问题标签 [categorization]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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hadoop - 使用 mahout 根据用户相似度对物品进行分类


根据每个电台播放的曲目,可以知道电台的流派。如何使用这些数据使用 Mahout 生成类似的无线电组?我想要一个类似这样的输出:

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python - Categorizing points using known distributions

My problem is as follows:

I am given a number of chi-squared values for the same collection of data sets, fitted with different models. (so, for example, for 5 collections of points, fitted with either a single binomial distribution, or both binomial and normal distributions, I would have 10 chi-squared values).

I would like to use machine learning categorization to categorize the data sets into "models":

e.g. data sets (1,2,5 and 7) are best fitted using only binomial distributions, whereas sets (3,4,6,8,9,10) - using normal distribution as well.

Notably, the number of degrees of freedom is likely to be different for both chi-squared distributions and is always known, as is the number of models.

My (probably) naive guess for a solution would be as follows:

  1. Randomly distribute the points (10 chi-squared values in this case) into the number of categories (2).

  2. Fit each of the categories using the particular chi-squared distributions (in this case with different numbers of degrees of freedom)

  3. Move outlying points from one distribution to the next.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until happy with result.

However I don't know how I would select the outlying points, or, for that matter, if there already is an algorithm that does it.

I am extremely new to machine learning and fairly new to statistics, so any relevant keywords would be appreciated too.

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artificial-intelligence - 我应该使用哪种聚类技术?




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python - 如何有效地根据python中键的值对字典列表进行分类?

我在 python 中有一个字典列表,我想根据所有字典中存在的键的值对它们进行分类,并分别处理每个类别。我不知道值是什么,我只知道存在一个特殊的键。这是列表:




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php - 如何将多个值返回给 Switch?

switch如何在 PHP 中返回多个值?

在下面的示例中,我尝试为product1返回category1、category2、category3 ,但语句下方的代码仅返回一个值。switch


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r - 将数值数据变为分类数据

这是数据集的链接。我正在尝试对我的数据进行分类。DR_AGE 工作得很好。

但是当我尝试对 CR_HOUR 或 VEH_YEAR 进行分类时出现了问题。


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ruby-on-rails - Rails 4 collection_check_boxes,通过 has_many




在我的 products/_form.html.erb



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view - Xpage l18n 类别


viewColumn2 工作正常 <- 它没有分类

第一个 viewColumn 不起作用 <- 已分类

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android - android中的多级类别导航

我目前正在开发一个应用程序,它是在线商店的移动版本。网上商店有大量的产品,已经有1万种,并且一直在增长。为了便于在网络上导航和浏览,我们像往常一样拥有多级类别导航。例如,主要的顶级类别中可能有 4 个子级别的分类。我怎样才能在android中实现这个。ExpandableListView 对此并没有真正的帮助,因为它支持两级分类,而不是更多。我也熟悉在其中实施listView分类,NavigationDrawer但为此我还没有找到解决方案。


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html - 在 HTML 中按类别显示文档

我有一个名为“shoes.html”的 HTML 页面和一个名为“clothes.html”的 html 页面。在这些 HTML 页面中,一个 div 中有一些文档。

我想做的是创建一个新的 HTML 页面,该页面的访问者将选择是否要阅读有关鞋子或衣服的文档。然后根据他的选择,就会出现合适的文件。
