问题标签 [bundle-identifier]

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ios - iOS Developer Bundle ID 和 App 名称已在使用中



  • 您输入的 Bundle ID 已被使用。
  • 您输入的应用名称已被使用。

我们可以取消删除另一个应用程序并以某种方式替换它,还是我们只需要等待(多长时间?)使用相同的捆绑 ID 和应用程序名称上传新的应用程序?

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app-store - 我已经注册了 App ID,但它仍然显示您没有符合条件的 iOS 应用程序包 ID。在这里注册一个

我添加了 2 个应用程序 ID,它工作正常我可以在 itunesconnect 中看到该应用程序 ID。但今天我又添加了 3 个应用程序 ID。但它在 itunesconnect 帐户中不可用。


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ios - 如何在不越狱的情况下获取所有已安装应用程序的捆绑 ID

我需要知道没有越狱的 iDevice 上安装了哪些应用程序。我尝试了不同的方法,这似乎是最好的,但它不适用于 iOS 7。

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ios - 删除商店中的旧应用后上传新应用时出错

我制作了 iPhone 应用程序,


我在旧应用程序和新应用程序中都保持捆绑 ID 相同

当我尝试在 iTunesConnect 中上传我的新应用程序时,它会显示,


  • 捆绑 ID 已被不同的软件包使用。即使我已经从商店中删除了我的旧应用程序。



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ios - 应用 ID 名称和捆绑标识符问题

在 iOS 开发中心,在标识符和应用程序 ID 下,我创建了 id:


我希望 id 跟随大写的首字母:

由于没有删除按钮,我尝试使用大写首字母创建另一个按钮,但它说具有此捆绑标识符的 id 不可用。它采用大写字母和不带大写字母的名称相同。我该如何解决?

我只想有一个标识符为 com.thisisanapp.ThisIsAnApp。

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ios - Issue with building and signing an iOS app with a configurable bundle identifier to support multiple build configurations

I am trying to build multiple concurrent builds of my app (one for mocking environment, one for development environment, one for testing environment, one for production release).

I have gotten very far in getting this working, but am having issues with the codesigning of an app with a auto-generated bundle identifier (one running off a variable).


I am using xCode 4.6.3 using an adhoc provisioning profile.

To attempt to get this to work, I am setting my bundle identifier in the info plist file to somewhat running off a variable - so the app can be signed in different ways. E.g. my actual bundle identifiers are:

  • UXXXXXX.au.com.blah.MOCK
  • UXXXXXX.au.com.blah.DEV
  • UXXXXXX.au.com.blah.TEST
  • UXXXXXX.au.com.blah.PROD

Therefore my bundle identifier in my info plist has been configured as "UXXXXXX.au.com.blah.${BUNDLE_SUFFIX}"

Now to allow me to build the app differently for each build, I did the following:

  • I have 4 different bundle identifiers with 4 different provisioning profiles assigned to those bundle identifiers
  • To begin with i added a new configuration called "MOCK" (I will add the others in later)
  • Then under the project build settings I added a BUNDLE_SUFFIX user defined variable to my project and set it to MOCK for the MOCK configuration (I will add the others in later). This is used to set the bundle identifier for a build that uses the MOCK configuration.
  • Then under the project build settings, selected my MOCK provisioning profile for the MOCK configuration in build settings
  • I notice if i go to the summary view on my app target it displays the bundle id as UXXXXXX.au.com.blah.MOCK with the 'MOCK' part being in grey font - so it has picked up the bundle suffix variable
  • Then i created a new scheme called MOCK to use MOCK configuration for 'Profile' and 'Archive'. I left defaults for the rest (uses DEBUG).

So now I can run an xcodebuild and use scheme MOCK to do a MOCK specific build that will use the MOCK configuration to set the bundle identifier to .MOCK and set my provisoning profile to use _MOCK profile.

So i then run a jenkins build which does an xcodebuild and xcrun (which will call codesign).

This is my xcodebuild command:

This is my xcrun command:

NOTE: I specifically sign the app with the MOCK provisioning profile, as I worked out that I cannot sign the app with a .* profile, as the app uses push notifications and if I build the app with a .* and then re-sign the app with the proper profile, my embedded.mobileprovision profile gets updated, but the actual executable within the .app file never gets updated. And this causes push notifications to never get to the device. So what i need to get working is the ability to build and sign an app from command line with the app having a bundle id that is populated dynamically using a variable. And I cannot seem to get this working.


The xcodebuild runs successfully and works perfectly. The app appears to be built and signed properly as .MOCK and using the _MOCK provisioning profile!

BUT! The generating of the IPA file has an issue, I have an issue with the codesign.

Notice, that I built the app without any code signing entitlements. codesign gives me this error: warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate. (-19011) Executable=/Users/CI/Documents/workspace/build3/MyApp.app/MyApp codesign_wrapper-4.1: using Apple CA for profile evaluation Illegal entitlement key/value pair: application-identifier, UXXXXXX.au.com.blah. AssertMacros: filter_entitlements(entitlements_whitelist, entitlements_requested, allowable_entitlements), file: codesign_wrapper.c, line: 932 - (null

Notice that it has not picked up the bundle_suffix. Also when i view the MyApp.xcent file that codesign references, I notice it has UXXXXXX.au.com.blah. in it. It has not picked up the value of the bundle_suffix!

So then, what i tried is to create an entitlements.plist file for my MOCK build configuration and add a link to the file under 'code signing entitlements' for MOCK configuration under the build settings. But now i get a different error, and its rather disturbing:

Validate /Users/CI/Documents/workspace/build3/MyApp.app cd /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/jobs/MyApp-MOCK-HourlyBuilds/workspace setenv PATH "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin" setenv PRODUCT_TYPE com.apple.product-type.application /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation /Users/CI/Documents/workspace/build3/MyApp.app warning: This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed, followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier: UXXXXXXXX.au.com.amp.blah.MOCK (-19054) Unable to validate your application. - (null)

This time is has actually picked up the proper bundle identifier!! It says MOCK it it. But it is complaining that this bundle is invalid... but it looks perfectly valid to me!! Why is it not working?

This is my entitlements.plist file that I manually created and added to the project (and reference in 'code signing entitlements'):

Any help would be greatly appeciated, many thanks!

P.S. I know that a way to get around this issue would be to create a different Target for each of my builds. But i dont really want this, as it is a pain maintaining multiple Targets. I really wanted to try and get away with this without having multiple Targets if I can.

P.S.S. I know another way to get around this issue is to sign the app initially with a .* provisioning profile and then resign the app after with the proper profile, however this does not work for me. As the executable file within .app still keeps references to the .* provisioning profile. And thus push notifications can never be picked up by this device. I get the “no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application” error.

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macos - 使用具有不同捆绑标识符的 Sparkle 更新 .app

我正在使用Sparkle将应用程序从 更新0.


当我测试下载此更新(通过 MyApp.app 内置的 Sparkle)时,它会下载更新,然后给我一个显示此消息的窗口:


除了让用户重新安装应用程序之外,还有其他方法可以让 Sparkle 识别旧应用程序CFBundleIdentifier并将其更新到新应用程序吗?

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macos - 尝试提交我的应用程序时卡在“导入开发人员资料”屏幕


在此处输入图像描述 我正在使用 XCode 5。

  1. 我在https://itunesconnect.apple.com/中创建 Bundle ID ‎</p>

  2. 我使用 Bundle ID在https://developer.apple.com/中创建 Mac App Id

  3. 我在 xcode 的 App Target 中使用了 Bundle Id

  4. 我在 XCode 5 的 Provisioning Profile 中使用了 Mac App Id(步骤 2)

  5. XCode 的代码标志说 - Mac 开发人员 - 这是我认为有问题的地方

我所做的只是 xcode > archive > validate,然后我得到了上面的屏幕


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xcode - 使用 Facebook API 捆绑 ID 错误消息进行 iOS 应用程序开发

我正在使用 Facebook API 开发 iOS 应用程序。该应用程序运行良好,但我开始收到以下错误;

“出现错误:fbplatse:{“message”:“服务器上未设置 Bundle ID”}。请点按“取消”返回 APPNAME 并重试。”



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app-store-connect - 上传新版 App In-App 和 Bundle 问题时



如果我使用通过通配符 id 创建的新证书,看起来我无法将其作为新版本上传,而是作为 itunesconnect 中的新应用程序上传。我现在应该怎么办,我无法上传我的新版本应用程序?