问题标签 [bresenham]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c - 带厚度绘制算法的圆

目前我正在使用 Bresenham 的圆绘制算法,它可以很好地绘制圆,但是我想要一种相对快速有效的方法来绘制具有指定厚度的圆(因为 Bresenham 的方法只绘制单个像素厚度)。我意识到我可以简单地绘制多个具有不同半径的圆,但我相信这将是非常低效的(效率很重要,因为这将在每微秒都很宝贵的 Arduino 上运行)。我目前正在使用以下代码:


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opengl - 使用 opengl GL_POINTS 的 Bresenham 算法非常慢

有没有办法加快速度?我来学习了,访问 Frame Buffer 本身可以很快做到。但我不知道如何......有没有办法在opengl中做到这一点?

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javascript - 比使用 Bresenham 算法更好的选线?

我在 HTML 画布上画线,并使用不太精确的二维数组(表示 10x10 像素的块),在其中我用 Bresenham 的算法“画”线来存储线 ID,所以我可以使用该数组来查看哪个线被选中。

这行得通,但我希望它更准确 - 不是我使用的 10x10 大小(我喜欢我不必完全点击线),但是当我在我的实际上绘制该数组的表示时画布,我看到有很多 10x10 块没有填充,即使线穿过它们:



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algorithm - 来自多个像素的线性方程或梯度 (m) 预测

我开始学习 Bresenham 算法,它沿着线补丁绘制离散坐标点。


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opengl - 使用 dda/bresenham 算法用 open gl 鼠标功能画一条线


我需要制作一个虚构的 10x10 数组并在其上映射点,然后连接这些点。窗口大小无关紧要。


而且我不允许使用 GL_LINES

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java - Implementing Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm

I have written an implementation of Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm. This algorithms takes advantage of the highly symmetrical properties of a circle (it only computes points from the 1st octant and draws the other points by taking advantage of symmetry). Therefore I was expecting it to be very fast. The Graphics programming black book, chapter #35 was titled "Bresenham is fast, and fast is good", and though it was about the line drawing algorithm, I could reasonably expect the circle drawing algorithm to also be fast (since the principle is the same).

Here is my java, swing implementation

This method uses the following drawPointmethod:

The two methods getNativeX and getNativeY are used to switch coordinates from originating in the upper left corner of the screen to a system that has it origin in the center of the panel with a more classic axis orientation.

I have also created an implementation of a circle drawing algorithm based on trigonometrical formulaes (x=R*Math.cos(angle)and y= R*Math.sin(angle)) and a third implementation using a call to the standard drawArc method (available on the Graphics object). These additional implementations are for the sole purpose of comparing Bresenham's algorithm to them.

I then created methods to draw a bunch of circles in order to be able to get good measures of the spent time. Here is the method I use to draw a bunch of circles using Bresenham's algorithm

Finally I override the paint method of the JPanel I am using, to draw the bunch of circles and to measure the time it took each type to draw. Here is the paint method:

Here is the kind of rendering it would generate (drawing 1000 circles of each type)

Bresenham and other methods

Unfortunately my Bresenham's implementation is very slow. I took many comparatives measures, and the Bresenham's implementation is not only slower than the Graphics.drawArcbut also slower than the trigonometrical approach. Take a look at the following measures for a various number of circles drawn.

What part of my implementation is more time-consuming? Is there any workaround I could use to improve it? Thanks for helping.

Comparing Bresenham to other implementations

[EDITION]: as requested by @higuaro, here is my trigonometrical algorithm for drawing a circle

And the method used to draw a bunch of trigonometrical circles

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javascript - 以通用方式从 ARC 中提取顶点

我想从 ARC 中获取所有顶点。我有用于绘制弧线的所有数据(例如:起点、终点、起点角度、终点角度、半径),但我需要从弧线数据中生成所有顶点。


我使用了 Bresenham 的算法,但我失败了。



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c++ - 抗锯齿 Bresenham 的生产线没有按预期工作

我正在尝试使用这篇文章实现 bresenham 的抗锯齿线条图:http: //members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html


不知道它是否会改变任何东西,但我将所有 int 都更改为 float。只是为了确保除法是否适用于浮点数。无论如何,整数结果是相同的。


结果如下: 在此处输入图像描述

如果我像这样将 y0 + sy 更改为 y0 - sy:



如果我像这样将 x2 + sx 更改为 x2 - sx:





几乎不错,但出现了一些漏洞。所以还是错了。我无法弄清楚,为什么它没有正确绘制。当我尝试没有抗锯齿的普通 bresenham 时,它可以正常工作。

同样重要的是,在我的例子中,我使用 cocos2d-x 纹理,所以 y 被翻转。这就是为什么我有这个方法:


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javascript - 在jQuery中调用函数返回错误的结果

如果在底部的 jQuery 函数之外调用,我有以下 javascript 代码运行良好。我不知道我做错了什么。



如果我输入:x0 = 1, y = 0 and x1 = 15, y2 = 9

它输出:["1,0", "11,01", "12,01", "13,011", "14,0111", "15,0111"]

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c++ - 画粗线有洞


它应该用颜色 (r, g, b, a) 和厚度 wd 从 (x1, y1) 到 (x2, y2) 画线。我在屏幕上移动手指时使用此方法进行绘图,因此我还添加了额外的参数“began”,表示它是触摸开始还是触摸移动。data 是一个像素数组。区域数据无关紧要。



可能会有一点压缩,但是您可以看到 2 个点,它们绘制得很好,并且由许多带有孔的“粗”线构建了一条曲线。


我试过: - 将 for 循环从 0 更改为 360(不是角度 90,角度 + 90)。- 使用圆形而不是地板 - 使用 sin 而不是 -sin(在我的情况下,y 无论如何都是倒置的) - 使用低于 1.0 的 _r,例如:0.05。

并且通过给定的固定厚度(在此示例中为 60 像素),无法设置诸如 _r 增量或角度之类的参数以不绘制没有孔。


这是从网站上获取的 drawLine 函数:http ://willperone.net/Code/codeline.php