there are some common dependencies for all combinations of python/numpy. Is there a way to install such packages into all conda environments, or do I have to specify each by hand?

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python - 如何使用 conda 创建单独的 python 环境,每个环境都有不同的 $PYTHONPATH

我想使用 conda 创建不同的环境,每个环境都有不同的 $PYTHONPATH。目前,我每次都必须在我的 .bashrc 中更改环境变量。是否有一种通过 conda 创建多个 python 环境的简单方法,以便我可以无缝切换(通过源激活)并自动更新相应的 $PYTHONPATHs?

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python - Anaconda Python Conda pipbuild failed with WindowsError cannot find file

I recently switched to the Anaconda Python distribution and I'm trying to get the hang of things. I wanted to install this yaml-related package and since there isn't already a conda recipe for it, I tried

which resulted in the following output (I removed non-relevant entries of my system path):

I'm not sure what happened since I don't know what file it was looking for and I don't yet know anything about conda recipes except they're supposed to be awesome and not give these kinda of errors.

I was hoping to install through conda so that everything could be managed by conda instead of some stuff being managed by pip.

Digging into the main_pipbuild.py source it looks like it's trying to run C:\Anaconda\envs\_pipbuild_\bin\pip install package==version (with the appropriate package and version). When I look at my C:\Anaconda\envs_pipbuild_ there is no bin folder, so I'm guessing pip didn't get installed into the pipbuild environment correctly. The previous warnings about not having "patch" may also be a problem...

After installing patch with conda install patch I tried again with the following results:

So it finds some kind of problem with the package perhaps at Solving package specifications: .69 unparsed bytes left at the end of stream. Then it does this patch thing which apparently fails. Then it tries to do pip install and again can't find the bin/pip directory in the pipbuild environment.

Should it be looking for pip at C:\Anaconda\envs\_pipbuild_\Scripts\pip.exe? Because that does exist.

If this is a bug, here's where to report it: https://github.com/conda/conda-build/issues. I'll wait for feedback before doing any more.

Any help would be great!

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python - 如何将 conda 环境从一个 python 版本克隆到另一个版本?

我有一个 python 2.7 conda 环境,想用 python 3.4 创建一个等效的环境。我--clone在创建环境时知道该选项,但它不接受其他参数,例如python=3.4. 有没有办法自动做到这一点?我考虑过尝试使用 的输出conda list --export,但这也对 python 版本进行了编码。

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python - Conda environments and .BAT files

I am setting up calls to python (Anaconda distribution) via BAT files and the windows task scheduler.

I've now used environments for the first time and was trying to set a .bat file up as below:

Unfortunately it appears that the second command does not get executed.

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python-2.7 - 在 python Tox ini 文件中使用源时出错

我正在努力让 Tox 和 Conda 一起玩得很好。主要是因为我有很多非 python 依赖项需要安装,而且很容易创建 Conda 发行版。然后我可以用一个简单的conda install.

但是,我无法激活 conda 环境。

python build_env.py --conda-env {toxworkdir}/conda {packages}负责创建环境(如果需要)、安装软件包等。问题就在于此source activate {toxworkdir}/conda。我得到一个ERROR: InvocationError: could not find executable 'source'错误。直接在命令行中输入命令可以正常工作。

对于那些有兴趣的人。在build_env.py这个要点中:https ://gist.github.com/JudoWill/70450979353fa2d12823 ...目前它只是安装 Python 依赖项,但在其预期的环境中它将安装不一定是 Python 库的 Conda 存储库。有什么想法吗?

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homebrew - 导入 PyMC 失败(从 conda.binstar 安装后未加载 gfortran 库)

我在 Mac OS 10.9.4 (Maverick) 上运行 Python 2.7.8 :: Anaconda 2.0.1 (x86_64) 和 conda 3.5.5

我通过运行安装了 PyMC

conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/pymc pymc

但是,import pymc给出了一个错误(我在最后复制了 Traceback)。

Edit1:通过阅读这个问题"cannot import name flib",在我看来,问题在于通过使用 anaconda 安装 PyMC,它是针对不同的 gfortran 构建的,而不是由brew install gcc. 我很乐意卸载并重试,但我希望在我把事情搞砸之前,有人会给我提供指导!

Edit2: Traceback 告诉我//anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymc/flib.so正在尝试调用/usr/local/Cellar/gfortran/4.8.2/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib,它不存在。我认为直到最近才homebrew自行安装 gfortran,因此在/usr/local/Cellar. 但是,现在gfortran/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.8.3_1/binbrew install gcc. 帮助!

旁白:由于该错误表明我安装的 gfortran 编译器存在问题,因此brew让我为您提供一些详细信息,尽管可能不相关。

gfortran通过调用从 brew安装

brew install gcc

它抛出了一些错误,并建议我链接 gmp、mpfr、libmpc、isl 和 cloog。因此我做到了

brew link gmp(和mpfr等)

以防万一,which gfortran


这是回溯import pymc