问题标签 [area]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
html - 将 css 应用于区域地图
我为地图内的区域创建了一个非常大的地图,其中包含许多多边形区域(每个区域超过 20 个坐标)。但是,您不能将 css 添加到 AREA 标签,因为有人告诉我它不是可见元素。我想要做的是当用户将鼠标悬停在地图上的某个区域上时,我希望通过将 1px 边框应用于特定的 AREA 元素来“突出显示”它。有没有办法做到这一点?不,我不会使用矩形。
algorithm - 给定一组矩形,找出面积最小的 3 个边界矩形
我正在尝试使用最多 3 个区域来实现重绘区域,但想不出一种有效的方法来找到给定一组矩形的最佳区域集。
所以会有一组矩形,我需要计算最多 3 个产生最小面积的边界矩形。
黑色矩形是一组矩形,而红色矩形是产生最小可能区域的边界框(最多 3 个)。需要找出边界框的最佳组合。
ruby - Ruby 中的本地信使
我最近开始学习 Ruby 语言。我有一个想法,我想构建一个“Local Area Messenger”,它将是一个类似于 Skype 但在本地的网络应用程序,但我真的不知道该去哪里,如果有人有任何想法或“链接”......这会很棒。在此先感谢...干杯:)
linux - Notification Area Protocol does not work in GNOME or KDE (Ubuntu 10.10 attempted)
I cannot for the life of me get the freedesktop.xorg "system tray" protocol specification to work with GNOME or KDE, even though I think they both support it. Unfortunately, I have had the same frustrating failure trying to post this issue to the archaic freedesktop.xorg Gmane newsgroup archiver (allowing me only 80 characters to explain my problem). Based alone on that mentality, I'm not surprised the following fails.
These are the only two window/desktop managers I have attempted (both Ubuntu 10.10). I am using:
For GNOME, I get a little 2-pixel wide sliver next to my pandora "tray icon" when I execute the below program. For KDE, I get a gray icon. I would expect to see a non-uniform colored icon, or an all black icon, because I have only initialized the width and height of the buffer variable below, not the pixel values.
Unfortunately, after spending several hours on this, I have given up and decided not to support this feature. In case I'm just doing something stupid, I wanted to post this information here so others can learn from my mistake. Otherwise, if this is a bug, perhaps I will include this feature later when it is resolved. Regardless, I would be happy to try suggestions from others or attempt any lessons learned you may have.
I have referenced the following sites for guidance in resolving this (without solution):
I have more hyperlinks, but since I'm new to this site I am un-allowed to post them.
I am well aware there are other libraries to accomplish this such as gtk. For my scenario, that is not in the domain of acceptable solutions.
Here is the command I used:
And here is a generic program to re-create the problem (Ubuntu 10.10):
asp.net-mvc - 定位索引页面时的 w/Url.Action
第一次调用 Url.Action() 会产生/Admin/Reference/Index2。第二个调用产生/Admin/Reference,我猜是因为“索引”是默认标识符。
不幸的是,路由映射(我没有修改它,因为它是由 VS2010 生成的)当然会将第二条路由处理为对根区域中 Admin 控制器上的 Reference 方法的调用。路由解析器无法知道第二个链接实际上是用于管理区域中引用控制器的索引处理程序的。
一个明显的解决方法是在区域内的控制器中没有 Index 方法。但这似乎很难看。我对更好/更强大的方法感兴趣。
android - Android中的GPS区域
c - 计算C中二次轴和x轴之间面积的程序
我对整个编程都是新手,所以请耐心等待。我想制作一个可以计算二次轴和x轴之间面积的程序。现在我的代码只为函数设计,a 是积极的,c 是消极的。
问题是程序永远不会停止运行。我想做的是制作小方块并测量它们的面积(记住 LRAM 和 RRAM)。所以我在做的是(零+一点点)乘以y值(a *(y * y))+(b * y)+(c)))`
javascript - 如何使用javascript在IE中的表单中设置文本区域值
如果是 Firefox,我可以使用它在表单(提交问题)中设置文本区域(selectedtext)值,但在 IE 中失败。
document.submitquestion.selectedtext.value = txt;