I've changed my app bundle id "com.mycompany.Appname" to "com.mycompany.appname", to be the same as the app subscribed to itunes connect.

But after changing the name in info.plist, when I try to validate in organizer I get the two following errors (Be aware of uppercases and lowercases):

Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically, value 'XXXXXX.com.mycompany.appname' for key 'application-indetifier' in 'Payload/Appname.app/Appname' is not supported. This value should be a string starting with your TEAMID, followed by a dot '.', followed by the bundle indetifier.

The executable at Payload/Appname.app/Appname in Payload/Appname.app has been signed with identifier 'com.mycompany.appname' which does not match the bundle identifier 'com.mycompany.Appname'.

Is like I've changed the bundle identifier but XCode still thinks that the app name is with uppercase.


2 回答 2


您必须使用与您用于签署应用程序的配置文件相关的 appID 的捆绑包 ID。尝试在开发门户中使用捆绑标识符“com.mycompany.appname”(与 plist 文件区分大小写完全相同)创建新的 appid,并使用它创建新的配置文件,然后使用该配置文件对您的应用程序进行签名。

于 2014-01-02T15:25:45.980 回答


单击Project Navigator左侧边栏中的项目。

  1. 转到每个目标的功能并检查那里没有任何问题。如果有问题,请单击“修复问题”。

  2. 检查每个目标,例如。Build Settings --> Product Bundle Identifier您在相应的 Info.plist 文件中具有相同的沙箱、生产或扩展目标(如 NotificationService) ,以及General --> Bundle Identifier


于 2019-09-19T08:10:11.380 回答