问题标签 [communication]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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wpf - 设计师和开发人员一起工作

WPF 和 Silverlight 丰富的演示功能意味着像我这样的开发人员现在将更频繁地与图形设计师密切合作,就像我的下一个项目一样。


例如,当我最近向设计师提到源代码控制时,我很快就被告知你不能对图形、图像等进行源代码控制,所以这是浪费时间。所以我回答:好的,但是 WPF/Silverlight 中的 XAML 文件呢?

Scott Hanselman 在播客中谈到了这个话题,但他更关注工具,而我对沟通问题/方面更感兴趣。

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c - 处理协议通信最常用的流控制是什么?

我正在重写代码来处理一些嵌入式通信,现在协议处理是在一个带有大 case/switch 语句的 While 循环中实现的。这种方法似乎有点笨拙。实现通信协议最常用的流量控制方法有哪些?

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communication - 任何来自 .NET 的成功的 profibus 通信?

有没有人从 .NET 应用程序中成功谈过profibus ?


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automation - 在 .NET 中创建一个通过 OPC 进行通信的应用程序从哪里开始?

在 .NET 中创建一个通过OPC进行通信的应用程序是从哪里开始的好地方?

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.net - 在 .NET 中使用 USB 设备

使用 .Net (C#),如何使用 USB 设备?

如何检测 USB 事件(连接/断开连接)以及如何与设备通信(读/写)。

是否有本地 .Net 解决方案可以做到这一点?

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communication - 管理数字干扰的有效方法



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communication - Do you chat online for work purposes?

I've worked with folks who are chatting online with their peers, constantly batting around ideas. I've also worked with folks who adamantly refuse and think it's a waste of time.

Are online live chatting forums of particular use to you? Why or why not? Internal to your company, or external and world-wide? Does your employer encourage or discourage their use?

Update: I see some people are voting this question down, yet so far all the answers have been positive, if with some reservations. If someone has a strong negative opinion (I hate online chatting and think it should be banned etc.) I'd really like to hear why.

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communication - 加强开发和质量保证部门之间团队合作的最佳方式?

我在一家软件开发公司的开发和 QA 部门担任系统管理员。我同样支持两支球队。最近有人问我一些关于如何改善团队间沟通的想法。

首先,从开发人员的角度来看,有哪些方法可以改善开发团队和 QA 团队之间的关系?


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communication - 沟通差距:用户与分析师-设计师

通常的做法是使用案例研究、构建工作流和数据流等。但这并不一定会在用户/发起人和分析师设计者之间创建一个共享词汇表:通常,两者都必须获得其他专业领域的“内部”的术语和观点,这通常会导致误解和会议澄清(输入 RAD 技术,如进化原型)等。



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tcp - LSL communications

Years ago I created a programming collaboratory in Diversity University MOO -- a room written in MOOcode that used TCP/IP to communicate with a perl server back at my campus to compile and execute C, Perl, Bash and other programs and return results to the MOO collaboratory -- all for demonstrating programming languages in a MOO teaching environment. The application is usually a romp in five or six languages and fun to play with. Now I'd like to do the same thing in SecondLife using LSL. The only suggestion I've gotten so far from that crowd is to use a WWW request, presumeably constructing an http POST message to a CGI process. I never cared much for html forms so I'd rather use TCP/IP or some other communications protocol. Has anyone tried this who'd care to provide a few hints? There are several good LSL demo sites in SecondLife but I'd like to demo other compiler and script languages, maybe even PowerShell. Dick S.