I'm learning to use tidygraph and ggraph to plot social network data. I like it so far, but I can't figure out how to use color gradients to indicate edge direction while also mapping the color (that the gradient is based on) to an edge attribute.
Example data
edges_df <- tibble(from = c("A","A","B","C","C","D"),
to = c("C","B","D","B","D","A"),
edgewidth = c(1,3,3,2,4,1),
edgegradient = factor(c("red","blue","red","blue","blue","red")))
# I realize edge gradient could be any attribute, not necessarily the names of the desired colors.
nodes_df <- tibble(node_id = c("A","B","C","D"))
my_graph <- tbl_graph(directed = TRUE, nodes = nodes_df, edges = edges_df)
ggraph(my_graph %>%
activate(edges), layout = "linear", circular = TRUE) +
geom_edge_arc(aes(width = edgewidth, color = stat(..index..))) +
geom_node_label(aes(label = node_id), size = 10)
Here is the ggraph plot (since I'm new to SO, I can't embed the image).
What I want: Edges A->C, D->A, and B->D to be a red gradient, and edges A->B, C->B, and C->D to be a blue gradient. I have a feeling I'm confusing what geom_edge_arc's color aesthetic is doing versus what the scale_edge_color_* aesthetic does.
I like that ggraph uses the ggplot engine and similar syntax, so if at all possible, an answer using ggraph would be great. If not, that's okay.