AUTOSAR 中的通信可以采用两条主要路径:com 和 ldcom。我知道 ldcom 是更有效的 com 版本(通过删除大多数 COM 功能)。但是是否有任何一般规则/标准可以帮助决定坚持其中之一?



1 回答 1


If you are reimplementing all the features of Com within your SWC(s), then you are definitely using LdCom for the wrong reasons.

And if your SWCs now depend also too much on the definition of the network (e.g. you have to change your SWC always as soon as the network description changes), then you also using LdCom for the wrong reasons.

于 2021-10-24T21:40:17.240 回答