我有一些治疗前后的数据,想看看配对数据,所以我转向ggpaired. 我能够让它与我的数据一起正常工作。(我模拟了一些与我正在使用的数据相似的数据,以便其他人可以弄乱它。)

size <- 28
a.d <- round(runif(size, 1, 4))
g.d <- round(runif(size, 1, 4))
s.d <- round(runif(size, 1, 4))
p.d <- round(runif(size, 1, 4))
a.f <- a.d + round(runif(1,-1,1))
g.f <- g.d + round(runif(1,-1,1))
s.f <- s.d + round(runif(1,-1,1))
p.f <- p.d + round(runif(1,-1,1))

df.t <- data.frame("A" = c(a.d,a.f),"G" = c(g.d,g.f),"S" = c(s.d,s.f),"P" = c(p.d,p.f),"V" = c(rep("D", size),rep("F", size)))


p <- list()
for(i in colnames(df.t[,-5])){
    d <- head(df.t[i],nrow(df.t)/2)
    d <- d[,i]
    f <- tail(df.t[i],nrow(df.t)/2)
    f <- f[,i]
    fin <- data.frame(draft = d, final = f)

    p[[i]] <- ggpaired(fin, cond1 = "draft", cond2 = "final", fill = "condition", line.color = "gray", line.size = 0.4, palette = "jco", xlab = "Draft version", ylab = paste(colnames(df.t[i]),"rating"), title = paste("Paired box plot of",colnames(df.t[i]),"ratings"))




这很好,但是我有很多值,例如,预处理的值为 2,然后处理后的值为 1,您无法用线条颜色将其真正可视化。在谷歌搜索时,我遇到了这篇文章,我认为这不是我需要的。我不知道表达这个问题的最佳方式,并不断寻找网络边缘线宽度的结果。

基本上,我想做的是:如果我有 11 个观察值从 3 到 2,我希望从 3 到 2 的线比从 1 到 0 的线更暗,只有 3观察,有点像我在 Paint 中做的这个非常快速的模型:




1 回答 1


你想要的当然是可能的,但使用ggpaired可能不是最直接的方法(免责声明:我不经常使用 ggpubr 包。)

ggpaired本质上是围绕底层ggplot2包的功能。如果你想改变事情的完成方式,改变底层函数是一种干净的方式。(如果您打算将来使用 R,那么深入浅出也是一种学习的好方法。)



df.t %>%
  mutate(pair.order = rep(seq(1, n()/2), times = 2)) %>% # add new column to keep track of pairs
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = A:P, names_to = "facet") %>% # convert data to long form so all 
                                                          # values are captured in one variable
  ggplot(aes(x = V, y = value, fill = V)) +
  geom_boxplot() +  
  geom_line(data = . %>%                             # further data manipulation for line layer
              tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = V) %>% # arrange values in pairs
              count(facet, D, F) %>%                 # & aggregate them for each treatment
              mutate(n = cut(n, breaks = c(0, 5, 10, Inf),
                             labels = c("n \u2264 5", "6 < n \u2264 10", "n > 10"))) %>%
              mutate(line.group = seq(1, n())) %>%   # add grouping identifier for line
              tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = D:F, names_to = "V"),  # return to long form
            aes(group = line.group, 
                colour = forcats::fct_rev(n)), # reverse category order for count
            size = 2) +                        # increase line size for easier comparison
  facet_wrap(~facet,     # split into 4 plot facets, one for each treatment
             labeller = labeller(facet = function(x) paste("Paired boxplot of", x, "ratings"))) +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c("draft", "final")) +
  labs(y = "rating", colour = "Number of\ncounts") +
  ggsci::scale_fill_jco(guide = FALSE) + # not showing legend since it's the same as x-axis
  scale_colour_grey() +
  theme_pubr() +
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        axis.title.x = element_blank())


于 2020-07-24T07:30:29.697 回答