After watching the WWDC video on the accelerate framework, I saw that it had two packages called BLAS and LAPACK. When they talked about BLAS, it sounded like that wasn't what I wanted however, LAPACK, which they caption "Linear algebra package", sounds like it does what I want to do.

Could you use the second of these two frameworks, LAPACK, to perform functions such as solving equations, factorising, and other basic algebraic operations? - What puzzled me is when I looked in the apple docs, they have very little reference to LAPACK.

Apple Docs

As you can see here, they have docs on BLAS and not LAPACK

I would be grateful if someone who knows about the accelerate framework could enlighten me on the topic because I know nothing about it!


1 回答 1


LAPACK 和 BLAS 提供高性能数值线性代数例程。特别是,它们用于执行以下操作:

  • 将两个矩阵相乘
  • 求矩阵的特征值
  • 数值求解线性方程组(即,Ax = b 形式的方程,其中 A 是矩阵,x 和 b 是向量)。

从你的问题很难看出,但听起来你想做的是符号x^2 + 4x + 4代数,比如 因式分解(x + 2)(x + 2)。那正确吗?如果是这样,那么 BLAS 和 LAPACK 对您将没有多大用处。如果没有,你能澄清一下你想要解决什么样的问题吗?

请注意,BLAS 和 LAPACK 很少被 Apple 记录,因为它们是高度标准化的接口;已经有大量的公共文档在线和书籍形式可用。

于 2011-07-31T18:46:16.677 回答