问题标签 [bundle-identifier]

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ios - Bundle ID 不允许在 iTunes 中更改

我还没有上传二进制文件,但 itune 不允许我从 manage-apps 更改 bunlde id。如果有人对此有任何线索,请告诉我或者我需要重新创建?


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ios - 使用新的 Bundle Identifier 更新 Live 应用

我在 App Store(1.0 版)上有一个应用程序。现在我必须为同一个应用程序(1.1 版)提供更新。但是,由于某些问题,我需要更改应用程序的捆绑标识符。有可能这样做吗?如果是,请告诉我如何做同样的事情。或者我必须创建新的 App ID。


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ios7 - 什么名字进入iphone应用程序

我只是要提交我的 iPhone 应用程序。我的应用程序名称为 Xyz-Pq,捆绑包名称为 com.company.xyzpq。我想知道一旦应用程序发布并且当用户安装它时,它将像捆绑中提到的 Xyz-Pq 或 xyzpq 一样。请确认是否有人知道,然后我才能继续上传二进制文件并同意。

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ios - Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. After changing bundle id

I've changed my app bundle id "com.mycompany.Appname" to "com.mycompany.appname", to be the same as the app subscribed to itunes connect.

But after changing the name in info.plist, when I try to validate in organizer I get the two following errors (Be aware of uppercases and lowercases):

Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically, value 'XXXXXX.com.mycompany.appname' for key 'application-indetifier' in 'Payload/Appname.app/Appname' is not supported. This value should be a string starting with your TEAMID, followed by a dot '.', followed by the bundle indetifier.

The executable at Payload/Appname.app/Appname in Payload/Appname.app has been signed with identifier 'com.mycompany.appname' which does not match the bundle identifier 'com.mycompany.Appname'.

Is like I've changed the bundle identifier but XCode still thinks that the app name is with uppercase.

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ios - Cordova 在更改包标识符后覆盖它


在我改变它之后,如果我执行:cordova build捆绑标识符被覆盖到原来的,我不想要的那个。

我尝试更改 .cordova/config.json 中的 id,但是问题仍然存在。

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ios - 用于 Testflight 和生产版本的独立 iOS 应用程序和图标

我希望能够在我的手机以及当前正在生产的应用程序上拥有我的应用程序的调试/测试版本,但我不知道该怎么做。我知道它与捆绑 ID 和宏等有关,但我不确定从哪里开始,部分原因是我不确定要问什么问题。


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ios - bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value 错误

我制作了 iPhone 应用程序,现在我想将这个应用程序上传到 Appstore。


Bundle identifier在我的目标项目中是com.Appname



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ios - iOS 应用程序的 iTunes Connect 验证时出现无效的代码签名权利错误

我正在尝试在 Xcode 中验证我的 iOS 应用程序。但是,在验证后,我收到以下错误:

iTunes 连接验证


  • 无效的代码签名权利。您的应用程序包的签名包含 iOS 不支持的代码签名权利。具体来说,不支持“Payload/Radio Malayalam.app/Radio Malayalam”中键“application-idenfier”的值“VQ27FEWWTE.Veniteck.Solutions.Radio-Malayalam”。此值应该是一个以您的 TEAMID 开头的字符串,后跟一个点“.”,然后是捆绑标识符。
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ios - 应用商店验证阶段捆绑标识符错误


归档后,在验证阶段,我得到一个包 ID 错误代码。(见图)我的包标识符是:“ru.maxiforex.mobile”,在 xcode 中定义:(.plist 和常规选项卡),并找到appId 在 apple.dev 的配置文件中。


编辑:好的,错误已修复:iTunes 连接摘要页面上的捆绑标识符为:“maximarkets”。将其更改为真实姓名+删除派生数据页面就可以了。谢谢您的帮助 :)


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ios - iOS/Xcode: Concurrent builds for Debug, Ad Hoc, and Release *w/ In-App Purchases*

I've followed this tutorial to allow for my app to have builds for DEBUG, ADHOC testing (for my beta users), and RELEASE. Everything works great except for my in-app purchases.

My Bundle IDs after this setup are:

  • Debug: com.mycompany.myproduct.debug
  • Ad Hoc: com.mycompany.myproduct.adhoc
  • Release: com.mycompany.myproduct

(The RELEASE ID is the same as it was before this new setup.

Since this method changes the Bundle ID based on the build and since In-App Purchases are tied to a specific Bundle ID when I run my app as DEBUG or ADHOC my product identifiers come back as invalid when I call requestProductsWithCompletionHandler.

I have tried adding new In-App Purchase products prefaced with the new Bundle ID like so: com.mycompany.myproduct.debug.iapname, but since the In-App Purchases are tied to a single Bundle ID this doesn't work.

My question is this: In order to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish, do I have to create 2 new apps in iTunes Connect for each of my new Bundle IDs and then add In-App Purchase products to each of those for each Build Configuration? Or, is there another way to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish?